Saturday, September 2, 2023


The New ETF That Protects Against All Market Losses



  • (1:30) - The Innovator Equity Defined Protection ETF: TJUL
  • (6:40) - What Are The Risks And What Do Investors Give Up In Return For The Downside Protection?
  • (9:30) - Breaking Down The Market For Protection Products: What Are The Advantages To Owning TJUL?
  • (14:20) - How Does TJUL Fit Into Your Portfolio Right Now?
  • (18:20) - What Can Investors Expect From The Growing ETF Industry?

In this episode of ETF Spotlight, I speak with Bruce Bond, co-founder, and CEO of Innovator Capital Management, about the world’s first ETF that offers 100% downside protection.

Defined-outcome ETFs, which allow investors to participate in the market's upside up to a cap while limiting losses if the market falls, are one of the fastest-growing segments of the ETF market. They continue to see record inflows amid market turbulence.

Last month, Innovator Capital Management, which pioneered buffer ETFs, launched a new fund, the Innovator Equity Defined Protection ETF (TJUL Free Report) , that seeks to track the return of the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY Free Report) , up to a cap of 16.6%, while buffering investors against 100% of losses over the outcome period of two years.

Like other buffer ETFs, this product also invests in a basket of FLEX options with varying strike prices. Investors forgo dividend income and pay an expense ratio of 0.79%.

Some products, such as fixed indexed annuities and market-linked CDs, protect against any downside but come with much higher fees, carry high investment minimums, long lockup periods, and unfavorable tax treatment. ETFs like TJUL are a much better option for investors.

Investors should remember that stocks tend to go up over the long term, and they should generally ignore short-term noise. By seeking downside protection, investors forgo any potential upside beyond the cap.

Since its inception in January 1993, SPY has returned a little over 10% annualized. The Nasdaq 100 ETF ( QQQ Free Report) has produced almost 19% average annual return over the past 10 years.

At the same time, many risk-averse investors, particularly those in or nearing retirement, have been reluctant to buy stocks after last year’s brutal performance. There’s a tremendous amount of cash sitting on the sidelines. Such investors should look at TJUL and other defined outcome ETFs.

Tune in to the podcast to learn more.

Make sure to be on the lookout for the next edition of the ETF Spotlight and remember to subscribe! If you have any comments or questions, please email


  Militia Man 

 It hasn't been their job to tell us everything.  It's because we're outsiders.  It's their country and they keep it to themselves as best as they possibly can.  We should be able to understand that that's a big component of this whole process...

What's this business about this 1132 that Alaq mentioned?  Alaq is the central bank governor...He said the official exchange rate for the Iraqi currency is 1132...A lot of people are going, 'Well that's not true!'.  The fact remains...he said the official rate of the Iraq dinar but it's not on their website.  I'm not making it up.  I'm not giving you's proved...

You're going from an old style to a new style in this new world economy...the triple zero notes aren't going to be a thing of the future.  They're going to be a thing of the past...


  It's not like you're going to need a receipt [from when you bought your dinars] when you exchange.  No body at at a bank is going to say, 'Greetings, Mr. Smith.  You have a million dinars, let me see your receipt.

 All they care about is, let me see the dinar.  And you say, 'Here's my certificate of authenticity.'  Well you can take that and throw it in the garbage.  Look, we'll [The bank] tell you if these dinar are good are not...

You still see whatever you see as the exchange rate on the CBI website.  You can go to the...airport and it's still at 13-whatever.  But you see the [CBI] articles tell you, 'Our official exchange rate is 1132...' I'm going to believe the CBI.  I'm going to say, 'Yes sir, understood!'

Economist: The path of development will reduce unemployment and reduce dependence on oil as a source of budget, 2 SEPT

 Economist: The path of development will reduce unemployment and reduce dependence on oil as a source of budget

Economist - The path of development will reduce unemployment and reduce dependence on oil as a source of budgetInformation / Baghdad..
Hashem Al-Baydani, a researcher in economic affairs, confirmed, on Friday, that the unemployment rate will be significantly reduced in the event of proper planning for development path projects, pointing out that the revenues of this path can reduce dependence on oil as a source of financing the budget.

Al-Baydani told Al-Maalouma, “The aforementioned road can push the Ministry of Industry, as well as private sector companies, to invest large areas near this road to establish factories and laboratories, and open the door for investment in front of international companies to bring their factories to Iraq to reduce transportation costs.”

He added that “constructing the road and opening projects on both sides of it can eliminate a large percentage of unemployment, since most factory owners want to export their products at reduced transportation costs, and this can be achieved by offering land near the road for investment or rent.”

