Friday, August 18, 2023



AGOSTO 17 2023
Debido a que hay un registro que aprendimos ayer, creemos nuestra propia línea de tiempo, de modo que el jueves o el viernes, los BH deben recibir NDA nuevos, los obtienen y tienen que devolverlos digitalmente y hacer que sus PM los firmen de regreso a la sede WF y esas devoluciones por los Vendedores de Bonos tienen que regresar el viernes por la noche. Recuerde que esto es T3 y reciben sus correos electrónicos el sábado del bono PM, para darles acceso a los fondos el lunes o el martes.
Sucederán muchas cosas la próxima semana y durante el fin de semana, así que el fin de semana primero, para ir al 22, 23 24, esa es la cumbre BRICS y cada país, como país soberano, tiene su propia moneda de oro y esto para la membresía tiene que estar respaldado por activos. . Y eso ha estado sucediendo y el número de países está aumentando del 85 al 88% de los países. Entonces, para los países originales, mira cuántos más se han agregado. Así que eso está configurado y les dije el martes que parece ser un cronograma que necesitamos para hacer todo lo que estamos haciendo antes de eso. Así que pasamos y hacemos esto para el sábado y escuchamos que el presidente Trump recibirá invitados de varios países: Rusia, China, Turquía, Indonesia e Irak vienen con una delegación y mucha seguridad y se reunirán durante el fin de semana y eso es un gran problema. .  

Pero baste decir que todo esto sucederá antes del lunes, que es un gran día para el mundo, y creo que el presidente Trump hará de 3 a 5 anuncios y creo que estos son anuncios importantes sobre uno que será Nesara en algún momento del lunes y el siguiente sobre nuestro nuevo moneda respaldada por activos, el USN o USTN. Y también el Fiat que tenemos ahora, que se está yendo y prácticamente se ha ido a nivel internacional, pero solo para unos pocos países. Por lo tanto, se usará en los EE. UU. durante otros tres meses, por lo que si tiene toneladas de Fiat, es posible que desee gastarlo o cambiarlo por los nuevos billetes y escuchamos de los bancos que esos nuevos billetes saldrán la próxima semana.  

Los bancos ya los tienen y los usarán cuando se les indique, así que esos dos anuncios del lunes. Otros tres posibles son políticos, pero no sé de qué se tratan. Ahora, ¿cómo saldrá todo esto? Me parece que algo tan importante como Nesara y Gesara deberían salir al mismo tiempo y también nuestra nueva moneda. sal y todos sabremos sobre ese lunes y luego las cosas políticas. Cómo, creo que tendrían que usar algo que abarcara a todos los HSH para cubrirlo, y los HSH no han estado al día al informar la verdad. Y recuerde que tenemos el EBS/EAS y el nuevo EWS, por lo que es posible que eso suceda con el EWS.
Bruce fue a atender una llamada, creo.
Lo siento, recibí una llamada pertinente sobre los anuncios políticos. No me sorprendería si usaran uno de esos sistemas anteriores para difundir esta noticia y si MSM no obtiene esto con precisión, estoy seguro de que los militares podrían apoderarse de ellos. Y creo que podríamos tener una divulgación temprana después de estos anuncios poco después y estoy emocionado porque después de esos anuncios, en términos generales, cuando el presidente Trump anuncia algo, ya ha sucedido. Esos anuncios podrían desencadenar nuestros correos electrónicos y posiblemente el lunes, pero más probablemente el martes, y programar nuestra cita para el martes por la noche o el miércoles, por lo que T4 estamos en el próximo martes, miércoles, y el 22 comenzarán muchas cosas y algo sensible, por lo que no puedo traer pero sucederán muchos martes/miércoles/jueves.
Sé que tenemos una muy buena situación con las tasas y el Zim y tienen una tasa fija en el Dinar y una tasa planificada para el Dong que podamos tener y el resto será simplemente la tasa de la pantalla frontal.
¿Qué va a hacer Irak? Van a anunciar su tasa internacional el domingo desde aquí con su PM y también la HCL podría hacerse el domingo o el miércoles. Bruce acaba de dejar de hablar de nuevo y no hay sonido. Bien, ha vuelto y necesita hacer un cambio en el sistema. La otra cosa en cuanto a inteligencia es: esta es una semana muy importante para nosotros y cambios importantes en la bolsa de valores para el martes o el miércoles, y hemos escuchado que estaremos en un nuevo sistema, el QFS y todo lo que se avecina. que he estado buscando comenzará el martes y creo que porque los BRICS estarán en marcha y podría haber una reunión preliminar y creo que surgirán muchas cosas de estos anuncios. Y ahora Bruce ha ido a hablar de Sue y sus programas.
Nuevamente, creo que este es nuestro segmento de inteligencia para esta noche y parece que será una SEMANA REALMENTE EMOCIONANTE PARA NOSOTROS LA PRÓXIMA SEMANA. Estoy seguro de que Bruce agradecerá a Sue, Bob, GCK, el pastor Scott, Jeannie y Larry, y también a los fieles oyentes de ahora en todo el mundo. Y siempre, sin falta, rezar la llamada: oren con Bruce y también hasta que esta Bendición celestial finalmente se reciba en nuestras vidas y en el mundo. Oren con sincera intención. El mundo lo necesita mucho. Incluso Bruce está agradeciendo nuevamente a todos alrededor del mundo por escuchar esta noche, por lo que esta podría ser la última llamada regular, Bruce dice que esto parece sólido para la próxima semana.

