Thursday, November 9, 2023


 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Oil and Gas law by the 9th…or have to wait…Without the Oil and Gas no rate until 2024.

FRANK: You say, without the HCL you will not have an exchange rate until January 1st?  I can agree with you to a certain point… IMO Between now and January 1 you will see what you want…They already gave you a clue – The dollar will stop on January 1st…

[Community Member Bank Story]

I believe banking experiences are driven by the individual location and especially the training level of the bankers.   I mentioned my investment to a baker at Chase yesterday, and she immediately dug out a “Private Client” business card, different than the one on her desk. She said “When that happens, call me.”

Coffee with MarkZ. 11/09/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ Thursday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions


Member: Is today the day! Hope Mark has good news!!!

Member: Charlie Ward always thought it would happen on a Thursday!! Let’s hope it does. 

MZ: I am still getting Friday night through  Sunday morning from nearly all of my contacts….to expect the release of bonds ect…..Let’s hope they are accurate. Things are looking very good, but manage your expectations. 

MZ: I am being told that Iraq on Friday is expected to join the World Trade Organization and that they have a fully international currency. This means a lot needs to happen in the next 24-36 hours.   We are going to watch it closely. 

Member: Isaac is saying he is waiting for a very important CC today. 

MZ: He is not the only one on the bond side that is waiting for that update…As I understand it – it is to update them on if they are still on schedule  for the anticipated economic receipt…..meaning they will be able to spend their money without any restrictions. 

Member:  Mark, any news on the redemption center folks.. are they working this weekend? 

Member: Mark will you have the number we can call to exchange when this happens?

MZ: I am told I will have a 800 number or a secure link you can use to get your number. I am told I should have those about 30 minutes before its time to announce it. 

Member:  Dinar Recaps says they will also send an email notice when the RV happens.

MZ: Yes- I am told that Recaps and a number of dinar sites will be sent those out to publish and email them. They do not have the numbers now so do not frustrate them and you with asking.  I was told by two participating banks that they will issue instructions to the larger aggregating sites when it is time to send them out to their massive mailing lists. 

MZ: My plan is to let you know via youtube,Telegram,  rumble Twitter or X….

Member: With the QFS system do we need to worry about having more insured with the FDIC?

MZ: Mr. C is confident we will not need to worry about insuring accocunts…..I will probably be paying for extra insurance until I feel real good about the QFS.  . 

Member: my bank told me over a month ago their bank is already backed by the QFS the teller told me and was very adamant about it

Member: The forex closes Friday at 5 est time and doesn’t open back up until Sunday at 6 east. The rate has to show on the FX to exchange at the RI/RV rate…imo.

Member: Mark –do you think Nesara and the global RV is already done?

MZ: I think they are prepared and just awaiting the release. I can tell you there was an attempt to release it all last weekend and it was punted to happen sometime this week.

Member: Mark, are you still hearing our current bank accounts are mirrored and safe in the QFS ?

MZ: I am. But we shall see. 

Member:  I think it may happen 11/11 at 11:11 is the day and time…Chinese love numerology. 

Member: Maybe this is considered our 3-day weekend... Veteran's Day is the 11th!!

Member: My bank is closed tomorrow in observance of Veterans Day.

Member:  Encyclopedia has now changed the definition of the word "Soon" . LOL

Member:  “Be kind to yourself as you proceed along this journey. This kindness, in itself, is a means of awakening the spark of love within you and helping others to discover that spark within themselves.” TB

Member:  We create our own reality. I’m making mine a beautiful one! And whatever I’m blessed with, well I’m hoping it’s a lot, to do more projects with it

Member: Thank all…..Looking forward to this 3 day weekend…..have a good feeling this really may be it!!!




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

Experts Call For Changing Some Economic Laws, 9 NOV

Experts Call For Changing Some Economic Laws

Iraq  11/09/2023    Baghdad: Muhannad Abdel Wahab  The opinions of economic experts varied regarding Iraq’s need to change or amend a number of economic laws, including the law of the Central Bank, Securities and Investment Authority, while they called for dividing the budget law into three investment budgets and others for the Investment Authority and the Central Bank to support loans.