And he indicated that “the establishment of factories, laboratories and projects on both sides of the road needs thousands or millions of workers and specialists, and this is something that can be invested in the right way and open the door for giant companies to invest, provided that the labor force is Iraqi, and it is possible to reduce customs duties or grant permits to open factories and factories for foreign investors.” With the aim of introducing new revenues to the country and reducing unemployment rates.

Is It Really the Right Time to Invest in the Stock Market? Here's What Warren Buffett Says, 2 SEPT

 The stock market has been on a wild roller-coaster ride over the past couple of years, and if you're feeling nauseated by all the ups and downs, you're not alone.

Currently, the S&P 500 is up by nearly 18% so far this year and around 26% from its lowest point last October. While many people are optimistic that this is the start of a new bull market, others remain skeptical, especially since the long-awaited recession still isn't off the table.

If you're feeling conflicted about whether to invest right now or wait, it can sometimes be helpful to look to the experts.

While nobody can say for certain where the market is headed in the short term, legendary investor Warren Buffett can offer some reassuring words when it comes to investing during periods of volatility.

Is it safe to invest right now?

While the market's short-term movements can be daunting, they generally shouldn't affect your strategy. Even if stock prices fall in the coming weeks or months, it's still a good idea to invest now.

The stock market will always be unpredictable in the near term, and even the experts can't say where prices will be in the coming weeks or months. So if you're waiting for the perfect opportunity to invest, that moment might never arrive.

In the long term, though, the market is incredibly resilient. Over the past two decades alone, it has experienced multiple major recessions, countless corrections, and plenty of other ups and downs along the way. Yet the S&P 500 is still up by more than 207% since 2000.

^SPX Chart

^SPX data by YCharts.

In short, as long as you're a long-term investor, it doesn't necessarily matter what the market is doing today, next week, or even next month. Over many years, it's extremely likely it will see positive total returns.

Buffett's best advice for surviving volatility

This long-term investing strategy is also Warren Buffett's go-to approach, especially during periods of volatility.

In 2008, at the height of the Great Recession, Buffett wrote an opinion article for The New York Times to help reassure worried investors.

 In it, he explained that he was continuing to invest in stocks even as prices plummeted.

"Let me be clear on one point: I can't predict the short-term movements of the stock market," he wrote. "What is likely, however, is that the market will move higher, perhaps substantially so, well before either sentiment or the economy turns up. So if you wait for the robins, spring will be over."

While it might sound counterintuitive, investing consistently during the market's rough patches can actually be more lucrative over time than waiting for the perfect time to buy. Many stocks are still priced well below their peaks, meaning now is your chance to load up on quality investments at a fraction of the cost.

"In short, bad news is an investor's best friend," Buffett wrote in the Times article. "It lets you buy a slice of America's future at a marked-down price."

One key to ensuring your investments thrive

Continuing to invest throughout the market's ups and downs is only one part of the equation. It's equally important to make sure you're investing in the right places.

The key to choosing the right stocks is to focus on companies with solid underlying business fundamentals -- such as healthy finances, a capable leadership team, and a competitive advantage in their industry. These stocks will still often take a hit in the short term when the market is volatile, but there's a good chance they will recover.

This is also Buffett's tried-and-true approach when buying stocks. In a 2021 letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, he explained the strategy behind his and business partner Charlie Munger's investing success.

"[W]e own stocks based upon our expectations about their long-term businessperformance and not because we view them as vehicles for timely market moves," he wrote. "That point is crucial: Charlie and I are not stock-pickers; we are business-pickers."

The stock market can be intimidating during periods of volatility. But if you maintain a long-term outlook and choose the right investments, the short-term ups and downs shouldn't affect your strategy. By continuing to invest consistently, you'll be on your way to generating wealth that lasts a lifetime.



[via PDK]

Question: Can Iraq do everything in their budget with the 1100 rate that is going now?

MarkZ answer: No, it will be in the hole if they do it with the 1132 rate…but it gets them a lot closer though.

Question: What do you estimate the NEER [Nominal Effective Exchange Rate] rate would be necessary to do their projects?

MarkZ answer: About $1.30 based on all the math that we have done, that many have done, would be the cheapest NEER rate that they can get away with, but then again they won’t be able to achieve the final value that they want if the come in that low.

...RV news...chatter among the banking folks... possible within the next 72 hours is the chatter amongst bankers and groups...

government contacts think as far out as the 9th, that is what they are hearing right now, banking contacts think we are much closer than redemption contacts are working on Sunday, which is unusual...

 [via WiserNow]  Now what we believe we have is ability to move forward...with our notifications on the first of September.However, it could be that we're notified...

