Monday, October 9, 2023

Iraqi Council of Ministers Advancing Economic Growth, Strengthening Bilateral Relations and Addressing Major Challenges, 9 OCT

 Iraqi Council of Ministers Advancing Economic Growth, Strengthening Bilateral Relations and Addressing Major Challenges

Decisive Session of the Iraqi Council of Ministers

The 26th Regular Session of the Iraqi Council of Ministers was recently held, chaired by Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani. The session was significant as it was centered on the overall situation of the country, reviewing the progress of the government’s program, and making crucial decisions that would shape Iraq’s future.

Prime Minister Al-Sudani underlined the importance of the next six months for the government, especially in the wake of the recent approval of the three-year Federal Budget Bill. He urged ministries to streamline delegations and encouraged leadership staff to show commitment to their roles beyond the usual working hours.

Decisions Aimed at Progress and Reform

Several pivotal decisions were made during the session. The Council decided to amend the regulation of foreign labor in Iraq by adding a member from the Ministry of Interior to the Higher Committee for Planning and Operating the Workforce. This move is expected to enhance the regulation and management of foreign labor in the country.

In a significant move towards economic reform, the Council endorsed the recommendation to exclude all foodstuffs from import regulations. This is a step towards reducing the bureaucratic red tape that often hampers trade and commerce. The Council also approved the donation of fixed assets from the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities, and Public Works to the road departments of several governorates.

Strengthening Intellectual Property and International Relations

The Council approved a bill for intellectual property protection, signaling Iraq’s commitment to safeguarding intellectual rights and fostering innovation. The session also saw the ratification of a strategic partnership treaty between Iraq and France. This new alliance is expected to open up avenues for increased cooperation and mutual growth between the two nations.

The Council reiterated the importance of strengthening the protection and promotion of civil society in Europe. Measures to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Council of Europe’s policy towards neighboring regions were also discussed.

Aiming for a Brighter Future

The decisions made by the Council of Ministers aim to promote economic growth, protect intellectual property, strengthen bilateral relations, and address major challenges facing Iraq and the Council of Europe. As the outgoing Chairman, Mr. Timo Soini, took stock of Finland’s Presidency, Ms. Amélie de Montchalin outlined the priorities of the incoming French Presidency, setting the tone for future progress and cooperation.

As the Council concluded its session, it reaffirmed its commitment to the progress of Iraq and the betterment of its people, offering a renewed sense of hope for a brighter future.


  Militia Man

 Article "Director of Al-Sistani’s Office: The authority warned against corruption and called for combating it, but there is no life for whomever you call for."   WOW!! 

 When the Supreme Religious Authority, Ali al-Sistani, speaks of a fatwa to follow laws...the people that fit the shoes and ware them better be careful to make things right and quickly.. Failure...will likely have significant consequences...He issued a fatwa that money any employee or official obtains in violation of the law is forbidden. 

Also, wasting public money and appropriating it, or illegal disposal of it, is forbidden. That is some heavy stuff. Think of all those that are guilty in the line up..  [NOTE: The Arabic word fatwa refers, in simple terms, to an edict or ruling by a recognized religious authority on a point of Islamic law.]

Article:  "Specialist: The government is obligated to present its vision for next year’s budget in the middle of this month"

  The government still being unable to implement the budget for the years 2023, 20224 and 2025 are amid secrecy and strict instructions to officials and advisors not to talk about the issue of the current or upcoming budget

Think about all of this. They are keeping what we are looking for tight to the chest. Rightfully so.. I love this!

Coffee with MarkZ and joined by Field. 10/09/2023

Iran and Iraq Call for OIC Emergency Meeting Amid Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 9 OCT

 Iran and Iraq Call for OIC Emergency Meeting Amid Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 9 OCT

The foreign ministers of Iran and Iraq, in a recent development, have called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to discuss the ongoing developments in Palestine. This call for dialogue comes amid escalating tensions and violence between the Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters, painting a grim picture of the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Call for Unity and Solidarity

The ministers emphasized the need for coordination and solidarity among Islamic nations in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people. They urged the OIC to provide support for Palestine against the aggressive actions of the Israeli regime. It’s a call to the larger Islamic community to unite in their stance against oppression and to shore up support for Palestinians in these trying times.

The Iranian Perspective

The Iranian foreign minister stressed the legitimate right of Palestinians to resist aggression and occupation. He called for coordinated action by Islamic countries to help Palestine and put an end to Israeli attacks on Palestinian civilians. This call for action underscores Iran’s commitment to the Palestinian cause and its willingness to mobilize collective efforts in its support.