The economic expert, Mustafa Hantoush, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”: The Iraqi economic reality needs to amend some of the laws that work to restore its economic growth in accordance with the development that the world is witnessing, as they need to be reformulated or amended to their paragraphs, noting that the laws that need to be amended

They are Central Bank Law No. 56 of 2004, Banks No. 4 of 2004, Securities Commission No. 72 of 2004, Investment No. 50 of 2015, Tax Law No. 113 of 1982 amended for the year 2004, and Companies Law No. 21 of 1999 amended for the year 2019. He explained

. These laws have a number of problems and do not help direct the Iraqi economy or manage banking operations or state funds correctly, stressing that we need to activate investment in another way and with a greater flow. Even the budget law needs to be divided and made into three budgets, one for investment and another for the Investment Authority and the Central Bank and to support Loans.

In this context, economic expert Hazem Hadi pointed out, in an interview with Al-Sabah, that the Iraqi economic system has a number of distortions, especially since it is burdened by widespread unemployment, deteriorating services, and others, warning that all of these factors, unless they are addressed, cannot improve the economy. The Iraqi.

He pointed out that the solutions lie in changing a number of laws, including the Central Bank Law, which must take its role in controlling the foreign currency in a positive manner and not leave matters to the currency auction, adding that Iraq since 2003 has not witnessed an import plan or approach for what the country needs, and it must Be clear to those working in the industrial and commercial sector and their import needs.   Edited by: Adhraa Juma

The Dollar Deepens The Wounds And Hits The Economy. Smuggling To Jordan, The Emirates, And Iraq Pays The Price, 9 NOV

 The Dollar Deepens The Wounds And Hits The Economy. Smuggling To Jordan, The Emirates, And Iraq Pays The Price

Information/Baghdad..   Iraq continues to pay the trade bill of merchants and smugglers to Jordan, Turkey, and the Emirates, reaching record numbers, exceeding the reasonable price, while demands are mounting to end the control of Jordan and its banks over the Iraqi currency auction in the Central Bank of Iraq.   Representative Youssef Al-Kalabi said in a post on the “X” platform, “The Iraqi judiciary is investigating the director general responsible for transfers and credits at the Central Bank on suspicions of corruption and causing manipulation of dollar prices and other serious issues.”

He added, "This person enabled the National Bank, known as (the Jordan Bank), to acquire two billion dollars a month."

Al-Halbousi Ignores Calls For Reform

In addition, independent MP Hadi Al-Salami accused the Parliament Presidency of ignoring the representatives’ calls to host the Prime Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank to discuss the dollar crisis.

Al-Salami said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The Presidency of Parliament did not deal with the issue of the dollar exchange rate,” pointing out that “there is continuous follow-up by members of the House of Representatives regarding the real and parallel exchange rates.”

He added, "The dollar crisis is still casting a shadow over the economic scene in light of warnings about the decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar."

He pointed out that "the dollar is continuing to gradually increase and it is possible that it will exceed 170 thousand dinars in the absence of new deliberate steps to control this matter."

Al-Salami pointed out, “The Presidency of Parliament ignored our calls to host the Prime Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank to discuss the dollar crisis.”

Independent MP Basem Ngheimesh Al-Gharibawi had confirmed that the Presidency of Parliament had not responded to demands to hold an investment session to discuss the dollar crisis and its instability in the markets.

Shy Steps

In a shy step, the Central Bank announced the resumption of the sale of gold bullion and coins via an electronic platform in order to reduce demand for the dollar.

A statement from the Central Bank, received by the Maalouma Agency, stated that it “decided to sell gold bullion and coins via an electronic platform, starting tomorrow, Wednesday.”

He pointed out, "Governmental and private banks can apply to buy gold bullion and coins via (an electronic platform designated for this purpose)," indicating that "their sale will be in accordance with the instructions and controls issued by the Central Bank of Iraq."

 The Dollar Is Beyond Reasonable

Dollar prices rose significantly in Baghdad and in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, with the closure.

