Friday, September 8, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell 09/08/2023

MarkZ Friday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone….Welcome to another weekend

Member: Let's hope we get some great news today… we need it.

Member: Maybe this will be the weekend we have been waiting for!!!

MZ: So many rumors out there. I am sure the boards are lit up right now with anticipation…..I definitely feel like we are close. IT was off the hook yesterday with expectation

MZ: Many thought it would happen overnight last night….I really didn’t think it was ready yet. 

MZ: Bond people are still staying awfully quiet. A couple did admit they are under NDA’s which made me feel better

MZ: We continue to hear fantastic personal banking stories from you guys…..

Member: Mark, I’m one of the Top Financial Advisor for the largest Retirement Firms in the US and we have been growing our Personal Wealth Department very quickly and creating new services

Member: MarkZ I just heard that SKR notices are being sent out!

MZ:  SKR's have not been paid.

Member:  Said Russia cutting production… higher oil prices =higher Dinar rate

Member:  Praying the USA currency to be gold backed before RV!!!

Member: Last Friday I talking with a SECU  (state employees credit union) banker and was told the new treasury note will be available in October of this year. 

MZ: So many banking stories from you all from wealth managers ect…...

Member:  My small local bank is down sat and sun for maintenance. that goes for mobile banking as well.

MZ: “ A new railway will at last link Iraq and Iran”  They will have a physical link for infrastructure and it shows how powerful BRICS has become. And they are stepping away from the US.  For this to happen I think Iraq needs to have their new currency. Irans exports to Iraq will hit 12 Billion by the end of the year. To me this is a clear stepping away from western control for Iraq. 

MZ: The last time Iraq had a great currency they were away from US control. This is a big sstep for Iraq and their independence. 

Member: Iran has already been accepted into BRICS…..I bet Iraq will join soon as well. 

Member: Are we getting closer to Nesara?

MZ: IMO yes …I personally expect it this fall. This is not a one day process so when I say “fall” …I believe things have to start now. 

Member: I believe Nesara has been ongoing. its a long process to change over the systems.

Member:  Not many talking about the end of the Federal fiscal year.

Member: yes the US and many others fiscal year ends Sept 31 and the 2024 fiscal year starts Oct. 1st.  May be a good time to switch everything over. 

Member:  can you tell us the process will probably have to go through when we do I exchange what will their processing what we have to do as far as fingerprinting and all these type of things do you know

Member: Mark has always said it should be the same as opening a new bank account….nothing to worry about. 

Member:  How much time will we have to exchange our currency once the 800 numbers are released?

Member: Mark always said about 10 days to make our appointments and 30 days to exchange….more or less. 

Member: I remember last year about this time I thought we were just about there and here we all still here.

Member: I remember that too. the days weeks months and years keep passing by. one day soon we will get there

Member:  Please let this weekend be the straw that breaks the camels back, lol

Member:  I said  it will happen 9-11 weeks ago, let's see!

MZ: : For whatever reason my gut is saying the same thing…..

Member: Makes sense Mark it was originally supposed to be rolled out on 9/11

Member: That would be an amazing karmic balancing if true. 

Member:  I Vote for the " 11th". YES ! Let's RV on the 11th ... Please!!!!!!!!!!!

Member:  It makes sense to me that they would flip the switch on the rate change when Forex is closed (Friday 5pm EST - Sunday 5pm EST) to give the world a chance to prepare. But I'm just guessing!

Member:  Peace, Prosperity and Love to you all

Member: Enjoy your weekend everyone….God Bless

Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information. 




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )






 If they [the bank] made a profit off of you, shame on you.  Don't let them make a profit off of you.  You're Mr. Clampett and they're Mr Drysdale.  Act accordingly.  You have the power. 

I don't care if you go in there with 500,000, 100,000, don't let them treat you stupid.  The bank is not your friend.  They have laws that do not allow them to be your friends. 

There's no such thing as an NDA...'Here, sign this.  I don't want you to say a single word about what you're seeing ok?' | "Whatcha gonna do?" | 'I don't know.' |

 "What are you going to take me to court with an NDA?  You think they're going to recognize it?  You think this is a legal term?" | 'No.' | "Then get out of my face NDA! "

 Bank friend believes the rate is 1132.   The CBI deputies have to post that on their page by law if not International...he thinks the official rate will not be shown to anyone right now.  But he keeps telling me with force that he thinks it's 1132 unofficially known to everyone...

He stands behind this.  FRANK:  How many times have they come out and told you the exchange rate is 1132.  They tell you not to pay attention to the lie of the street rate which is 1320.  They keep repeating it to you for a very good reason... [NOTE:  You can always see the official CBI listed exchange rate in the left column of this page.]

Question:  "Will we have to pay any kind of tax after or during the exchanging of the dinar for American dollars?"  When you go to the bank and you present your dinar...don't leave your eyes off of them.  You make sure that you see your account has been credited...

