Monday, August 21, 2023

Coffee with MarkZ and Militia Man 08/21/2023

Iraqi citizens don’t pay attention to the RV cause doesn’t change NADER FROM MID EAST

An Expert Proposes Solutions To Limit The Rise In The Dollar In The Parallel Market, 21 AUGUST

 An Expert Proposes Solutions To Limit The Rise In The Dollar In The Parallel Market

Economical 2023/08/19   Baghdad: Haider Fleeh Al-Rubaie,  the economist, Munaf Al-Sayegh, proposed a set of solutions to control the parallel exchange rate and undermine the dollar, pointing out that

the presence of two different exchange rates could confuse the local market and lead to a kind of imbalance in economic performance, while

he praised the targeted measures In order to limit the rise of the green currency in the parallel market,

he called for "liberalizing the exchange rate" in accordance with the levels of supply and demand and foreign trade activity, as well as working to change the pattern of the balance of payments and the trade balance.

According to specialists in economic affairs, the Central Bank succeeded in controlling the exchange rate of the parallel dollar, and put an end to the booms that that currency witnessed in previous times, indicating that

the packages of decisions issued by the monetary authority led to strengthening confidence in the national currency, stressing at the same time,

The fluctuation of the exchange rate is no longer an influencing factor in the prices of goods and materials that are now imported at the official price of the Central Bank.  Al-Sayegh told "Al-Sabah":

"The presence of two different exchange rates leads to a negative impact on economic performance,

especially if it is linked to the pattern of consumption activity and thus will undermine government efforts aimed at enhancing its ability to provide quality services," stressing the

need to "establish development paths that work on Diversifying economic activity in line with the urgent requirements of society, such as continuous energy, efficient education, health institutions, as well as the provision of high-quality services, indicating that

these steps are sufficient to achieve an active and flexible economy capable of constantly diversifying while creating sustainable development opportunities and diverse and renewable job opportunities within the requirements of economic performance and its obligations. local and international.”

In order to find remedies for the economic effects of the existence of two different exchange rates for the local currency, the jeweler believes that the exchange rate must be liberalized in a flexible manner, according to the levels of supply and demand, as well as the levels of commercial activity of foreign trade, in addition to the need to work to change the pattern of the balance of payments and the trade balance in a way that leads to its transformation Gradually from negative to positive.

Al-Sayegh also stressed the importance of changing the spending pattern in the budget towards the productive investment that leads to serious development paths, taking into account the change in foreign trade patterns from consumer goods to productive goods linked to a specific economic activity, as well as the trend towards making a fundamental change in the pattern of performance and activity.

Finance for public and private banks, enhancing the efficiency of government programs aimed at pushing development projects that support economic activity in general, and expanding small and medium entrepreneurial projects among young people.


The Relationship Of The Exchange Rate With The Power Of The Economy

Economical 2023/08/21  Yasser Al-Mutwali  believes that the general public, who are not specialists in economics and finance, believe that the criterion for the strength of a country's economy is the exchange rate of its currency against the dollar, or any other currency or means.

While most economists in the world unanimously agree that this theory is not valid, we are often faced with a question; Does the value of the currency reflect the strength of the economy of that country?

What concerns me as a specialist in economic affairs is to show the reality of the strength of the Iraqi economy and that the fluctuation of exchange rates does not mean the reality of the country's economy, as

financial and economic experts agree that the exchange rate for any currency is an accounting number agreed upon between global central banks and does not reflect the strength of the country's economy.

To analyze the facts of this theory, let's take a comparison between the Saudi currency and the Jordanian currency, to verify the correctness of the theory from its error.

With regard to the Saudi riyal, for example, (one dollar equals 3.75 riyals), 100 dollars equals 375 riyals), and as for the Jordanian currency (one dollar equals 70 piasters, every 100 dollars equals 70 Jordanian dinars.

The question is: Does this mean that the Jordanian economy is stronger than The Saudi economy?

Of course not, because the volume of Jordan's GDP is 50 billion dollars, while the volume of the Saudi GDP is nearly a trillion dollars.

From that we conclude that the exchange rate does not reflect the strength and durability of the economy.

Therefore, fixed exchange rates are a purely administrative government decision, not It is related to the strength of the economy, and

if we follow international experiences in dealing with the size of their currencies, Argentina, Turkey and Italy have worked to delete six zeros from their currencies, which is a treatment to regulate currency circulation and reduce its volumes in dealing, and

this proves that the exchange rate is an accounting number, nothing more, and a government decision.