The Current State of Conflict

The Israeli regime has been bombing Gaza and engaging in fierce fighting with Palestinian fighters in multiple areas. The death toll stands at 413 Palestinians and over 700 Israelis. The recent escalation follows Israeli settlers storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and the killing of Palestinians by Israel in recent months. This wave of violence has stirred international concern and heightened calls for intervention to halt the bloodshed.

Anticipating Future Ramifications

The future ramifications of the current situation are significant. The ongoing conflict has the potential to destabilize the region further, straining international relations and fueling a humanitarian crisis. The emergency meeting of the OIC, if it occurs, could play a pivotal role in deescalating tensions and establishing a framework for peace and stability in the region.

Iraq and 5 countries renew commitment to supporting oil stability, 9 OCT

 Iraq and 5 countries renew commitment to supporting oil stability, 9 OCT

Shafaq News / In a joint statement released on Monday, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain reaffirmed their commitment to "voluntary collective and individual production adjustments" for oil.

The statement followed a meeting of the oil ministers of the six countries on the sidelines of the Climate Week events in the Middle East and North Africa region, launched by the United Nations in Riyadh.

The ministers reiterated their readiness to take additional measures at any time as part of their ongoing efforts to support market stability and build on the strong cohesion of the OPEC+ alliance. OPEC+—comprising OPEC members and non-OPEC allies led by Russia—had previously agreed in June to extend voluntary oil production cuts announced in April until the end of 2024.

Saudi Arabia and Russia announced additional voluntary cuts until the end of 2023, subject to monthly review. However, during the OPEC+ ministerial meeting last Wednesday, there were no changes made to the group's oil production policy, as Saudi Arabia and Russia confirmed their continued commitment to voluntary supply cuts to support the market.


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Fri 6 Oct. MarkZ: “A lot of my sources feel that Mon. 9 Oct. is our day…..A lot of them …actually they think our day is before that and Monday is when we start going to the bank!  They are all expecting big things this weekend ….More chatter on the Iraqi side of things with great expectations for the weekend. Most are looking late Saturday/early Sunday for something from Iraq. Some type of announcement? …Yesterday a number of Redemption Staff told me they are on “stand by” specifically for currency exchanges. …Iraq may go on Saturday. Probably what we would see are call centers working over the weekend to make our appointments…and appointments starting on Monday. …that the most likely scenario.”
  • Fri. 6 Oct. TNT Call: “The whole world will see the RV by Sunday (8 Oct).
  • Central Bank of Iraq and Reuters announced: “Next Sunday (8 Oct.) will be a special day in all Iraqi banks, which could witness unprecedented overcrowding and crowding at cash withdrawal windows.” Iraqis were told in mosques: “A new Iraq will begin by Sunday (8 Oct.).”
  • Sat. 7 Oct. Frank26 RV Update: Sudani went and told all the contractors he signed with, they can come into Iraq without any restrictions. That’s Article VI.
  • The RV was expected to be announced in Sovereign Iraq on Sun. 8 Oct., with the new rate becoming international on  Mon. 9 Oct.
  • Sun. 8 Oct. Texas Snake:  Banker indicated he was expecting notification just any time this coming week, unfortunately he admitted that has been stated by those above him before as well.
  • On Tues. Oct. for twelve hours US Treasury representatives entered codes at US Redemption Centers for each nation’s currency. Pings came back that the code was valid, meaning the Redemption Center could receive currency from each nation in exchange for the US Note. In the last 24 hours Tier 4A had started preparing and paying Tier 4 groups.
  • On Wed. 4 Oct Iraq was welcomed to the World Trade Organization with a fully reinstated Iraqi Dinar international traded currency.
  • Thurs. 5 Oct. Wolverine: “Shelton said on his call that the 10 days of darkness and 12 days of disclosures would start after an Event (EBS Test?) on Wed. 4 OctOn Thurs. 6 Oct. I got a call. Everything has really begun. Isaac has spoken to someone and he says it’s looks like it’s going to happen. All the leaders of the Tier 1 platform have been funded and by next week all members will be paid and it will be fast.”
  • Thurs. 5 Oct. Tony said he has a two hour window tonight, then laughed, and said he should have said the next 24 hours. Not every country is going at the same time. It’s their own choice. The rate won’t be on the Forex until the end of the weekend. Sounds like they’ll get their 72 hours of joy.  Monday is a holiday, so that would be a good time for us to go. Iraqi Government salaries were being paid a month in advance effective Wed. 4 Oct.
  • Thurs. 5 Oct. Bruce: “Bond Holders Tier 3 will get notification of liquidity over theweekend.Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified either Sat. 7 Oct. or Monday afternoon 8 Oct. and will begin appointments either Mon.8 Oct. or Tues. 9 Oct.”
  • The US Note was fully in the system and available at the bank Fri. 6 Oct. or Mon. 8 Oct.
  • By Tues. 10 Oct. the bulk of redemption appointments and exchanges were expected to be done.
  • The IMF and World Bank will hold their last annual meeting on Sun. 15 Oct.
  • Starting in the fourth week of October Restitution and Recreational Allowance will be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will be based on federal taxes paid since 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans, car loans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those monies over the years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly payments for Oct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12 months and those younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to be employed in order to qualify.
  • Starting in October and continuing for three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at $5,200. In January regular benefits will continue, though still be a lot higher.
  • Wed. 1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed.
  • The Rodriguez Trust will administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries: the amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can. He said we need to help our friends and family understand that this will happen in the next 3 to 6 months.
  • Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless, all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis.

