Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ. 01/16/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Morning…Mark, MODS, and all of the wonderful Z Patriots

Member: RV there Yet???  LOL

MZ: There is a lot of news out of Iraq. According to the Iraqi press they are working hard on a change of value and deleting of the zeros.  Deleting the zeros does not mean just take the zeros off ….it means the dinar gains so much strength that you cannot use the bills with the 3 zeros on it….. This is good news for us. 

Member:  they need the lower denominations once the dinar revalues. 

MZ: Nader and MilitiaMan both dropped good videos . Be sure to go to their sites to watch them. They are talking about real steps for Iraq to ascend to the World Trade organization. They talked about after that how Iraq will be an influential international player. They talk about how this will be a huge boon for the Iraqi people and they will “reap the fruits soon”  or higher exchange rate.

Member: I thought that was done months ago……They sure can talk about something forever without really doing anything…can’t they?. 

Member: Lots of talk….no action…yet…Maybe this time they will actually do it. . 

Member: From everything Iraq is doing with so many different countries…..is Iraq international?????

MZ: “Liberation of the dinar from the official rate: Obstacles and Solutions”  They are again talking about the need to increase the value and adjust all the mechanisms to do so. They talk about killing the black market because the markets will determine the new rate. 

MZ: “Al Sudani arrives in Davos to push the “Development and Road Agenda”  He is pushing to be international in world trade. . 

MZ” Electronic payments would have prevented “The Theft of the Century”  This is why they are pushing so hard to get the cash out of the system .

MZ: Here is one from the CBI: “Instructions and Standards for the circulation and replacement of bank notes counting and sorting mechanisms”   The central bank is laying down the mechanisms for the deleting of the zeros. 

Member:  Does anyone know what the hold up is now? War threats??

Member: Sure looks to me like the cabal is trying hard to start WW3. Hope it does not delay the GCR.

Member: From Awake-in-3d:  Vietnamese Dong possibly to go before Dinar. Presently, what are your thoughts on this matter?

MZ: It’s possible but I highly doubt it due to the amount of Dong held by Iraq in their foreign currency reserves and the amount of Dinar held by Vietnam. It would cause a big trade imbalance if they did not go at the same time…..IMO…But it would be great for us that hold the VND  if they were to go first. 

Member:  Don’t care about which goes first, just want something to go. Even 1 to 1. Don’t care, anything will be a blessing! Please just go!!

Member: Everything at once, has to happen soon. Iraq is already in process. Praying this is the last week of the drama show.

Member:  Vietnam is very strong. Looking good!

MZ: Many of you are excited about this one….the new polymer dollars. We have been seeing this for 5-10 years now. We expect polymer and cool artwork. …They have nicknamed it “The rainbow currency” just because of all the colors. 

MZ: This is just an example but its very cool  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmtw8grnnUM

MZ: From Zerohedge: “ Former Central Banker: The world is heading towards a new monetary system that incorporates gold”  He is from the Central bank of Finland. We know the inevitability. This is where we are headed. 

Member:  I'm starting to think there's no white hats.   Just a distraction.

Member: I do not “Trust the Plan” anymore…….It has been way to long for it to be real. 

Member: I am trusting in BRICS…They seem to be the only ones going in the right direction. 

Member: Really hope this is still our month. 

Member: Stay positive and Wishing all a wonderful day

Member:  We are like Daniel in the Bible, Our Prayers have been heard, the moment we prayed! The answer is on its way ! It's been delayed, but, it can't be stopped! In Jesus Mighty Name.Amen.

Member: Thank you Mark for being there on top for information. We appreciate you.

