Sunday, January 14, 2024

Awake-in-3D: Why the Vietnam Dong (VND) will Likely RV First, 14 JAN

 Awake-in-3D: Why the Vietnam Dong (VND) will Likely RV First, 14 JAN

Why the Vietnam Dong (VND) Will Likely RV First

On January 13, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

It’s no secret that the now, 10-nation BRICS Alliance will formally take serious measures to create and launch a gold-backed trade currency this year. As of this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin assumed leadership of the BRICS Alliance for one year.

Putin and the Russian Finance Ministry prepared and submitted proposals for a gold-backed trade currency ahead of the BRICS annual summit in 2023.

However, India was formally opposed consideration and China was reluctant as well. As such, the gold currency proposal was not officially included on the BRICS summit agenda for formal discussions.

Why the VND? Unless some major existential event occurs on a massive geopolitical scale, I see no realistic scenario for 180 nations to unanimously adopt a worldwide gold-backed currency system in the near future.

Now that Russia’s Putin is leading BRICS events and strategic initiatives in 2024, the gold trade currency will most certainly be taken up for Member consideration and debate this year.

Vietnam Applies for BRICS Membership

In 2023, Vietnam, along with fourteen other nations, formally applied for BRICS membership and their application has been officially accepted for consideration.

As far as our RV/GCR is concerned, the single most plausible scenario for the initiation of RV exchanges will begin with BRICS.


Because unless some major existential event occurs on a massive geopolitical scale, I see no realistic scenario for all 180 nations on the planet to unanimously adopt a worldwide gold/asset-backed currency system in the near future.

As much as I’d like to believe in the mythical NESARA/GESARA tenants being adopted worldwide, much less by the United States, there are serious questions as to the validity, or even the existence of the fabled NESARA program.

How a VND Exchange/RV Would Work for Us

Given that the most plausible and logical way for a country like Vietnam (or Iraq for that matter), to be able to pay for our exchanges at a significantly higher rate than today’s 24,000 VND to $1.00 USD rate, is for the current USD to be significantly devalued against the VND.

Think about it, if foreigners outside of Vietnam are holding many trillions of VND, at a new rate of say 1.00 VND = $0.10 USD (10 US cents), Vietnam would have to come up with literally trillions of US dollars to buy our VND at the new rate.

This is simply economically impossible given Vietnam’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) today is likely around $450 billion.

However, if the VND became directly convertible into a gold-backed global currency, the US dollar, along with all other fiat currencies would be extremely weak by comparison.

This is where the BRICS gold-backed common trade currency comes into play.

If Vietnam becomes a member of the BRICS Alliance, the VND would be directly convertible into the new, BRICS gold-backed trade currency and thus, by extension, the VND we all hold would be directly exchanged into the golden trade currency.

Furthermore, since the USD, Euro, etc., would be near worthless against the BRICS gold currency, we would have tremendous purchasing power in our home countries.

How much purchasing power?

That would depend on the ultimate structure of how BRICS would manage each of its member’s native currency to the new, gold-backed, common trade currency. Consequently, it’s not realistically possible to determine what our VND exchange value would ultimately be at this time.

What About the IQD?

The reason I speculate that the VND would RV before the IQD is simply because there have been no official announcements about Iraq applying to join the BRICS Alliance. I cannot simply state that Iraq has applied without direct evidence.

That said, in a recent BRICS press conference, Vladimir Putin stated that approximately 30 countries are in discussions to seek membership.

Certainly, it is highly probable that Iraq is one of those 30 countries. It is also understandable that Iraq (and BRICS) would want to keep Iraq’s application confidential for now given the tenuous, but ongoing relationship between the United States and Iraq.

Also, there is no hard rule that a country must wait for the annual BRICS Summit before it can participate within the BRICS Alliance, and/or utilize its forthcoming gold-backed currency.

I will be watching all this closely.

Iraqi Dinar✅Ali Al Alaq Said Finally Three The Project To Delete Zero Fr...

Iraqi lawmakers submit draft law to expel foreign forces, 14 JAN

Iraqi lawmakers submit draft law to expel foreign forces

Shafaq News/ A group of 88 Iraqi lawmakers submitted a draft law on Saturday to expel foreign forces, including all U.S. troops, from the country. 

The move comes amid a surge in tensions between Iraqi armed groups and the US-led coalition, which has been in Iraq since the 2003 invasion. 

"We, the members of the Iraqi parliament, are submitting a draft law to expel foreign forces from Iraq," said Lawmaker Falih al-Khazali at a press conference. "This is a result of the continued violations of Iraqi sovereignty by US forces, which have repeatedly targeted the headquarters of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and its leaders." 

