Tuesday, August 1, 2023



Sun. 30 July:  “Very early today I received Intel from a very high Contact. I can’t tell you what they said other than things are progressing. Everything is ready. It won’t happen today but we may have very good news this week.”


[via PDK]

I have been told by at least 3 different contacts to expect a very fruitful week…A number of sources think that this week will see our release? We shall see.  I am hopeful but do not know the timing.

People I have spoken to who have crunched the numbers say  it needs to be at least $1.30 to make sense for Iraq – IF they are going to do it that way.  I am still hearing that we will have a contract rate no matter how they do it… because they need it for the “Oil for Dinar” program.

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

“U.S. ambassador in Baghdad announces the success of mediation between the Iraqi government, Central Bank and U.S. Treasury”

Do you find that to be fascinating?  Because it should be.  Because the bottom line is that the largest entities in the world…is the Untied States Treasury and the central banks…The Central Bank of Iraq, The United States Treasury and the U.S. ambassador have come to some sort of an agreement in respect to what’s going on…

Alaq came out four or five days ago with a five page report specifically saying the delete the zeros project still exists.  He stated specifically that…Al Sudani is still in support of the Iraqi dinar


 Judy Note: If you were reading this Update as posted on Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that some information has been redacted. For the complete un-redacted version, see the PDF copy at the end of this Update on Operation Disclosure Official.

Global Currency Revaluation:

Judy Note: The Quantum Financial System was expected to be running on the new secure Star Link Satellite System by Tues. 1 Aug.– the same date President Trump was expected to return to his duly elected office as President of the US.

Prepare for activation of the Emergency Broadcast System in a version of Martial Law, which could shut down everything for up to a ten day period while documentaries are shown in eight hour segments 24/7. The purpose would be to educate the public about our new court and government systems including our God-given Freedoms as outlined in the original and inspired US Constitution.

Mon. 31 July Ranga Rao Konuganti Tom RV/GCR Updates: Money is moving, large amounts, of your information.

Three big money moves:

1) From Singapore to the Philippines from the Windsor Fund (one of the top six global collateral accounts).

2) From those same accounts to the Chinese Elders, so that they can execute the Financial Transition.

3) The good side of the Chinese government, the bad CCP is almost gone!


Lots of money movements, so when the time comes, the IQD or Iraqi Dinar can move forward with revaluation.

Big meeting: August 22 in South Africa for the BRICS group, which NOW has more than 130 countries. All wanting and many declaring gold-backed currency. Is that the “trigger” for the disappearance of Fiat Petro Dollar? Dr. Tom thinks so, after August 22, 2023.

You can see that in some alternative news, and not XRP and XLM, new ones can be bought through normal channels.

CBDC currency or now called Fed Now: don’t let any bank switch your account to that. The money in that account will be gone.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Dinar RV Breaking News🔥Protect Value of Dinar🔥CBI Must Take Action Reass...

Evening News with MarkZ 07/31/2023

Monday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening all

MZ: The chatter suddenly lit up this afternoon in a very positive way. Let’s start with the Rumors. 

MZ: I have Asian Bond contact s who have been asked to travel this week…to be in place by Friday by the close of regular banking business. Perhaps things are finally moving?

MZ: It’s my understanding that the NDA’s or pressure to keep quiet is not nearly as severe in Asia….They are not trying to hide things like the European and US Central banks are.  I take this as exceptional news. 

MZ:  This is the first thing I have heard since the bond side went quiet a few weeks ago. No news coming out of Reno or Zurich, London ect…..All the news came from Hong Kong and Asia.  

MZ: Also there is a huge natural gas find in Austria. It’s crazy how these sudden discoveries are starting t happen.  . 

MZ: “HD Bank achieves $23 M profit …adopts Basel3 norms”  In Vietnam….They adopted Basel 3 right out of the gate and they are highly profitable. The banks not fighting this move are more financially sound , 


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.


"Bolivia has the World's Largest Lithium Reserves. Is it Worth Investing In?" BY IVAN CASTANO, 31 JULY

 Bolivia has the world’s largest reserves of lithium, the new ‘white gold’ Tesla (TSLA) and rivals such as General Motors (GM) or BMW (BMW) are rushing to procure to make increasingly-demanded electric vehicles (EVs).

