Friday, September 29, 2023

The Emirates Chambers and the Iraqi Development Bank launch the “Together” initiative to enhance trade cooperation, 29 SEPT

 The Emirates Chambers and the Iraqi Development Bank launch the “Together” initiative to enhance trade cooperation

The Federation of Emirates Chambers announced today, Thursday, the launch of the “Together” initiative under the slogan “Partnership for a Promising Economic Future” in cooperation with the International Development Bank of Iraq, UAE Branch.

This announcement came as a continuation of the memorandum of understanding signed in June 2023 between the two parties to support and empower the private sector in the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Iraq in various commercial and industrial fields, according to the Emirates News Agency, WAM.

 Cooperation between the two parties contributes to supporting the private sector in the two countries. It also facilitates the work of Emirati companies operating in Iraq and Iraqi companies operating in the Emirates, and opens the door to more opportunities in the two markets for companies from both countries, which contributes to raising the value of bilateral trade exchange, which, according to the bank, currently amounts to More than $27 billion; Thus, the UAE will be Iraq's first trading partner.

The Union announced the organization of a special pavilion for the “Together for Partnerships” initiative at the 47th session of the Baghdad International Fair, which will be held from November 1 to 10, 2023.

Hamid Mohammed bin Salem, Secretary-General of the Federation of Emirates Chambers, said that the Federation’s participation in the “Together for Partnerships” pavilion in the 47th session of the Baghdad International Fair will include exhibits from a number of Emirati companies from various sectors, and that extensive discussions will take place on the sidelines of the work of this session, to discuss ways to encourage... Emirati investment in Iraqi free zones.

He added that participation in the next session of the Baghdad International Fair comes within the framework of the UAE private sector's constant keenness to participate in all economic activities organized there, given the importance of Iraqi markets for Emirati products of all types.

He pointed to the great potential of the Iraqi economy and the promising opportunities for companies, calling on Emirati companies and Emirati investors to explore these opportunities.

For his part, Ziad Khalaf, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Development Bank, stressed that the Federation of Emirates Chambers plays a pivotal role in promoting the growth of business and investments between the UAE and the outside world, and that the “Together for Partnerships” initiative pavilion in the next session of the Baghdad International Fair will be a pioneering platform for communication between... Companies, business owners and investors from the Emirates and their counterparts in the Republic of Iraq at the business and individual levels, and it will represent an opportunity to improve trade and economic relations between the two countries.

He added: "During the coming period, we will organize many joint economic events that serve the business sector and investors in the two countries."

He hinted that signing the memorandum of understanding with the Federation of Emirates Chambers will contribute to facilitating the work of Iraqi companies present in the UAE and Emirati companies operating in Iraq, and will also support those companies’ efforts to expand in the two markets.

Khalaf stated that the UAE is Iraq's first trading partner with a trade volume of $27 billion annually, and a growth rate ranging between 5 and 6 percent, which means that trade exchange with the UAE represents about 10 percent of Iraq's total international trade.

He pointed out that, within less than a year of its presence in the Emirates, the bank has managed about 8 percent of the volume of trade exchange between the two countries.

He pointed out that there are more than 4,000 Iraqi companies registered in the UAE, and a number of Emirati companies that own investments in the Iraqi market, pointing out that the volume of UAE investments in Iraq exceeds 25 billion dirhams, or more than 7 billion dollars, distributed among many sectors and sectors. Mainly the energy, infrastructure and housing sectors.

He explained that the bank supports Emirati companies operating in Iraq in their various activities, whether financing or managing payments, collection and transfer.

This announcement came during the launch and activation ceremony of the “Together” initiative, which was organized by the International Development Bank at its headquarters in Dubai, in the presence of engineer Farida Al Awadhi, President of the Emirates Businesswomen Council, and a number of representatives of companies operating in the country.

The initiative's logo was designed after the saying of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, about Iraq: “We are close to each other in distance and in heart.   link

Iraq Dinar - International Contracts - Global - Natural - Wealth - Get R...BYB MILITIAMAN


 Mnt Goat   

Question:  Will there be a cap limit on the dinar when exchanging

 Mnt Goat Answer:  Yes, the IMF will place the dinar initially on a managed float and I was told around a $9 cap but that was years ago and things have changed...I wouldn’t be surprised if we witness up to $12 before they cut it off. 

Dr Shabibi told us in 2011 that the dinar back then could sustain a rate of $16...They are now pumping 2/3 more oil and have agriculture exports now and also 132 tons of gold...They are filthy rich!  I am seeing a constant rate of about USD $3.80 - $4.25 range on the back screens at the bank right now...

Sandy Ingram 

  Iraq is on the verge of satisfying the IMF (International Monetary Fund) recommendation that they have a solid income stream outside the oil industry. 

 The Development Road Project will not only provide 4 billion US dollars in revenue each year, it will also increase the GDP of Iraqi citizens.


