Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Iraq Asserts Commitment to Sovereignty Amidst International Tensions, 12 DEC

 Iraq Asserts Commitment to Sovereignty Amidst International Tensions

As the world navigates a complex web of international relationships, Iraq’s Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani, has publicly reaffirmed his country’s commitment to maintaining its sovereignty and ensuring the safety of advisors and diplomatic missions on its soil. This assertion comes amidst a backdrop of unspecified events potentially infringing on Iraq’s sovereignty, highlighting the delicate balancing act that the nation must perform on the global stage.

A Message of Assurance

In a statement that strongly emphasized his government’s dedication towards safeguarding the country’s reputation, Prime Minister Al-Sudani pledged to protect diplomatic missions, rejecting any violation of Iraq’s sovereignty. This vow reiterates Iraq’s dedication to uphold international norms, thereby promising to deal with any perpetrators of attacks on missions in accordance with the laws and the security interests of Iraq.

Unspoken Tensions

While the specific incidents prompting this declaration were not detailed, it is noteworthy that U.S. military bases in Iraq and Syria have recently become targets of attacks by armed Shiite militias. This suggests a retaliatory response to U.S. support of Israel in the ongoing conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. As such, this situation underlines the complexity of Iraq’s position amidst international tensions and conflicts.

International Relations in the Spotlight

Prime Minister Al-Sudani’s conversations with British Foreign Minister David Cameron further underscore Iraq’s commitment to international diplomacy. The prime minister confirmed Iraq’s resolve to protect diplomatic missions and pursue perpetrators of attacks, expressing Iraq’s refusal to tolerate any violation of its sovereignty. Cameron expressed his appreciation for Iraq’s stance, signaling a mutual ambition to develop relations and expand partnership horizons.

Indeed, as Iraq navigates a complicated geo-political landscape, it faces a multitude of challenges. It finds itself caught between Iran and the U.S. as Iran-backed factions in Iraq have launched attacks on U.S. military facilities. This delicate situation, coupled with Iraq’s reliance on the U.S. for aspects such as electricity from Iran and foreign currency reserves, presents a challenging scenario for the Iraqi government. As the world watches, Iraq remains at a crossroads, endeavoring to maintain its sovereignty while balancing international relations.


Lebanese Source Accuses Israel of Deliberately Targeting International Forces, 12 DEC

 Lebanese Source Accuses Israel of Deliberately Targeting International Forces

In a major development, a leading Lebanese political figure has pointed an accusing finger at Israel, alleging a deliberate targeting of international forces (UNIFIL) and Lebanese Army units stationed in South Lebanon, specifically south of the Litani River. The accusation surfaces amid claims that these attacks were not incidental but premeditated.

Israel’s Alleged Double-Barrelled Message

According to the source, Israel’s repeated aggressions are a calculated attempt to relay two significant messages. The first is aimed at UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, a response to his invocation of Article 99. This article warns of the perils to civil peace posed by Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza, its impact on Red Sea maritime navigation, the Houthi’s prevention of Israeli-flagged or Israeli-owned ships from sailing, as well as the bombardment targeting American military bases in Syria and Iraq.

The second message seems to target the Lebanese Army’s leadership, with an attack resulting in the death of a corporal and the injury of four soldiers.

Multiple Purposes Beyond Accusation

The source implies that Israel’s actions serve multiple purposes beyond mere accusations of collusion between Lebanese Army units and UNIFIL. This is despite the fact that Hezbollah and some Palestinian factions allied with the ‘Axis of Resistance’ have launched rockets at Israeli settlements in Northern Occupied Palestine, near the Lebanese border, without any intervention from UNIFIL or the Lebanese Army to prevent them.

European Envoys’ Advice and UN Resolution 1701

Interestingly, European envoys to Lebanon have advised against being lured into the war from Gaza to the northern front, warning of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s potential to provoke Lebanon into a war. The envoys have also emphasized the importance of abiding by UN Resolution 1701 and do not suggest any amendments to it.

However, the political path to implementing Resolution 1701 remains unclear, considering the escalating military confrontation between Hezbollah and Israel along the northern front. This situation pushes towards violating the rules of engagement without leading to any modifications of those rules as long as the situation remains under control.


We Learn the REAL Reason for Iraq Iran Unbalanced Relationship BY SANDY INGRAM

Coffee with MarkZ. 12/12/2023

Tuesday Morning Pre-Recorded News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


MZ: Rumble was down this morning so the stream will not be there.

MZ: Good Morning. I was sure hoping for more news than we have. As you watch this I am probably sitting at the airport.