Member: Be sure to listen to the replay for Mark’s guests information 

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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz 


 Global Currency Reset:

  • On Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers gave their individual access codes to the US Treasury, where they were locked into the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • On Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed QFS on the new Star Link Satellite System.
  • On Sat. 13 Jan. the SWIFT Home Page (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT)) said that the new ISO 2022 System (Digital Data Interchange between financial institutions) for payments was now live.
  • Mon. 15 Jan. MarkZ: There were rumors that bond folks were expecting liquidity overnight tonight.
  • On Tues. 16 Jan. we move to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system.
  • Texas Snake: Tier4b will receive notification around the first of next week and be able to set appointments starting Thurs. 18 Jan.
  • On Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the Globe not Basel 3 Compliant (have gold asset-backed monies) will automatically collapse. The Cabal owned JP Morgan, which is a shareholder in the Bank of International Settlements, was scheduled to file for bankruptcy.
  • https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/01/16/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-january-16-2024/

Advisor To The Prime Minister: Electronic Payment Enhances Economic Development Efforts, 16 JAN

 Advisor To The Prime Minister: Electronic Payment Enhances Economic Development Efforts

Economical 01/15/2024 Baghdad: Hussein Thaghab   The Executive Director of the Iraq Fund for Development, Muhammad Al-Najjar, said that the digital transformation that the country aspires to achieve represents the most important steps in the next stage, and an important axis of the development process that Iraq seeks.

He added to "Al-Sabah" that  developing performance within the Iraqi labor market is extremely important and a prominent focus in achieving goals, and that  the financial sector represents the size of the corner to make plans a reality, which requires the presence of an advanced financial sector that adopts advanced work mechanisms.

Al-Najjar explained that the  presence of an advanced financial sector that relies on advanced financial transactions is an attractive element for specialized global efforts, especially since  the Iraqi labor market is vast and accommodates great local and international efforts.

He explained that  the shift towards electronic payment carries many positives that secure the reality of financial transactions in Iraq, pointing out that the clear interaction between beneficiaries and electronic payment leads to the spread of these transactions on a wider scale in the country.

Executive Director of the Association of Private Banks, Ali Tariq, confirmed that there is a clear and tangible increase in the volume of daily payments through electronic payment cards, whether in government payments or the private sector, and that

the current year will witness the launch of the Iraqi National Company for the Management of Payment Systems, which contributes to facilitating government payments via the Internet.

There will be a wider spread of payment systems throughout institutions and the provision of broader programs to stimulate the use of electronic payment.

He said that  the directions of the government and the Central Bank provide a historic opportunity to stimulate and use electronic payment, as these trends witness a clear focus and the issuance of many decisions that serve to accelerate its use in a way that ensures expansion of its adoption, pointing out that

Iraq is witnessing for the first time decisions that serve the electronic payment process in the presence of an infrastructure. Infrastructure at the Central Bank, the banking system, and electronic payment companies. He pointed out that

the outside world has witnessed a major revolution in the field of electronic payment and a complete move away from cash dealing, as  it provides safe paths for funds and their transfer without any disruption.

In Iraq, electronic payment will expand to the extent that the benefits of the largest segment of society will be felt.

Tariq revealed that the number of electronic payment points has tripled during the year 2023, and

it is hoped that it will double to greater and greater levels in the coming period. He indicated that

last year witnessed a transition in expanding the use of electronic payment, as the collection project for government and private institutions was approved in the middle of last year, which was an important detail of the government program and within the strategy of the Central Bank of Iraq.

He stated that  electronic payment follows several paths, the most important of which is providing POS acceptance points in government institutions and private projects, noting that the number of cards today in Iraq exceeds 15 million cards of various types, and that issuing electronic payment cards is not a complicated matter.

Regarding the transition to fully adopting electronic payment, Tariq pointed out that the matter requires the presence of at least one electronic payment method in government and private institutions that guarantees easy performance for the citizen, pointing out that  all institutions now have devices that accept electronic payment, but the citizen is not forced to use it. Adopting this mechanism.

He pointed out that the most important challenges facing this matter are the need for broad education campaigns for all segments of society in order to achieve the widest spread after knowing the benefits obtained through electronic payment, which greatly reduces corruption and provides safe transactions.

As for the advisor to the International Smart Card Company, Ghazi Al-Kanani, he stated that the reality of electronic payment in Iraq is expanding greatly and the citizen is interacting with the services provided, especially with the continuous updating of products that have come to touch the citizen’s life and provide him with what meets his needs.

He pointed out that  the continuous development of electronic payment mechanisms and achieving universality in providing products represents a fundamental goal, as the global electronic transactions market is witnessing rapid and continuous developments, and work is continuing to benefit from these developments that contribute to the creation of new and important products.

