Monday, December 18, 2023

The Prime Minister’s Media Office: The government succeeded in implementing a constitutional entitlement that had been suspended for 10 years, 18 DEC

 The Director of the Prime Minister’s Media Office, Rabie Nader, confirmed today, Monday, that the government succeeded in achieving an important achievement, as it implemented a constitutional entitlement that had been suspended for ten years, while pointing out that the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, provided effective implementation of the phrase “one distance.” “From everyone.”

In his blog post on the “X” platform, Nader confirmed that the government today implemented one of its most prominent commitments, related to the executive axis of the ministerial curriculum, which the House of Representatives voted on in the confidence session on October 27, 2022, explaining that this achievement also included procedures. Executive plan for the government program voted on by the Council of Ministers on December 12, 2022.

Nader added that the government was also able to hold the Kirkuk elections, which had been stalled since 2005, pointing out the failure of all previous attempts to achieve this.

He stressed that the importance lies in the Prime Minister’s ability to achieve a balance between political competitors without favoring one party at the expense of the other, noting that this exercise of neutrality occurs for the first time, not only in speech but also in action.



  Today on Monday Iraq is holding their elections.  What does this mean to us?  According to Iraq's Central Bank removing corruption is the absolute minimum requirement for Iraq to be eligible to revalue their currency...These are the provincial level elections.  It's the second half of the government.  They already completed and held all their federal elections in October of last year...These elections are critical to the country to move it forward...

 You'll be able to go to 53rd Bank on the east coast [to exchange your dinar].   I've already consulted with them.  You'll be able to exchange your foreign currency there and they won't charge you any fees to exchange your foreign currency..

 The reason why there's no news coming out of Iraq is because Iraq is done with everything.  They finished everything needed to revalue.  They're ready to revalue but they can't and they're not going revalue immediately because they have to clean up corruption.  Article:   "Al-Halbousi faces 4 criminal charges after the end of his presidencyBoom!... Halabousi is going to be facing 4 criminal charges.

 In order for the 2023 budget to be implemented Iraq needed to have publicly posted in the Gazette the budget operating instructions.  They never did that.  That step never happened... Iraq has not implemented its '23 budget that's why they have to resort to financing salaries and have done so since July...If they had an active budget they would not need to  finance.

    You're like, why hasn't Iraq revalued?  They've gotten everything done?'  And they do!  Iraq has everything done.  They're ready to revalue but they're not going to revalue till they tackle corruption...They have to remove this corruption.

Iraqi DinaršŸ”„1st January Is Going To Be A Big Step For RevaluationšŸ”„iraqi ...


Sat. 16 Dec. from a trusted Military Source:

Mon. 18 Dec: RV begins for Tier4b;
Wed. 20 Dec: Iraq has from Wed. until end of month to spend their 2023 budget;
Thurs. 21 Dec: Banks open to exchange currencies including Dinar;
Five days after RV begins the public will have access to Med Beds.

Sun. 17 Dec. Octavia on Telegram:

This is true. The new money is in the vaults. I was there (accounting job) at the bank and opened the door for the guy that was delivering the new money. It’s been locked up for a long time. The banks are just waiting for the US Treasury to say GO.

Iraq thinks of increasing oil supplies to China to fund additional projects, 18 DEC

Iraq thinks of increasing oil supplies to China to fund additional projects, 18 DEC

Baghdad ( – A senior Iraqi official revealed that Iraq is thinking of expanding its crude oil supply to China by 50 percent as part of their historic oil-for-project arrangement to encourage Chinese businesses to embark on more projects in the country.

Iraq signed a 20-year deal in 2019 to provide Chinese companies with 100,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil in exchange for supporting projects in Iraq.

Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, the finance advisor to Iraq’s Prime Minister, said that the Iraqi government is thinking of raising oil supplies to China to 150,000 bpd, and all the funds made from these deliveries would go toward funding initiatives that are part of the budget, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported.

Saleh indicated that Chinese companies have carried out several projects in Iraq under the terms of the 2019 agreement, including the construction of 1,000 schools, the development of the Nasiriya city airport, the construction of power plants, and other projects.

The Iraqi official explained that Chinese construction companies are about to start initiatives to construct several new hospitals in Iraq. 

Chinese contractors will also carry out a sizable housing project for low-income Iraqis as part of the 2019 deal, which is now in the research stage.





‘Say Goodbye To The US Dollar’ – Jan 1 All ATMs Will Be Full Of ‘The New USTN (United States Treasury Notes) Currency’ – Gold Backed šŸ™‚

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 17-Dec-2023 18:47:36

Most of the sheeple are oblivious to this new currency change. And most sheeple do not hold currency for the RV/GCR coming soon.

However any American Citizen over 18 gets a QFS account in your name and it will come loaded with millions of dollars. More is coming soon after. Prosperity. Something we know little about. lol Get ready.

Iraqi Dinar Internal Float Puzzle, CBI's Swift Ant-Like Movements Toward...

MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...