There are trends in some countries that work to liberate the value of their currencies by floating them because the exchange rate of the dollar is floating and liberalized, and

here the estimates of governments remain with such a decision.

Finance and economic experts attribute the reason for the floating to the inability to fix the exchange rate indefinitely, and

this is related to the extent of economic and political stability.

The closest example of this is the Lebanese currency, in which the exchange rate has remained constant for decades, every 100 dollars equals 1,500 pounds, but it was soon exposed to chaos and instability until the exchange rate collapsed, unfortunately, which is what is happening to it now.

In conclusion, the Iraqi economy is strong and solid,

but the fluctuation of the exchange rate is caused by the political and economic instability in the country. 

American moves.. three scenarios for an “undeclared” goal and a “known” goal, 21 AUGUST

 American moves.. three scenarios for an “undeclared” goal and a “known” goal

American moves.. three scenarios for an undeclared goal and a known goalInformation / special.
For nearly ten days, fear and panic have invaded the hearts of Iraqis from a danger that does not seem new to them, and to which they have become accustomed during the previous years, causing them “wounds that may never heal” and they hoped to get rid of it, but it always returned in a new form.
America, which repeatedly fought the Iraqi people and did not leave them alone for many years, to scatter the papers of a people who touched security for the first time in 20 years, and reminded them of its “black” days and the raids of its military convoys and soldiers who knew no mercy.
Washington is conducting a series of movements of its forces inside Iraqi territory, and moving its equipment from one province to another, in a state of anticipation for what is to come, “there is no smoke without fire.”
Structural changes
There are many reasons that may push America to make such moves inside the Iraqi provinces, especially since these changes took place immediately after the visit of an Iraqi security delegation headed by the Ministry of Defense to Washington.
A member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Ali Al-Bindawi, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, “The Security Committee hosted several days ago the Minister of Defense, Thabet Al-Abbasi, where the meeting discussed a number of important issues, including the visit of the Iraqi security delegation headed by him to Washington.”
He added, “All of the questions posed by the members of the Security Committee centered on the goals of the visit to Washington, and the discussions also regarding the movements that the US forces are making inside Iraqi territory, especially in the western and northern provinces.”
A member of the Parliamentary Security Committee explains, “These moves that Washington is making within the provinces are under the direction of the US Department of Defense, which has a plan to redeploy and replace some US military units with others.”
Al-Bandawi explains, “The main reason behind these moves is to make structural changes to the US forces present in Iraq.”
Targeting the resistance
The presence of the American forces, whose combat targets have always been called “a lie”, are well known, and the military operation is equipped to target a “specific party”.
In turn, Al-Rafd Center for Strategic Studies considered that the American moves inside Iraqi territory are “suspicious”, while stressing that Washington’s main goal is to cut off the Iraqi-Syrian border.
And the director of the Al-Rafd Center, Abbas Al-Jubouri, stated in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, “The movements that the American forces are making inside Iraq are undoubtedly suspicious, which were preceded by talks from the American ambassador to Baghdad, Elena Romansky, and the American President, Joe Biden, which is supposed to taken into account.”
He points out, “Washington has a primary goal of severing the borders between Syria and Iraq, and the evidence for that is the move taken by the Syrian government, which moved one of its important military brigades headed by al-Assad’s brother to the Deir ez-Zor region, adjacent to the Iraqi borders in terms of Anbar Governorate.”
And he shows, “The American moves aim to control the axis of resistance in Syria and Lebanon and to cut off all supplies from the Lebanese Hezbollah Brigades.”
The director of the Al-Rafd Center for Studies explains, “America withdrew all its forces from Syria, leaving only the al-Tanf base, which has a close connection with the Iraqi border, passing through the Hauran Valley, and then the al-Hawl camp, which contains the families of the terrorist ISIS.”
Al-Jubouri points out, “The American forces struck the Iraqi-Syrian border many times, and led to the martyrdom of many of our soldiers affiliated with the security forces, including the Popular Mobilization Forces and the Border Forces.”
The movements of the American forces inside Iraqi territory have caused panic among Iraqi society. For fear of conducting military operations or carrying out hidden plots, which requires a government clarification that resolves the controversy of this issue.