At that point they are not going to say to you, 'Ok Mr Frank you have 1 million dinars you owe $300,000 in taxes.'  A bank doesn't collect taxes.  They're not made to do that...They don't have the facilities to collect taxes from you as an individual... [NOTE:  Consult your tax professionals so you pay the right amount of tax for your unique situation.]

 If we had about a million Americans citizens all of a sudden came out millionaires instantly that would be a really good shot in the arm for America's structure wouldn't it?  It would...

Hiccups Resolved! Anytime Now?💣RI = Pre War Rate?!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates...



Folks, the news about the currency is far and few between and that is why.
I believe there is nothing more for the CBI to do but to issue the lower denominations and them to watch for inflation over a period, as their plan states they will do, and if all goes well, they liberate their currency to the global markets as in FOREX.
Now you might ask, I thought we needed the Oil and Gas Law passed first?
Yes, I still believe they do and we might have to wait for it.
But there is a change that based on how fast the economy is growing they may just put that on the back burner and rethink it (remember that Dr Shababi in 2012-2013 did not have this law passed, yet he was moving forward).
We must remember the past.
For Iraq they now have a VERY high level of Security and Stability, something that we have heard over the last 20 years they needed.
They are intentionally telling us.
As the world war II movie states, “all is quiet in the western front”.
We sit and wait for the U.S. Congress to be back in session.
If you were listening to the prophets you can see that something huge is going to happen in September to fight the corrupt government now in the White House.
Could this coincide what I have been telling you all along in that this corruption must first be cleaned up prior to Iraq being allowed to RV?
Just saying but I too have connections and I am telling you we are VERY, VERY close to something huge both in the U.S. and in Iraq.
To simplify and sum it all up, with Iraq, it not about a proper RATE being assigned to the dinar to reflected its true VALUE but rather the level of “obedience” to the New World Order as to how much the rate will be suppressed and manipulated.
If you play along with their sinister game you get the payback, yes you get the rate.
So we see Kuwait playing along as they were a staging area for stepping off in 1991 to invade Iraq and since then really good friends with the U.S. that now also have substantial military bases in Kuwait that you hardly here about.
The news media is very complicit in keeping this part very quiet.
So regardless of the economic situations and monetary reserves comparing both countries, the country that obeys gets the riches, for now.
In the eyes of the New World Order Govt –
What is wrong with Iraq?:
First let me what is wrong with the New World Govt?
Maybe that’s the problem to begin with?
Iraqi people want to be free and they want Iran out of their country.
They want full sovereignty and their wealth back.
They do not want to be a puppet state of any country.
They want to be fully out of Chapter VII sanctions not only in words but in actions.
This is why they supported the U.S in the fight against Saddam Hussein and not to be put again under the rein of yet another outside force.
The majority of good Iraqi people do not want to be occupied and thus want the U.S. forces out of their country.
I personally see a current need still for the U.S. to stay in Iraq and help them, not control them.
The Iraqi military needs training.
The U.S. forces stationed there also put a damper on any occupying Iranian militia and are a deterrent.
But we do know the plan of the sinister New World Order Govt is to transform the middle east into their liking and so they do manipulate countries accordingly.
It is not so hard to figure out why the Iraqi dinar is still 1/6 of penny.
All of us investors need to wake up to what I am telling you today.
The bottom line is that these people controlling the stings now in Kuwait and Iraq behind the scenes must first be dealt with.
These people include those of high influence that control the money flow from oil revenues and who control the currency exchanges.
Having said all this today I want to say that I still have much HOPE and give many prayers to the people of Iraq and that the Holy Spirit will anoint its leaders to overcome these challenges and show them the path to TRUE FREDOM.
Then maybe we will see the continuance of the monetary process on the path to reinstatement we are looking for.
This does not mean decades more but could happen sometime within the window we are watching as it parallels with the actions going on today in the Republican held house of congress to combat the crimes of this current Biden administration.
But my point in telling you this today is that if you truly want to know when the RV will happen, they watch these movements carefully against the corrupt in the U.S. and U.K. as they are the puppet masters holding back Iraq monetary policy.
I hope to help us all through this time period and to see this reinstatement happen sooner than later, as I truly believe it will come to pass.

I personally see a current need still for the U.S. to stay in Iraq and help them, not control them.
The Iraqi military needs training.
The U.S. forces stationed there also put a damper on any occupying Iranian militia and are a deterrent.
But we do know the plan of the sinister New World Order Govt is to transform the middle east into their liking and so they do manipulate countries accordingly.
It is not so hard to figure out why the Iraqi dinar is still 1/6 of penny.
All of us investors need to wake up to what I am telling you today.
The bottom line is that these people controlling the stings now in Kuwait and Iraq behind the scenes must first be dealt with.
These people include those of high influence that control the money flow from oil revenues and who control the currency exchanges.
Having said all this today I want to say that I still have much HOPE and give many prayers to the people of Iraq and that the Holy Spirit will anoint its leaders to overcome these challenges and show them the path to TRUE FREDOM.
Then maybe we will see the continuance of the monetary process on the path to reinstatement we are looking for.
This does not mean decades more but could happen sometime within the window we are watching as it parallels with the actions going on today in the Republican held house of congress to combat the crimes of this current Biden administration.
But my point in telling you this today is that if you truly want to know when the RV will happen, they watch these movements carefully against the corrupt in the U.S. and U.K. as they are the puppet masters holding back Iraq monetary policy.
I hope to help us all through this time period and to see this reinstatement happen sooner than later, as I truly believe it will come to pass.