Al-Khazali said that the draft law is necessary because Iraq no longer needs foreign troops. "We have a strong military and security forces that can defend the country," he said.



 Militia Man 

 Al-Alaq said he was going to delete the zeros/the project to delete the zeros off the exchange rate.  What did Al-Sudani say?  He said the dinar would be stronger than the dollar.  What did Salih say?    He said they were going to have a major announcement.  We're going to see if all three of those guys are telling the truth or not.  I have a feeling they are...

Accounting started January 1st.  Taxation in the dinar, commercial trading in the dinar was supposed to start on the 1st.  We're going to have to watch them expose how this rolls out.  
 Iraqi stock exchange soars 97%. The other day we talked about what 52% and that was a pretty bold statement for them to say that.  Now they're talking about 97% annual gain as an indication of economic upswing.. .

 The oil & gas law is a very important and is considered to be integral to the citizens needs and the economic development of the country. They stop short of telling us what came of the oil & gas law today. Why? 

...One reason would be that there is exchange rate sensitivity with respect to the law...An exchange rate to be one that is stronger than the dollar  (Per Al-Sudani) will help largely in that regard. So, yesterday they were focusing on the importance of this law and with urgency. A very good sign!!!

Iraqi stock exchange soars 97%. The other day we talked about what 52% and that was a pretty bold statement for them to say that.  Now they're talking about 97% annual gain as an indication of economic upswing...

The oil & gas law is a very important and is considered to be integral to the citizens needs and the economic development of the country. They stop short of telling us what came of the oil & gas law today.  Why?

 ...One reason would be that there is exchange rate sensitivity with respect to the law...An exchange rate to be one that is stronger than the dollar  (Per Al-Sudani) will help largely in that regard. So, yesterday they were focusing on the importance of this law and with urgency. A very good sign!!!

 Developing the market for the banking sector is huge because lookthe ISX shows that their index has been up about 52% in 2023...Why is that if Iraq is just status quo and it's just blah...?  It's not.

Iraqi Dinar | Official Announcement Iraqi Dinar RV and Exchange Rate | I...

Middle East Tensions Escalate: Israel and Iran at the Brink, U.S. on the Sidelines, 14 JAN

Middle East Tensions Escalate: Israel and Iran at the Brink, U.S. on the Sidelines

As tensions rise to a fever pitch in the Middle East, Israel and Iran find themselves on the precipice of conflict. With the U.S. sitting in the back seat, the situation raises hard questions about power, alliances, and the cost of war. Amidst this, Israel faces mounting legal challenges, and the Biden administration faces criticism for its stance on the Israeli-U.S. alliance.

The Chessboard of Conflict

The United States and the United Kingdom joined forces on January 11 to strike Houthi military facilities in Yemen, a move condemned by Iran. The Houthis, aiming to control all of Yemen, have continually threatened international shipping in the Red Sea.

Parallel to this, Israel’s military operations across Gaza City have faced serious backlash, with reports of civilian housing being targeted. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Israeli attacks since October 7 have caused at least 23,812 fatalities, including over 10,000 children.

The Web of Alliances

Israel’s actions have led to retaliatory attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels against vessels in the Red Sea, placing Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on high alert. Following these strikes, the US Treasury Department imposed sanctions on two companies for shipping Iranian goods to fund the Houthis.

Despite the escalating tensions, the likelihood of these strikes spiralling into a regional war remains limited. Iran, despite being an ally of the Houthis, does not appear eager to engage in a full-scale war, preferring to keep its involvement indirect. Allies of Iran have launched attacks from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, further internationalizing the conflict.

The Blame Game and the Road Ahead

The United States has been accused of operational involvement in the Houthis’ Red Sea attacks, an allegation that Iran denies, insisting that its allies make their own decisions. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, an ally of Bahrain, has called for restraint and avoiding escalation.

Amidst the turmoil, the Houthi’s power in Yemen has grown, prompting Saudi Arabia to hold peace talks in an attempt to step back from the war. However, the conflict continues to escalate with no clear end in sight, leaving the region hanging in a precarious balance.


 Fnu Lnu 

 [Response to Pimpy's Post 1-12-2024 below]

  ...Iraq is an "IMPORT COUNTRY" with, at this time, little to export except oil.  To rebuild the country, they will have to IMPORT almost everything they need so they WANT a very STRONG currency so they get much more for their Dinar...If they were an export country they would want a very cheap Dinar as is the case with Vietnam who profits from a vigorous export business due to cheap DONG.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...