Monday, November 20, 2023

Gold Silver and Crypto update for 11/19/23 = 25 tonnes of gold in one week BY PIMPY

Chinese Foreign Ministry: We are actively participating in rebuilding the Iraqi economy, 20 NOV

Chinese Foreign Ministry: We are actively participating in rebuilding the Iraqi economy

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed, on Monday, that Beijing is actively participating in rebuilding Iraq's economy, and is ready to coordinate and expand joint work with the Iraqi side.

 The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Mao Ning, said about the Chinese company “PetroChina” taking over the position of the American company “ExxonMobil” in the Qurna field in Basra: “We are ready to make joint efforts with the Iraqi side to advance continued practical cooperation in various fields between the two countries.”
She pointed out that "China and Iraq have a friendly relationship, and China, as a true friend of Iraq, has actively participated in rebuilding the Iraqi economy."

She added that China had "positive participation in economic and social development, and this was widely praised by the Iraqi government and people."   link  

Parliamentary wealth calls on the government to send the oil and gas law, 20 NOV

  Parliamentary wealth calls on the government to send the oil and gas law

The Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee of the House of Representatives called on the government to expedite sending the oil and gas law to the committee in order to study and approve it to control the pace of revenues from the sale of oil.

Committee member Nazem Al-Shibli stated that “95 percent of the Iraqi budget depends on oil revenues, and there are major failures due to the failure to legislate the oil and gas law, which, if legislated, will control the pace of oil revenues issued by the regional government.” 

He added, in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Al-Iqtisad News,” that “the stage requires documenting the law and intensifying the Oil and Gas Committee’s oversight of the performance of the Ministry of Oil, which there were many comments on its performance, and it requires the intervention of the Prime Minister to control the work of agents and general managers in The Ministry of Oil, which we consider an unconvincing performance.”

Al-Shibli explained that there are “obstacles within the oil and gas law itself, including the condition of selling from SOMO, and the committee is waiting for the government to send the law to control the rhythm of oil revenues, because oil is a natural wealth for all the Iraqi people, but the difference in authorities affected the legislation of the law, especially since passing the law is the solution.” “The only way to unify wealth,” noting that “there are great indicators of the performance of the Ministry of Oil.”

For her part, a member of the Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee, Thanaa Al-Rubaie, indicated in an interview with “Al-Sabah” that “the failure to approve the oil and gas law negatively affected the pace of development of the oil sector and led to major losses to the budget,” stressing that “the committee calls on the government and the blocs “The policy is to resolve agreements on the oil and gas law and approve it in order to control the pace of the oil sector and intensify work on it because it is the basis of the budget.” 

She explained, “The committee, through its supervisory position, and according to the information it received, contaminated oil was sold due to money laundering,” confirming, “a subcommittee was formed to follow up on the sale of contaminated oil, and recommendations were made, including exempting officials in the Ministry of Oil from selling contaminated oil.”

She stated, "The committee, over the course of 6 months, followed up on the issue and made major decisions. Therefore, the committee in this parliamentary session is considered effective and strong. The subcommittee received the support of the Prime Minister and came up with important and useful recommendations. The employees concerned were diagnosed with selling the contaminated shipment and they were exempted and transferred."

To the judiciary, while it was proven after research and review that the process is money laundering,” and she continued, “

The committee is working with the Ministry of Oil to move and develop the gas investment file, and there is a sixth licensing round for gas investment link

Coffee with MarkZ and Bob Lock. 11/20/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Monday  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Bob Lock. 11/20/2023

Member: Good morning…..Hope you had a terrific weekend each and every one of you.

Member:  Morning all….is this our week?

Member:  hearing lots of news about this week… praying it is all true

MZ: This was a very interesting weekend. Multiple redemption center contacts say they DID WORK THIS WEEKEND………not for redeeming people but for training new people to fill out their rosters. This to me is a very big deal. 

MZ: They have always kept a tight skeleton crew in order to control information and chatter……so according to my sources and other people’s sources…..they were training more teller level individuals over the weekend in foreign currency and exchange procedures. . This is absolutely exciting news. 

MZ:  So redemption center folks were spending their Saturday and Sunday in preparation for our exchange. Very exciting. 

MZ: This means we are close enough that they are willing to risk employees talking. These are the same people that have been trained and  told us for years that nothing is going to happen…..and the RV is a scam…..all those things….Now they are bringing them in to train them for exchanges…..You can only imagine how upset some are after being told for years not to buy currency – it will never happen….and now being trained to exchange us. 

MZ: I believe they just exponentially exposed themselves to leaks….This tells me how extremely close we are. We have to be for them to take those measures. 

Member: If I was working in a bank and just told the RV is real…I would be buying every dinar and dong I could get my hands on….

MZ: Exactly…..They were sure trying to keep that a secret until the very end.  So do they give them a limit or make them sign some kind of NDA???? I wonder how they will handle it.  Hopefully I get the answer soon. 

Member:  I heard that things are supposed to be happening 72-96 hours from yesterday..

Member:  Judy B reports: Global Currency Reset Green Light Activated Fri. Midnight 17 Nov. 2023, EBS To Be Active Wed. 22 Nov. 2023

MZ: In Iraq: “Change of business dealings- Iraq replaced dollar with currencies to stabilize the dinar.” In other words “De-Dollarization”  They want to be totally dollar free by Jan. 1st. All part of creating a basket of currencies that will help support the dinar. Something to measure against other than the dollar. 