Automated teller machine... The Middle East is a meeting point for foreign investment capital, 8 SEPT

Automated teller machine... The Middle East is a meeting point for foreign investment capital

An American report described, on Thursday, sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East as an "automated teller machine" for those looking for funds for major investments, referring to the large amount of liquidity that these institutions possess.

The American newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, indicated that “large companies looking for capital have made these funds their destination, while the regimes of the countries of the region are seeking a greater role at the global level, and they can play a greater role, especially in light of the withdrawal of major Western financiers from many countries.” investments, especially with high interest rates

According to the newspaper, major mergers and acquisitions witnessed an increase in interest from major funds, the most recent of which was the purchase of the Abu Dhabi fund of the investment management company "Fortress" for more than two billion dollars, while the Saudi fund purchased the aviation unit of Standard Chartered by about $ 700 million.

According to the American newspaper, companies and funds supervised by the National Security Adviser in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan, recently moved to buy Standard Chartered Bank and Lazard Investment Bank.

It concluded deals for a British health company worth more than $ 1.2 billion, in addition to acquiring part of a giant Colombian company working in the field of food products, the newspaper says.And the dominance of these funds in the acquisitions market appears, as the securities obligations of the Saudi Public Investment Fund increased to $ 56 billion in 2022, up from $ 33 billion in 2021, while the securities obligations of the Abu Dhabi Mubadala Fund doubled to $ 18 billion in 2022.

Peter Jaderstein, founder of the investment company "Good Advisor", likened what is happening in the Middle East to "the gold rush that occurred in the United States in previous years," according to what he told the newspaper.

The "Wall Street Journal" quoted investment fund managers as saying: "They often wait in front of their competitors in the waiting rooms of sovereign wealth funds."

They added that "Managers from Silicon Valley and New York are almost always present in the halls of the Four Seasons Hotel and other luxury hotels in Abu Dhabi."

The newspaper pointed out that the Riyadh conference, which will be held next month and is known as "Davos in the Desert", is likely to be a magnet for money hunters, unlike what happened about 5 years ago when it witnessed a wave of withdrawals by executives after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in his country's consulate.

Hundreds of CEOs and leaders of the financial sector are expected to arrive in Riyadh to attend the conference, in which Saudi Arabia is trying to highlight the kingdom's geopolitical strength, according to a previous report by Agence France-Presse.  


Iraqi Dinar Revaluation News Last 24 Hours / Iraqi Dinar Currency New Ra...

An optimistic vision.. The demand for the dollar will decrease and it may disappear from the informal market, 8 SEPT

 An optimistic vision.. The demand for the dollar will decrease and it may disappear from the informal market

An optimistic vision.. The demand for the dollar will decrease and it may disappear from the informal marketToday, Thursday, the economic expert, Safwan Qusay, predicted that the demand for the dollar would gradually decrease and that the dollar might disappear from the informal market.
Qusai said, in an interview with ” Al-Jarida “, that “the central bank is trying to approach the requirements of the US Federal Bank and the US Treasury, which is determined to keep the dollar in favor of Iraqis only for official import purposes.”
He pointed out that “the penalized countries and entities are still bringing goods into Iraq, obtaining Iraqi dinars, and trying to change the dinar into dollars through the irregular market.”
And he expected that “the demand for the dollar will continue to decline gradually, and the dollar may disappear from the informal market,” pointing out that “the process of stopping the smuggling of dollar cash and introducing drugs into Iraq will contribute to reducing the demand for dollars in the informal market, and I believe that the window for buying from international electronic platforms such as Amazon and Alibaba by the Iraqis through the issuance of the Master Card and the dollar visa card will contribute to the acquisition of goods from international platforms and their access to the Iraqi consumer without there being an informal introduction of these goods.
Qusai called for “supporting this measure by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Central Bank, and activating the process of transformation towards financial inclusion, because the Federal Bank and the US Treasury are determined to clean the Iraqi economy from the corrupt, and there will be tracking of the movement of the dinar and the dollar to dry up the sources of obtaining them in an informal way.”
He stressed that “there is no alternative but to shift towards official procedures, and unofficial goods will gradually disappear, and certainly the Ministry of Commerce at this stage must protect consumers, especially at the level of goods that affect the lives of Iraqis.”


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...