He stressed that  the government’s directives and the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq support the process of transitioning to cash transactions, as they provide safe services and a clear flow of money paths, noting that developing the reality of electronic payment in Iraq represents an important step in support of achieving economic advancement.    https://alsabaah.iq/90422-.html



A political movement to present a compromise candidate for the presidency of the Iraqi Parliament, and Al-Ithawi is the closest, 16 JAN

A political movement to present a compromise candidate for the presidency of the Iraqi Parliament, and Al-Ithawi is the closest

Shafaq News/ An informed political source reported, on Monday, that there is a political movement to put forward a compromise candidate for the presidency of the Iraqi Parliament after the House of Representatives failed in the session the day before yesterday, Saturday, to choose a new president to succeed Muhammad al-Halbousi, who was deported by a judicial decision.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, “A political movement is taking place in the capital, Baghdad, in order to choose a compromise candidate for the presidency of the House of Representatives, with a personality acceptable to all Sunni and Shiite political parties.”

He explained, “The name currently being proposed is Yassin Al-Ithawi, who was previously Deputy Minister of Higher Education, but until now there is no final agreement and the dialogues are continuing unannounced.”

Yesterday, Sunday, the Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) received a lawsuit invalidating Shaalan al-Karim’s nomination for presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which included a request to issue a state order to stop the election session until the lawsuit is resolved.

The first round of voting for the new Speaker of the House of Representatives ended the day before yesterday, Saturday, with Al-Halbousi’s candidate, Shaalan Al-Karim, leading with 152 votes, and MP Salem Al-Issawi, the Sovereignty Alliance’s candidate, came behind him with 97 votes.

Later, the Iraqi Council of Representatives adjourned the session to elect a replacement for Muhammad al-Halbousi, Speaker of Parliament, whose membership was canceled by order of the Federal Court, after a quarrel between the representatives.




  there is no way Iraq can RV the Iraqi dinar with [120] trillion dinar in circulation. No country could afford. Iraq's total net worth is only around $16 trillon dollars.

 There is no significant RV of the Iraqi dinar.  And if the dinar does ever go up in value, it will be based on the success and growth of Iraq's own economy.  There are no shortcuts.

  Article:   "Ali Al-Alaq, the current governor of the Central Bank of Iraq confirms that Iraq's money supply exceeds 100 trillion dinar."

 If and when the Central Bank decides to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar more than likely it will be based on some type of gradual float as a result of the success and growth of Iraq's own economy and an increase in GDP.

I hope each and every one of you find success in this investment...It may take time.  It may  be another 1 to 5 years.  I certainly hope not but I believe things could happen quickly over the next 36 to 48 months.  It all depends on Iraq.  

 ...We all know things don't happen fast in Iraq. Iraq has a lot of work to do in order to succeed. The first of which is pass over 100 stalled laws through Parliament to encourage investment in Iraq.  And at the same time the Central Bank of Iraq has to continue reforms to the banking system, digitalization, and apply monetary tools to meet compliance .

 A country's exchange rate is the result of the success and growth of their own economy. When you have a weak economy, you have a weak exchange rate.  Until Iraq passes laws, diversifies their economy and increases their GDP, nothing will happen with the dinar.  When Iraq passed their tripartite  3 year budget a few months back, it created the conditions for them to diversify and privatize their economy over the next three years.   Now Iraq is on the clock to accomplish such.

There's a new article out that many people are translating and confusing. They are not talking about an RV in Iraq, they are talking about the spread being in compliance early next year. 

 Just a reminder the spread is the difference between the official rate and the market rate or street rate and has been way out of whack recently in Iraq. This article simply means they expect the spread to come down closer to the official rate early next year. There is no RV.

    A very important statement was made back in 2020 by the prime minister's economic advisor Mohamed Salah who used to be Deputy Governor of the CBI under Shabibi. He stated that Iraq's entire wealth including all minerals in the ground amounts to only $16 trillion dollars. Knowing that information one can then determine that there is no way a significant RV could ever occur with over 90 trillion dinar in circulation.  It doesn't make sense...

 They...have to have the dinar stabilized within the country and within the 2% rule mandated by the IMF in order to then accept IMF article VIII and begin to float the dinar which would raise its value based on supply and demand.  All of these processes and or steps required time.




  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...