Because there's a record that we learned yesterday, we create our own timeline, so on Thursday or Friday, BHs should get new NDAs, they get them, and they have to send them back digitally and have their PMs sign them back to the WF headquarters and those returns by the Bond Sellers have to come back on Friday night. Remember this is Q3 and they receive your emails on Saturday from the PM bonus, to give you access to the funds on Monday or Tuesday.
There's going to be a lot going on next week and over the weekend, so weekend first, to go to the 22, 23, 24, that's the BRICS summit and each country as a sovereign country has its own gold coin and this for membership it has to be backed by assets. . And that has been happening and the number of countries is increasing from 85 to 88% of the countries. So for the original countries, look at how many more have been added. So that's set up and I told you on Tuesday that it seems to be a schedule that we need to do everything that we're doing before then. So we go through and do this for Saturday and we hear that President Trump is hosting guests from various countries: Russia, China, Turkey, Indonesia and Iraq are coming with a delegation and a lot of security and they're meeting over the weekend and that's a big problem. .

But suffice to say that this will all happen before Monday which is a big day for the world and I think President Trump will make 3-5 announcements and I think these are major announcements about one that will be NESARA sometime on Monday and Next up on our new asset-backed currency, the USN or USTN. And also the Fiat that we have now, which is going and has practically gone internationally, but only for a few countries. So it will be used in the US for another three months so if you have tons of Fiat you might want to spend it or trade it in for the new notes and we hear from the banks those new notes are coming out next week . Banks already have them and will use them when directed, so those two announcements on Monday. Three other possible ones are political, but I don't know what they are about. Now how will this all turn out? It seems to me that something as important as NESARA and Gesara should come out at the same time and so should our new currency. Come out and we'll all know about that Monday and then the political stuff. How, I think they'd have to use something MSM-wide to cover it, and MSM haven't kept up with reporting the truth. And remember we have the EBS/EAS and the new EWS, so it's possible for that to happen with the EWS. Bruce went to take a call, I think.
Sorry, I got a pertinent call about political ads. I wouldn't be surprised if they used one of those older systems to spread this news and if MSM doesn't get this accurately I'm sure the military could get hold of them. And I think we could have early disclosure after these announcements soon after and I'm excited because after those announcements, generally speaking, when President Trump announces something, it's already happened. Those announcements could trigger our emails and possibly Monday, but more likely Tuesday, and set our appointment for Tuesday night or Wednesday, so Q4 we're on next Tuesday, Wednesday, and on the 22nd a lot of things will start and somewhat sensitive, so I can't bring but it will happen a lot on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.