Iraqi Dinar-Finally Decided New Rate / Iraqi Dinar Currency New Rate / i...



[via PDK]

Question: …what is your confidence level that we will revalue by the end of 2023.

MarkZ Answer: I don’t know about August but I still feel good about 2023 as a year of historic change.

Mountain Goat

We wait for more news on the progression of the currency reforms being instituted by the CBI and the coming second “official” rate change to around 1000. But they are not there yet and I do not expect this will take too long now that the budget is released. What if they do experience inflation?

 They will also have to take more reform measures to combat it.  Also, to coincide with the RV they would have to conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros thus the redenomination…  there is no mistake on the CBI plan…


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Charlie Ward: Tier4b will be able to exchange foreign currencies after the Global Currency Reset is announced.
  • The Global Currency Reset was expected to be announced at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg South Africa on Tues, Wed. and Thurs. 22-24 Aug.
  • Shelton Levert just said the Paymasters will start paying Tier3 AFTER BRICS Summit. Summit ends on the 24th.We know the providers accounts have the money in the banks, but cannot spend it. Maybe Shelton was right when he said they were paid in fiat and those custodial accounts have to be converted to USN. He said that is happening now. I think they are running the algorithm audits on the new quantum platforms that are in beta, to remove glitches, to launch and announce to the public at large a new banking quantum system implementation. I believe they are working to get this done, ASAP.
  • Thurs. 17 Aug. MarkZ: “I have been assured Iraq plans to finish in the month of August  and bankers are still looking at around Sun. 20th Aug.”
  • Bruce: On Thurs. 17 Aug. or Fri. 18 Aug. Bond Holders were to receive new NDAs. They had to sign and return those NDAs to Wells Fargo by Fri. night 18 Aug. They would receive emails Sat. 19 Aug. that would give them access to funds on Mon. 21 Aug. or Tues. 22 Aug.
  • Fri. 18 Aug. Texas Snake: “Some very positive steps are being taken behind the scenes which all point to a very positive week upcoming. Hang in there, folks.”
  • Fri. 18 Aug. Wolverine: Wells Fargo Bank has received the cash release codes. The redemption of financial instruments has just begun. The global launch of the funds has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the beginning of Redemption’s registered global asset redemption program. Clearance from Reno arrived at 9pm. On Sat. 19 Aug. from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will bethe calls for direct managers”
  • Fri. 18 Aug. RV Highlights Mike Bara: “Latest I just heard: Mon. August 21st, Iraq links with gold or a gold backed currency and drops the dollar. Bankers see it when they wake up Tues. August 22nd, Iraq makes some kind of announcement on Wed. Aug. 23rd. Not sure it will be that dramatic, but there will be an announcement.”
  • Bruce: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should receive notification for appointments and begin to go in for those appointments on Tues. 22 Aug. or Wed. 23 Aug.
  • The fiat US Dollar can be used in US, Canada and Mexico for the next three months.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. is the BRICS Summit where major financial changes will be announced.

The EBS, Redemption Centers & GESARA/NESARA Funds.

  • Two separate things could be going on here. Foreign currency exchange for Tier groups could happen before the actual EBS/EAS. Why? This group has been prepped for this for some time (“exclusive group” for lack of better words).
  • The EBS will go off and we will receive seven text messages.
  • They will tell us that we will have 3-6 hours to get home, or go to a place where we can remain for the next ten days.
  • We will be on a Global Lockdown depending on what’s going on in different cities.
  • For ten days 24/7 we will receive broadcasts on what’s going on in the World, including information on the Global Elite criminal Arrests and Tribunals.
  • Redemption Center appointments are to receive monies owed to us from NESARA/ GESARA funds and also for those wishing to exchange foreign currencies and Zim Bonds. Appointment times will be done in three separate groups: ages 24-44, 45 to 60 and 61 and older. The 61 and older will go in first.
  • You will have 8-12 days to get to your appointment.
  • At your appointment you will set up your Quantum Account which is identified by your own biometric positive energy. (criminals with negative energy will not be given access to a Quantum Account).
  • You will also receive your Quantum Access Bank Card called Quack which is unique to you based on your biometric energy. No one can access that account but you.
  • You will also receive a laptop that connects to the Star Link Satellite System and from which you can access your Quantum Account.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...