Some very important things are going to happen:

 1. The USA sanctions on auctions for Iraq are being lifted after 30 years! Signed off by treasury last week when Iraq was in USA!  Boom 

     2.  Iraq is being part of the WTO by October 4th! They have to have an international rate to be part of it!  Boom 

 3.  Iraq is having their first ever Independence Day on October 3rd!!  Congratulations Iraq!  This means they are independent and their war has ended!  This by far is the biggest boom ever!

The Political Agreement Paper Is A Binding Document For The Government, And Limiting Black Market Transactions Is Firmly Underway, 29 SEPT

 The Political Agreement Paper Is A Binding Document For The Government, And Limiting Black Market Transactions Is Firmly Underway

Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, stressed that the government does not have a magic wand to limit black market transactions, but it is moving forward with confident steps to address it.

The political advisor said in a televised statement followed by Al-Masala: The Prime Minister sent to the world in New York multiple messages about the form of the new Iraq that we want. International relations, internal stability, the fight against corruption, the establishment of security, and the file of services, electricity, and health are among the Prime Minister’s priorities.

He added that the corruption file was present in the Prime Minister’s speech to the world and he called it the “corruption pandemic” and considered it one of the basic challenges that the government insists on confronting, while he issued important messages about human rights, addressing the displaced file, post-ISIS harbingers, compensating affected civilians, and providing the basic necessities of life for their return. And their stability.

He continued that the Prime Minister announced a very important file, which is the approval of the civilian protection policy, as Iraq is considered one of the first countries in the region that will adopt the policy of protecting civilians in wars, conflicts and disasters, pointing out that the Prime Minister’s meetings with the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve were successful, and the Prime Minister adopted the economic networking policy. To advance the country.

He pointed out that the political agreement paper is a binding document for the government, as it is the platform that the House of Representatives voted on, and these are understandings that serve the country.

He noted that the trade exchange between Iraqi and Iranian merchants amounts to approximately 20 million dollars per day, and this causes significant pressure on the currency file, stressing that the government does not have a magic wand to limit black market transactions, but it is moving forward with confident steps to address it.

He pointed out that the government calls on citizens to use the electronic card in financial transactions and that the Iraqi development path is the most feasible from a purely economic perspective and will build a new Iraq along the western side of the country.

He expressed that international companies will work to build city corridors along the development road, which will pass through 10 governorates, reaching the Iraqi-Turkish border, from where it will be connected to the highway network in Turkey.

He continued by saying: The development road will transform the areas located on either side of it, 7 km on either side of the road, along the line (16,660,000 km) into cities, factories, factories, warehouses, and investment projects that contribute to diversifying sources of income.

He concluded his speech by saying: Industrial cities will be established along the path of development.

Parliamentary Integrity opens the “Travelers’ Dollar” file and warns against imposing taxes on citizens, 29 SEPT

 Parliamentary Integrity opens the “Travelers’ Dollar” file and warns against imposing taxes on citizens

Parliamentary Integrity opens the Travelers Dollar file and warns against imposing taxes on citizensShafaq News/ The Parliamentary Integrity Committee announced, on Tuesday, the opening of an investigation into the file of granting dollars to travelers due to suspicions of corruption, while warning of imposing taxes on citizens who received dollars from the electronic platform and did not travel.
Committee member Ahmed Al-Rubaie told Shafaq News Agency, “The electronic platform for granting dollars to travelers has become a type of corruption, whether directly or indirectly,” noting that “there are many parties involved, starting with the Central Bank, considering that the movement of funds originates from the bank. Tourism companies that receive passports and travel documents for the purposes of booking an airline ticket or travel visa, and banking companies that give dollars to people who are not travelling.”
He added, “We received many complaints from citizens who had travel tickets and visas but did not travel. As a result, the dollar was tampered with and the documents of these people were withdrawn from the passenger platform.”
Al-Rubaie stated, “The Parliamentary Integrity Committee sent official letters to the Central Bank and the Integrity Commission for the purpose of conducting investigations in a transparent and high-level manner. This issue poses a danger to citizens who withdraw money in their names, and the taxes imposed on citizens may reach billions of dinars.”
The Rafidain State Bank decided on Tuesday to wait to sell dollars to travelers in some of its branches in Baghdad due to the Central Bank of Iraq not enhancing its share of the American currency.


Thursday September 28, 2023

Texas Snake: Says

—While I believe in apologizing when I have done something wrong, but since I have no literature to support the following, 

just the fact that the source is responsible for multiple clearinghouses for a tier one bank in 5 states, 

it has been conveyed to me that Without unforeseen interruptions you should receive notifications within a few hours, probably the opening of the BANK IN RENO, but possibly sooner. 


Jueves 28 Septiembre 2023

Texas Snake: Dice
— Si bien creo en disculparme cuando he hecho algo mal, pero como no tengo literatura que respalde lo siguiente, 

solo el hecho de que la fuente es responsable de múltiples centros de intercambio para un banco de nivel uno en 5 estados, 

me ha transmitido que sin interrupciones imprevistas debería recibir notificaciones en unas horas, probablemente la apertura del BANCO EN RENO,, pero posiblemente antes.

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation News 2023 / Iraqi Dinar News Today / Iqd Usd Val...


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...