MZ: “Argentina’s new president wants to adopt the US dollar as national currency”  Why is this important? He is a libertarian economist and has noticed they have lost massive value (143 percent) due to inflation. This is one of the world’s highest levels of inflation and uncontrolled money printing by the government. Since the US is the world’s reserve currency this would be a similar move as the US moving to gold. 

MZ: By them moving to US dollars they would not have a central bank anymore…..Then the government cannot deficit spend…..and have the central bank write IOU’s. So here is another leader recognizing that overprinting and irresponsible government spending is the cause of all these things. When the US goes gold-backed –Argentina will too. 

MZ: “ Gold Price Forcast: Expect new highs amidst growing recession concerns”  More and more experts expect gold prices to break out because of it..

MZ: We talked about the Dutch on Saturday and how they are preparing for a new worldwide gold standard.  These are the central banks telling us what is coming. This is the reset we have been talking about. 

Member: The rumor is Once they start talking about these things in public….it is already done. 

MZ: “ France to join BRICS countries” Macron has officially asked for an invite for this year. Putin has said they have an invitation to come to the meeting….but not necessarily an invitation to join BRICS…yet. But, the Euro countries are starting to fracture. 

MZ: “Chinas economy teeters, Massive stock market losses…Is a crash imminent?” Along with that we expect some bad news about Citibank today. 

MZ: “China and Saudi Arabia sign joint currency swap agreement”  Saudi Arabia  was once ruled by the Petrodollar…now doing currency swaps with Saudi Rials (sp?) and the Yuan…...Saudi Arabia  is the second largest oil exporter to China besides Russia. …This is big news. .

Member: What is your gut saying today Mark?

MZ: My gut is screaming that we are on the precipice …I think my Iraqi contacts are right and we will see it before Dec 1st. 

Member: Nothing would make more thankful than an RV for Thanksgiving!

Member: This Event is going to be a Rags to Riches for probably so many of us

Membeer:  It’s crazy when you think about it,,, who’s gonna re stimulate the market???… WE will…with all the shopping we’re going to do!

Member: Thanks Mark and Bob….fingers crossed this is our big Exchange week!!

Bob Lock joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information.




Iraqi Dinar🔥Iraq Done With Immediately Revalue Of Iraqi Dinar Today 2023...



 [via PDK]  “Iraqi Prime Minister orders a reform of the Iraqi banking sector” He goes on to address exchange rates.

 “Iraqi financial expert predicts decline in dollar exchange rate.” 

He expects the dinar to continue to gain strength against the US dollar. “BRICS: Iraq to ditch US dollar for imported goods”  They are looking to start their own “free trade zone”  for selling local goods in their own currency. With a steep discount for the goods. So by using the dinar they get a better deal on these products. This is part of de-dollarization.

  In Iraq:  “Iraq joins EBRD, becoming the 74th shareholder announces foreign ministry

  This is the European bank for Reconstructions and Development. This is a major worldwide organization and bank. They are not doing this for some third world country. Iraq applied to be a member in 2018. But, they waited until now to bring them on board.Does this tell you anything ?

 I believe it tells us we are about to see a currency change. If they are joining an international organization they are going to need an international currency. 

 The big “Parliament convenes Special Session as alliance nominates three successor candidates to Al-Halibousi

 The overwhelming agreement is that Halibousi has been a major roadblock especially on the 3 paragraphs of the HCL…

the Kurds and Baghdad. So they removed Al Halibousi who was wildly considered to be a roadblock and kept us from getting across the finish line with the HCL law. From my sources I feel very confident that he was the roadblock. It is very encouraging that he was removed and is being replaced. They continue to tell me they want this done by Dec. 1st. Let’s pray and hope this is accurate.

Iraq’s President Rashid Officially Welcomed in Azerbaijan: A Testament to International Diplomacy, 20 NOV

 Iraq’s President Rashid Officially Welcomed in Azerbaijan: A Testament to International Diplomacy

Today marked an auspicious day for international diplomacy as Iraq’s President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid was officially welcomed in a grand ceremony hosted by the Republic of Azerbaijan. The importance of this event extends beyond the formalities; it underlines the ongoing relations and cooperation between Iraq and Azerbaijan, highlighting the crucial role international diplomacy plays in fostering bilateral ties.

Ceremony Highlights

The ceremony involved a display of diplomatic etiquette and goodwill gestures, reflecting the mutual respect between the two nations. The event kicked off with Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, extending a warm welcome to President Rashid. The national anthems of Iraq and Azerbaijan resonated through the air, symbolising the harmony between the two nations.

Arrival and Reception

President Rashid arrived at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport, which was adorned with the national flags of Iraq and Azerbaijan, signifying their shared respect and camaraderie. An honor guard was lined up in recognition of the Iraqi President’s stature. He was officially welcomed by Azerbaijani First Deputy Prime Minister Yagub Eyyubov, Deputy Foreign Minister Samir Sharifov, and other high-ranking officials, marking the commencement of his official visit.

Symbolism and Significance

This ceremony is more than a mere diplomatic formality; it’s a testament to the enduring relations between Iraq and Azerbaijan. The exchange of official greetings between the host country’s officials and the visiting dignitary underscores the mutual understanding and cooperation between these nations. As the global community continues to grapple with numerous challenges, such diplomatic engagements serve as a reminder of the importance of international cooperation and diplomacy.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...