The Maaloma Agency correspondent said that dollar prices rose with the closure of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges, recording 166,800 dinars against 100 dollars.    LINK

Coffee with MarkZ. 11/09/2023


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 8 Nov. 12 Noon EST Wells Fargo Bank received the Cash Release Codes and announced “OK. Get ready. The rescue of Financial Instruments Has Just Begun”: The launch of the Global Fund has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the beginning of the Global Asset Redemption Program officially launched an hour ago (9 am EST on Wed. 8 Nov.). This is fantastic news for all beneficiaries. Tens of thousands of transactions around the world can now start paying. It’s Time. May God Bless Us All.
  • Wed. 8 Nov. MarkZ: “I’m told to expect it Friday – if not before…with an announcement coming out of Iraq. …I know a number of group leaders have been traveling for this thing…but, they are not giving me any specifics. They have been cracked down on what they can say and NDA’s. They have been leaned on hard to not leak the timing of this Event. To me this means timing is “sooner” rather than later.”
  • Wed. 8 Nov. Wolverine: GESARA World Cable activated. Will be announced between today and tomorrow (Thurs. 9 Nov.).
  • Wed. 8 Nov. TNT: All sources are being told we should see a new Dinar Rate on Friday evening 10 Nov. or Saturday morning 11 Nov. The guaranteed back wall was by Monday 13 Nov.
  • Recent GCR History:

    • Overnight Sun. 15 Oct. the Banks completed the remaining layers of payments, plus the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.
    • By Mon. 16 Oct. the Iraqi Dinar had revalued and began trading on the back screens of the Forex.
    • Fri. 27 Oct. Alex Collier: “The Dinar went international on Fri. 27 Oct. and on that same Friday they began pulling 3,600 US troops out of Iraq so Iraq could declare Iraq a Sovereign Nation.
    • Around Mon. 30 Oct. the country of Columbia revalued their currency – so now we have at least two countries – Iraq and Columbia – which have revalued their currencies, perhaps more.
    • Oct. 31 All Hallows Eve Middle Eastern nations no longer accepting the fiat Petro US Dollar for oil trade, was expected to soon cause a devastating Stock Market Crash – bringing in the need for a Global Currency Reset.
    • Wed. 1 Nov. Kurdistan: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has announced its decision to exclusively adopt the Iraqi Dinar for all transactions at border crossings and airports, effective on Wed. 1 Nov.
    • On Thurs. 2 Nov. Donald Trump posted “It’s Time” and stated that the biggest event we will have in this country will happen this month of November 2023.
    • Fri. 3 Nov. 10:42 am: Dubai International Financial Center gave Greenlight for XRP. On that same Fri. 3 Nov. the House Financial Services Committeepassed a bill to prevent the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank digital currency. QFS NEWS: All Banks are Transitioning Over Into the QFS – Start Getting Hold of the ISO 20022 XLM and XRP – 7 Billion People Will Inevitably Transition to the QFS – American Media Group (
    • Sat. 4 Nov. NESARA/GESARA activated. The US was no longer under the privately owned by foreign entities US Inc. Corporation. The Federal Reserve and IRS will be eliminated (to be replaced with a Flat Tax of 14% on new items bought only – no tax on food or medicine). The US was now under the Restored Republic designed after the Republic of 1873. Also as of Sat. 4 Nov. Gold backed countries (BRICS) were paying with their own currency for trading. This will greatly affect the value of the already fiat US Dollar.
    • According to Dr. Charlie Ward (who was head of the worldwide banks for the Global Currency Reset), on Saturday night at midnight (4 Nov. 2023) the new gold/asset-backed US Note went live.
    • According to Phil Godlewski NESARA was also activated early Sunday morning 5 Nov. 2023.

    Wed. 8 Nov. Q & A With Charlie Ward, Paul Broker:

Iraq Central Bank - Dinar - Allows Foreign Currency Imports - Kills the MILITIAMAN

MP holds Al-Sudani responsible for withdrawing important laws from the House of Representatives, 19 SEPT

  MP Hadi Al-Salami held State head Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani answerable for pulling out significant regulations from the Place of Agents, mos...