MZ: It was quiet overnight but, we continue to get reports of funding of groups but nothing distributed yet. 

MZ: There is nothing negative. Some folks are still thinking it will happen mid-month while others think it will be the first of January. Either way –there is nothing negative right now. In fact everything is very positive. 

MZ: Mr. Cottrell has not been paid yet. 

MZ: If there is any more news I will try to pop back on and let you know. Be safe. See everyone live tomorrow morning. 

Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

GUYS YOU CAN FIND ALOT OF INFO AT MARK'S WEBSITE: GO TO: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM


Banks Rally behind Foreign Exchange Market Reforms to Prevent Currency Devaluation, 12 DEC

 Banks Rally behind Foreign Exchange Market Reforms to Prevent Currency Devaluation, 12 DEC

In an effort to stave off possible devaluation of the local currency, the banking sector has made a resounding commitment to back all foreign exchange market reforms. This pledge was announced by the president of the Association of Banks and Financial Entities (Abef) during the closing of the ‘week of the banker’.

Triple-digit Inflation and the Lure of the US Dollar

Argentina’s economy is grappling with the impact of triple-digit inflation, leading to a surge in the appeal of US dollars. This is a direct result of the peso’s significant depreciation. Some have proposed the abandonment of the peso in favor of the US dollar as the official currency, a suggestion that has been met with mixed reception.

Rising Inflation and Exchange Rate Pressure in Bangladesh

The high non-performing loan (NPL) situation in Bangladesh’s banking sector is cause for concern. Measures have been taken by the central bank to address this issue, including amendments to the Bank Company Act, 1991, which have raised economists’ eyebrows. Escalating NPLs pose a threat to the banking sector, risking capital erosion and tarnishing bank reputations. The situation is further exacerbated by inflation and exchange rate pressure.

Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) Weighing on Banks

Humaira Azam, the managing director of Trust Bank Limited, has voiced concerns over the ineffective measures addressing the high growth of NPLs. A variety of factors contribute to the persistence of NPLs, such as non-cooperation from borrowers, fund transfers, challenges in assessing collateral security, and a lenient loan rescheduling policy. Azam highlighted the need for efficient supervision and monitoring of advances from pre-disbursement to recovery, ensuring proper fund utilization.

The Impact of Devaluation on Iraq’s Economy

The Central Bank of Iraq has devalued the national currency against the US dollar by almost 20 percent in response to the financial crisis triggered by low oil prices amid the coronavirus pandemic. This move has sparked public outrage, with concerns that it will exacerbate the economic difficulties faced by Iraqi civilians.

Risks and Implications of Currency Devaluation

The article also discusses the risks and implications of currency devaluation, drawing on examples such as the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe and the US Federal Reserve’s response to the pandemic. The US dollar’s status as the global currency and its influence over global trade and multilateral institutions are highlighted as key factors in the ability of the US to print money and raise the debt ceiling, while developing nations struggle with inflation and debt.



 Bearded PatriotUSA

Telegram post

Forwarded from Wolverine:


I just had a meeting with two friends who work within the payment program.


1- Nothing is left in the hands of the managers.

2- Everything is now in the payment phase through authorized banks.

3- Since yesterday, very important changes and adaptations have been made to make everything more precise, faster and safer.

4- All the escrow accounts of all the people who will receive have already been opened.

These are accounts that no administrator has access to.

Only the account holder will be able to access it.

5- An Escrow account is as if each person owned a private bank, since it works as a financial platform. (People usually don’t know what this is like yet and will need to learn.

However, it is simple and easy and you can do it using your cell phone or computer at home.

6- Now the phase of sending the CALLS to all the people called planned or contributed will begin.

This will be done via email and SMS.

This is an appointment for the person to appear at a specific bank branch to speak with the manager.

There he will sign contracts, receive a credit card and can download a certain amount to his usual account for immediate use in a conventional way.

Finally, you will receive all the instructions on what you can or cannot do with your securities.

7- All this will happen from now on.

8- But everything will be done in the utmost secrecy, if the person starts to talk, to tell, especially through social networks, whoever it is, their values ​​will be blocked with no possibility of reversing the process.

For now, that’s basically it. In reality, everything is published, the World Bank codes are received and entered into the system.

So we can say IT’S REALLY OVER!!!

Now it’s just a matter of a little more patience and that’s it.

By: Pedro S. Cru.

Now you can open your champagne, change your life drastically, and prepare to help your neighbor.


Let’s go!

Iraq Dinar - Fix to the Global Financial System BY MILITIAMAN


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...