Monday, December 25, 2023

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥Wooooo Hooooo🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉

Sudanese adviser on the dollar: The battle is nearing the end, 25 DEC

 Sudanese adviser on the dollar: The battle is nearing the end



 Article:  "Media Advisor to the Prime Minister: Our battle with the dollar is almost over"  THE SANCTIONED PROGRAM RATE IS ALMOST OVER!

The HCL is waiting for what you're waiting for, what the contracts are waiting for, what everybody's waiting for - the new exchange rate.  You see the new exchange rate you got the HCL automatically.  It has no choice but to come out hand in hand.  One feeds the other.  But only once can feed the other, not both ways.  It's not symbiotic. 
 Question:   " When we go to exchange is the removal of the 3-zero notes going to affect the value of our dinar? If you look at the American currency...we actually have a $500...$1,000...$10,000 bill...but after World War II our country become very powerful and we got rid of the 3 zeros just what Iraq is doing but we didn't do it physically.  We did it on our exchange rate... Those zero notes are still legal tender...

 The dollar is slowly going down in value inside of Iraq.  The Iraqi citizens are removing the dollar from their lives whether it be usage in commercial transactions, business, at the markets.  By doing that they're using their currency the way they were told to do.  That action is causing the dollar to lose ground and the Iraqi dinar to gain ground.

Irqq is a safe place ship all you goods 😀😀 BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Iraq is going through major changes.” Parliamentary Finance identifies 3 factors that control the 2024 budget, 25 DEC

 Iraq is going through major changes.” Parliamentary Finance identifies 3 factors that control the 2024 budget

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mudar Al-Karawi, identified three factors that control Iraq’s budget for the year 2024.

Al-Karawi said in a press interview seen by “Taqaddam” that “the volume of actual and total spending for Iraq in the year 2024 may exceed the current year, amid expectations of an increase in the exchange rate with the launch of more than 1,300 service projects nationwide,” pointing out that “the economic situation is recovering.” But very slowly due to accumulations extending over years.”

He added, “It is not possible to be certain from now that inflation will remain at its current levels, and it may decrease or rise, in addition to not confirming that a financial deficit in 2024 will be larger or smaller than the current year,” indicating that “Iraq is living with major changes after the Gaza war and its repercussions that have affected it.” “It began to be monitored through what is happening in Bab al-Mandab and other areas, and the possibility of expanding confrontations in the Middle East in general.”

Al-Karawi indicated, “The Finance Committee will hold a series of meetings with the Ministry of Finance and the rest of the institutions concerned with the economy at the beginning of next year.” To determine the expected deficit rates and what solutions are proposed,” he pointed out, “stability, oil prices that are compatible with the country’s needs, and exchange mechanisms are all factors influencing the 2024 budget.”

After a difficult struggle that extended for months, the House of Representatives voted on the general financial budget for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025 last June, after a series of sessions that extended until the early hours of dawn, which resulted in a tripartite budget, the highest in the history of Iraq, as it was described as “explosive” with a value of 198 trillion and 910 billion dinars.  link



  Article:  "A government source reveals the Sudanese measures to reduce the dollar to its official price"  IT IS BECAUSE THE IQD IS GOING UP IN VALUE AGAINST THE USD...NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!.

Have we not been saying to you over and over again look for it in the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a quarter...Iraq is on a fiscal calendar year.  January 1st to December the 31st. This is the end of a quarter.  It is all about the accounting.  It's all about the numbers.

 They were mopping up excessive liquidity.  That's the 3-zeros of the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar.  Even the dinar is a liquidity that had to be mopped up to collect the 3-zeros.  They have accomplished that enough, now they are collecting the American dollar from their market.

 As the days go by and we walk toward the 1st of this year IMO so far the monetary reform is keeping its word on their intent of adding value and introducing a new monetary system called the lower denominations.

The intent of the government of Iraq and the board of directors of the CBI is to eventually float.  We see this information in the art

They have told them [Iraqi citizens] a change is coming.  Do you need another clue?  Come January 1st what are the citizens supposed to do?

  What are they supposed to use?  Should they continue to use a worthless currency?  Should they continue to live in misery, poverty, when they were promised other things Iraq will be another Dubai.  What more can the CBI do after the first?  Reinstate and float.  That will make the Iraqi citizens very happy...  

 Why only [spend] 20% [of their budget] in 11 months?  IOO they're waiting for a new exchange rate.  They're going to use their currency...

pressure will be reduced on the citizens by adding value to their currency...Stop using the dollar on January 1, 2024 because the monetary reform education is the key and we're telling you what we are doing. 

 IMO they are telling them all so they will understand where the monetary reform process is at at this moment.

They have told them [Iraqi citizens] a change is coming.   Do you need another clue?  Come January 1st what are the citizens supposed to do?  What are they supposed to use? 

 Should they continue to use a worthless currency?  Should they continue to live in misery, poverty, when they were promised other things Iraq will be another Dubai.  What more can the CBI do after the first?  Reinstate and float.  That will make the Iraqi citizens very happy... 

 Why only [spend] 20% [of their budget] in 11 months?  IOO they're waiting for a new exchange rate.  They're going to use their currency...pressure will be reduced on the citizens by adding value to their currency...Stop using the dollar on January 1, 2024 because the monetary reform education is the key and we're telling you what we are doing.  IMO they are telling them all so they will understand where the monetary reform process is at at this moment.

 Why only [spend] 20% [of their budget] in 11 months?  IOO they're waiting for a new exchange rate.  They're going to use their currency ...pressure will be reduced on the citizens by adding value to their currency...

Stop using the dollar on January 1, 2024 because the monetary reform education is the key and we're telling you what we are doing.  IMO they are telling them all so they will understand where the monetary reform process is at at this moment.

 The 1st of January is when no other currency will be used by Iraqi citizens inside the country except their own currency.  Don't you think that's a clue!  They are pretty much telling you without telling you.  Can you pick up on this intent?  You don't have to be a detective to pick up on a clue like this!

Iraqi Dinar Conversation!!! | Responding To Comments From Community!!


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...