[Friday] or Saturday, but it looks more like [Friday] with a start of exchanges to be on Saturday...Things can happen even over Labor Day weekend.  At least that's what we're hearing that we can get started...the good news is...that we should be notified...[Friday] after markets close...This thing is looking like we're finally... reaching the end of what we've been waiting for...

 [via WiserNow]  ...everything is moving in the direction we want it to terms of timing, there have been meetings ...big meetings with redemption center and some of the top bank personnel ...And ...

this particular meeting had a top tier treasury person on the call...this particular information that we received, We actually had it prior to this call, but the call verified it to us. We got it...from another couple of sources and the gist of it is that we should be notified by...Thursday, which is the 31st.  And we should start our exchanges either Thursday, or Friday, which is the first of September...Intel is aiming to come together to bring this finally to fruition...We're excited about it.

A specialist presents 7 observations related to the oil and gas law and points out several negatives,2 SEPT

 A specialist presents 7 observations related to the oil and gas law and points out several negatives

A specialist presents 7 observations related to the oil and gas law and points out several negativesToday, Friday, economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi made seven preliminary observations about the third edition of the Oil and Gas Law for the year 2023, while pointing out several negative aspects of the law.
Al-Marsoumi said in a blog post that “the new third version of the draft oil and gas law is not much different from the previous two versions in 2007 and 2011, and some observations can be made on the draft oil and gas law for the year 2023 as follows:

First: The legislation of the oil and gas law was supposed to precede the establishment of the national oil company, and that the president of the company should be represented in the Federal Oil and Gas Council.
Second: There is no need to involve the Governor of the Central Bank in the Federal Oil and Gas Council.

Third: It seems that the Iraqi legislator has taken advantage of the Federal Court’s decision in February 2022, which considered oil and gas activity in the region illegal, as well as the decision of the International Trade Court in Paris in March 2023, which prevented Kurdistan from using the Iraqi-Turkish line, which led to the cessation of the region’s oil exports. This investment is evident in the nature of the formation of the Federal Council, which is dominated by the central authority, and in the nature of the great powers enjoyed by the Federal Council for Oil and Gas, in exchange for very limited powers for the region and the producing provinces that are not organized in a region.
Fourth: The need for the law to include the principle of weighted voting in the Federal Oil and Gas Council according to certain criteria, such as having two or more votes for the governorate that produces more than one million barrels of equivalent per day.
Fifth: Article 8 of the law states that (the Federal Ministry of Oil shall manage the oil and gas producing fields throughout Iraq in coordination with the producing region and governorates), and the explored and undeveloped fields, as well as the exploratory patches and how to manage them, were not addressed.
Sixth: The law did not give an important role to the region and the producing governorates that are not organized into a region in drawing up strategic policies related to the development of oil and gas, which is inconsistent with Article 112 second of the Iraqi constitution, which states (the federal government and the governments of the producing regions and governorates together draw up the necessary strategic policies for the development of oil wealth And gas in order to achieve the highest benefit for the Iraqi people, adopting the latest technologies, market principles and investment encouragement).
Seventh: The law did not include any article indicating how to deal with contractual obligations with foreign companies, especially the production-sharing contracts that it signed with Kurdistan 15 years ago, which are subject to mandated international arbitration in the event of breach of contractual obligations between foreign companies and the region.
Economist: The path of development will reduce unemployment and reduce dependence on oil as a source of budget

Economist - The path of development will reduce unemployment and reduce dependence on oil as a source of budgetInformation / Baghdad..
Hashem Al-Baydani, a researcher in economic affairs, confirmed, on Friday, that the unemployment rate will be significantly reduced in the event of proper planning for development path projects, pointing out that the revenues of this path can reduce dependence on oil as a source of financing the budget.

Al-Baydani told Al-Maalouma, “The aforementioned road can push the Ministry of Industry, as well as private sector companies, to invest large areas near this road to establish factories and laboratories, and open the door for investment in front of international companies to bring their factories to Iraq to reduce transportation costs.”

He added that “constructing the road and opening projects on both sides of it can eliminate a large percentage of unemployment, since most factory owners want to export their products at reduced transportation costs, and this can be achieved by offering land near the road for investment or rent.”

And he indicated that “the establishment of factories, laboratories and projects on both sides of the road needs thousands or millions of workers and specialists, and this is something that can be invested in the right way and open the door for giant companies to invest, provided that the labor force is Iraqi, and it is possible to reduce customs duties or grant permits to open factories and factories for foreign investors.” With the aim of introducing new revenues to the country and reducing unemployment rates.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...