I know we have a very good situation with the rates and the Zim and they have a fixed rate on the Dinar and a planned rate on the Dong that we may have and the rest will just be the front screen rate. What is Iraq going to do? They are going to announce their international rate on Sunday from here with their PM and also the HCL could be done on Sunday or Wednesday. Bruce just stopped talking again and there's no sound. Well, you're back and you need to make a change to the system. The other thing intelligence-wise is this is a very big week for us and big stock changes on Tuesday or Wednesday and we've heard we're going to be on a new system, the QFS and all that's coming up. . that I have been looking for will start on Tuesday and I think because the BRICS will be on and there could be a preliminary meeting and I think a lot will come out of these announcements. And now Bruce has gone to talk about Sue and her shows.
Again, I think this is our intelligence segment for tonight and it looks like it's going to be a REALLY EXCITING WEEK FOR US NEXT WEEK. I'm sure Bruce will thank Sue, Bob, GCK, Pastor Scott, Jeannie and Larry, as well as today's faithful listeners around the world. And always, without fail, pray the call: pray with Bruce and also until this Heavenly Blessing is finally received in our lives and in the world. Pray with sincere intention. The world needs it badly. Even Bruce is again thanking everyone around the world for listening tonight so this could be the last regular call, Bruce says this looks solid for next week.



Today, Wednesday, Iraq discussed its accession file to the World Trade Organization.
A statement by the Ministry of Commerce, received by Earth News, stated that “Minister Atheer Al-Ghurairy met, in his office today, Wednesday, with experts from the United Nations Trade Center, the WTO organization, representatives of the World Food Program and the European Union, to discuss a formula for joint action to support the process of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, in the presence of the economic agent, Ghassan Farhan. Hamid and Director General of the Department of Economic Relations.
Al-Ghurairy stressed, “The government’s keenness, within its program, to communicate with countries of the world and discreet international organizations to benefit from its expertise in developing the Iraqi economy, which, after 2003, turned to a market economy through support and attribution with its expertise to take practical steps in this aspect.”
He continued, “Iraq needs to diversify its economy in a flexible manner, such as the agricultural, industrial and investment sectors, and for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization to be useful as one of the tools for building a market economy within the standards of the global market and a tool to achieve reforms and decisions to implement these measures.”
The minister indicated, “His ministry is responsible for domestic and foreign economic policy and is continuing to work with steps and programs to implement this within its ministerial curriculum and at the specified times.”
The statement pointed out that “Trade Center experts reviewed their work in assisting countries with economic policies, with a focus on business and the accession of countries to the WTO organization, noting that they” have been working in Iraq for three years, with the aim of strengthening trade policy in Iraq and developing the institutional capabilities of the relevant ministries.
The Ministry of Commerce is fruitful and advanced in this aspect, in addition to achieving sustainable development goals, enhancing the capabilities of the private sector and small, medium and micro projects directed to local markets, supporting youth projects and increasing their skills. This is a great challenge to be the first to adopt reform in legislation, and we are ready to provide technical support and advice to expedite the completion of many accession files.”
The statement concluded, “Views were exchanged on the possibilities of support that the center will provide to Iraq, with a diagnosis of challenges and work to support Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization by providing technical and legal advice and supporting trade policies to align with international standards.”

No Delays! Day by Day🔥Iraq Buys 132 Tons of Gold!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...


 America and its never-ending theatrical chapters in Iraq.