Global Financial Crisis:

Redemption Centers

  • Redemption Centers represent a transformative process to the Quantum Financial Access card. This card is the gateway to claiming our Gesara (on a global scale) and Nesara (for the U.S.) funds. And guess what? These funds have already been deposited, awaiting our claim.
  • Wells Fargo, a banking giant you’re undoubtedly familiar with, plays a pivotal role in this new-age financial paradigm. This institution has mirrored every bank account onto the Quantum Financial System (QFS). Your hard-earned money, your retirement nest eggs, your 401ks – they’re all securely mirrored on the QFS. Brokerage platforms remain outside this mirroring process.
  • Transitioning into the Quantum Financial System (QFS) isn’t just about money; it’s a spiritual journey. Entering this realm demands purity of heart. It necessitates forgiveness and unconditional love. As we prepare to embrace this financial metamorphosis, it’s crucial to cleanse our souls and be ready to love unconditionally.
  • Zim holders, especially those with humanitarian interests, will be directed to Redemption Centers based on their zip codes. Nomads, those who live life on the move, should be prepared to declare their mobile status.
  • The Redemption Centers operate on a rigorous schedule, functioning continuously for 15 days, irrespective of demographics. However, not all centers will have to remain open for the entire duration.
  • The primary currencies exchanged here include Zim, Dinar, Dong, and the Dollar. These hold significance due to their substantial gold backing.
  • Not all bonds can be exchanged at these centers  (Zim Bonds can). For those national currency bonds to be eligible, they would’ve needed to be in an SKR for a solid five years. No shortcuts here.
  • The bond payout process is a marathon, not a sprint, spanning an estimated three years. But this gradual transition ensures stability and sustainability. Early birds in this game might reap richer rewards. The value of bonds is further amplified as they’re backed by solid gold.
  • Bondholders possessing container loads will be at the front of the queue. To put it plainly, a holder with 20 pallets of bonds will precede one with only 3 pallets. The bond payouts could span up to 25 years, necessitating NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) for the same duration. The reason? Distributing vast amounts in one go could deplete funds meant for the global populace.
  • America, with its unique financial landscape, enjoys certain privileges that other nations might miss out on. The rates of Zim and other foreign currencies are in a constant flux. And while many have been informed that a substantial 80% of funds for Humanitarian Projects will be extracted from Zims, the true nature of this process remains shrouded in mystery.

Surge in foreign transactions marks CBI auction, 9 OCT

 Surge in foreign transactions marks CBI auction, 9 OCT

Shafaq News / Foreign transactions at the Central Bank auction witnessed a substantial surge this Sunday, skyrocketing by 75% to reach an impressive $156 million.

According to Shafaq News Agency's correspondent, the Central Bank conducted its auction for the purchase and sale of the US dollar, resulting in transactions totaling $195,502,595. The Bank covered these transactions at the exchange rate of 1305 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, and at the rate of 1310 dinars per dollar for foreign transfers and cash transactions.

Our correspondent reported that the majority of the bank's dollar sales were channeled towards bolstering foreign balances in the form of transfers and credits, amounting to $156,462,595. This figure reflects a staggering 75% increase compared to the cash sales, which amounted to $39,040,000.

It is noteworthy that six banks engaged in the purchase of cash dollars, while 19 banks fulfilled requests to reinforce foreign balances abroad. The overall participation in the auction included a total of 47 exchange and intermediary companies.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...