America and its never-ending theatrical chapters in Iraq.Ibrahim Mahjoub
It is no secret to anyone today that Iraq, after the US occupation in 2003, has become an unstable country dominated by chaos and instability as a result of the state’s inability to impose the rule of law on everyone, and the official names and titles of many people who have wide financial influence and strong authority have become unconstitutional to rule the country….
From time to time, the US State Department appears to us through the US Embassy in Baghdad or the official spokesperson for the White House with a new theatrical chapter showing us that the White House is very concerned about what is happening in Iraq, as if the Iraqi issue concerns them more than the internal affairs in the United States of America…
The White House is accustomed to skits, especially after the new world order, whose decision was unique to America alone, and the scales differed on the other side of the world after the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, and American arrogance became clear and public with its strong desire to control all the wealth of the countries of the world, either through force and weapons or through The way of thought and the use of imposing a fait accompli of politics on the governments of peaceful countries or by spreading ideas and values ​​that are contrary to the heavenly laws, as well as what it is doing today and publicly in its blatant interference with the prices of buying and selling oil as if it is the heavenly guardian of those oil-producing countries….
Today we hear from the talk of the street that there is a new intervention by the United States through the deployment of its military forces in many locations inside and outside the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, as well as the deployment of many of these forces on the borders adjacent to some of Iraq’s neighboring countries. No. The official Iraqi position and the official media deny this, but the recent statements of the ambassador The American forces are deploying new forces in the American bases present on the ground in Iraq, and it was found that they did not leave Iraqi territory except through false news in the media loyal to the White House.
The logical analysis of such false statements aims to sow unrest within the Iraqi street and destabilize the security situation, especially after the existing and clear stability in the Iraqi street in all Iraqi provinces and cities, which had the obvious effect of restoring national cohesion and bringing Iraq back to the Arab ranks after many Arab brothers restored Their brotherly and diplomatic relations with Iraq, and this news is certainly not in the interest of the United States and the countries loyal to it.. Likewise, the countries that have come to view the Iraqi state as a weak, helpless and paralyzed state from all sides and not ready to defend themselves and claim their rights…
On the other hand, the Iraqi people have become accustomed to hearing such farces and theatrical episodes from time to time, as well as the news that spreads media propaganda that there is a change in the political reality in Iraq, and its purpose is to demand a renewal of allegiance to the ruling political system in Iraq and to renew its dependence on the capitalist system led by the United States of America…
Successive governments in America have become accustomed to creating chaos in Iraq by publishing fabricated news, and after a few days or weeks, we notice the deployment of some of its military forces in some Iraqi cities, and its goal has always been to put the ruling political classes in a very embarrassing position in front of the Iraqi people, who have lost their credibility with their central government, as well as with dealings With the so-called lame American democracy, when will this people wake up to themselves, and when will American diplomacy stop continuing lies, propaganda, and its foreign interventions in the Iraqi issue, just as it began by fighting and changing the previous regime under the pretext of Iraq’s possession of chemical and biological weapons, which have proven to the whole world that they do not exist at all, and that they are nothing but a joke made by the CIA? The US at the time, which is still making things like this, even with the existence of the new Iraqi political system, for which the Iraqi people are certainly paying the price alone…….

Iraqi PM, US Envoy Discuss Baghdad-Washington Relations

ERBIL — Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani on Sunday held a meeting with US Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski, highlighting relations between Baghdad and Washington among other topics.

“During the meeting, they discussed the overall Iraqi-American relations and ways to enhance joint cooperation in the economic and development fields according to the Strategic Framework Agreement, in a way that benefits the interests of the two friendly countries,” Sudani’s office said in a press release.

The Prime Minister reconfirmed Iraq's commitment to carrying out its reform initiatives across different sectors and fostering beneficial collaborations with friendly and neighboring nations.

He stressed the significance of maintaining an ongoing conversation between Iraq and the United States, focusing on defining their relationship post the triumph over the terrorist group Daesh. This dialogue will also consider the strengthening capabilities of the Iraqi security forces.

“For her part, the US Ambassador expressed the US government's keenness to continue cooperation and develop common interests with Iraq. She also praised the last round of strategic dialogue between Iraq and the US in Washington, DC, stressing her country's readiness to continue constructive dialogue,” the statement concluded.



 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Sudani being cleared to make trip to America

FRANK: IMO the Prime Minister of Iraq Sudani is being cleared to make a trip to the United States of America… When was the last time that happened?  (When Maliki was shunned by President Obama and sent back to Iraq.)

FIREFLY: They are showing us on television how they are arresting the corrupt in…high up positions.  We are seeing the former Oil Minister and several others that are being arrested and they still have warrants out for the former prime minister…

FRANK: There’s a lot of cleanup going on in your country and you see it…

FIREFLY: The CBI governor Alaq is on TV right now Channel One saying the trade with banned countries around us make the rise of the dollar.  He didn’t say the name of the counties but we are wise.  We know he’s talking about Iran… Turkey and Syria…Iran alone imports $10 billion of good for our markets.  This makes the parallel market high on the dollar.  Alaq is saying this is a struggle…he needs the United States of America to set up a way to trade with the banned countries to strengthen our dinar.


 Global Currency Reset:

  • On Wed. 9 Aug. the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was believed to have revalued at a 1:1 with the USD and then began trading up on the Forex back screens.
  • On Thurs. 10 Aug. the direct payment system was activated to send funds internationally person to person.
  • On Mon. 14 Aug. 2023 the ISO 20022 XRP & XLM Stellar Blockchain Digital Payment System went live for 200 countries – meaning that the old Cabal CBCD was disconnected and was switched over to the Quantum Financial System.
  • Thurs. 17 Aug. MarkZ: “I have been assured Iraq plans to finish in the month of August and bankers are still looking at around Sun. 20th Aug.”
  • Tier 4b should be notified to receive appointments to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim bonds within 48 hours of Bond Holders and before the BRICS Summit Aug. 22-24.
  • Bruce: On Tues. 22 Aug. we should receive our notification for appointments and begin to go in for those appointments on Tues. 22 Aug. or Wed. 23 Aug.
  • The new USN will be out next week.
  • The fiat US Dollar can be used in US, Canada and Mexico for the next three months.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. is the BRICS Summit and major financial changes will be announced.
  • The Gold/asset-backed USN was expected to be announced between Aug.18-21, or most certainly at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg South African Aug. 22-24.
  • Texas gold backed currency goes into effect Fri. 1 Sept.
  • On Thurs 17 Aug. evening $769 million was liquidated from the crypto market in 30 minutes.
  • Thurs. 17 Aug. Bitcoin, Ethereum Flash Crash Triggers $800 Million in Liquidations – Decrypt:
  • Thurs. 17 Aug: If You are Worried About BRICS, QFS, Dollar Collapse and More, This Is The Most Important Video You Will Ever Watch In Your Lifetime – American Media Group (


 Thurs. 17 Aug. 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866pin123456#

  • Thurs. 17 Aug. or Fri. 18 Aug. the Bond Holders were to receive new NDAs. They have to sign and return those NDAs to Wells Fargo by Fri. night 18 Aug.
  • Bond Holders to receive emails Sat. 19 Aug. that would give them access to funds on Mon. 21 Aug. or Tues. 22 Aug.
  • Over the weekend President Trump will be receiving guests from six countries including Iraq.
  • The new Dinar Rate could come out on Sun. 20 Aug. or Wed. 23 Aug.
  • On Mon. 21 Aug. we will have 3-5 major announcements by President Trump including NESARA, the new asset-backed currency USN and other political announcements. GESARA may also be announced.
  • Those announcements will come over the Emergency Wireless System, Emergency Broadcast System and Emergency Alert System.
  • If the Mainstream Media does not report this accurately, the Military will take over to insure they are to be made.
  • There will be major changes in our Stock Market on Tues. 22 Aug.
  • Be prepared for the possibility of a lot of things happening on Tues. 22 Aug, Wed 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug.
  • Zim holders have a fixed rate we will receive on our Dinar and Dong.
  • On Tues. 22 Aug. we should receive our notification for appointments and begin to go in for those appointments on Tues. 22 Aug. or Wed. 23 Aug.
  • The new USN will be out next week.
  • The fiat US Dollar can be used in US, Canada and Mexico for the next three months.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. is the BRICS Summit and major financial changes will be announced.
  • Approximately 85% of countries around the world will be part of BRICS and have their own gold/asset-backed currency.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...