With 80 million metric tons (MT), the impoverished nation’s troves of the silver-white metal trump neighbors Chile and Argentina’s own reserves. These three countries, which comprise the so-called Lithium Triangle, hold more than two thirds of global reserves. Chile is the world’s second largest producer with 39,000 annual tons, ranking just behind Australia. Argentina, in turn, makes 6,000 tons, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Bolivia, however, has failed to catch up, hurt by political turbulence and technological setbacks. It currently makes just 600 tons a year through a pilot plant held by state-owned producer Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos, though it plans to boost it to 15,000 tons in the coming year.

Global EV giants, however –notably China’s battery supplier Contemporary Amperex Technology, which counts Tesla and Ford (F) as customers – are set to plough billions into Bolivia to help it churn out 300,000 tons of lithium between 2025 to 2030. This as demand for the silver-white metal, also used to make cell phones and laptops, is set to rise five-fold by 2030, according to consultancy Li-Bridge.

CATL will build two facilities in the fabled Uyuni salt flats, home to the bulk of Bolivia’s reserves but also a major tourist attraction and the set of past Star Wars films. It plans to initially produce 100,000 tons, then ramp up with additional investment. On top of this, China’s government-backed Citic Guoan Group and Russian state energy firm Rosatom will earmark $1.4 billion to extract another 100,000 tons of the world’s lightest metal.

Eyeing opportunities

For starters, they can invest in a slew of publicly-traded companies including CATL but also Chile’s Sociedad Quimica Minera (SQM) and Australia’s Albemarle (ALB) and Lion Town Resources (LINRF), all of which are rushing to mine lithium in Bolivia, South America and around the world.

“The best thing investors can do right now is to invest in Chile and Argentina” where mining firms are also allowed to own state lithium resources unlike Bolivia where the constitution bans it, said industry expert and Texas A&M University professor Diego Von Vacano. “You have SQM and Albemarle who are major global companies with proven businesses all over the world. Then there is Lake Resources, which is working to unearth 50,000 tons from Argentina by 2030, pitting itself against the likes of Rio Tinto which is also looking to muscle in the country.

EnergyX’s Bet

Von Vacano, who advised Bolivia’s President Luis Arce on his latest lithium investment initiatives, also likes U.S.’s EnergyX which recently completed a pilot project to obtain lithium through a new technology called direct lithium extraction (DLE). The site, located in Uyuni, had 94% “recovery rates,” a term used to describe the purity of the metal as extracted from brines or deposits, using much less energy and water than competing facilities. EnergyX raised $50 million in April through a GM-led funding round.

“Of the 9 firms that bid for Bolivia’s projects, EnergyX was the only one that actually had a viable project for Bolivia. They had very good results and they plan to replicate the project in Chile and Argentina,” added Von Vacano.

Regarding the future, he expects Bolivia will schedule a second bidding round in the next 12 to 18 months to enable U.S. and/or European entities to develop lithium projects. Next time, however, the process should be more competitive as the government is expected to approve a much-awaited law to govern the industry.So how can investors profit from Bolivia’s EV ambitions?

Legal Framework

Called the Law of Lithium and Evaporitic Resources, the bill is expected to provide greater clarity on how much lithium, if any, foreign entities will be allowed to own. Simultaneously, it will outline how much Bolivia’s different regions (such as Uyuni’s home, the Potosi Department) will receive in royalties.

Von Vacano expects the bill to clear Congress early next year, possibly allowing foreign firms to strike joint ventures with the government where the former will own 49% and the latter 51%, a similar structure that’s been used in the breadwinning natural gas industry.

Institutional investors, such as Aegon Asset Management, say Bolivia must do more before they can consider backing its lithium ambitions.

“It’s not something I am looking at,” said Jeff Grills, who heads EM debt for the New York-based firm, adding that the fledgling projects won’t have a near-term benefit on the nation’s economy or worsening debt profile.

He added, “I haven’t even tried to look at Bolivia’s lithium potential because it’s very hard to get information and future return projections. I am more concerned about the country’s economic projections and debt ratings. Bolivia is a country with high debt, very little liquid reserves and a large fiscal deficit.”

Grills expressed concerns about whether the landlocked nation will be able to pay its nearly $2 billion in debt as $1 billion and $850 million in sovereign bonds comes due in spring 2028 and 2030.


Mor money recovered in Iraq and outside of Iraq soon eill get some front...by Nader from MID EAST


 The US ambassador in Baghdad announces the success of her mediation between the Iraqi Central Bank and the US Treasury

2023-07-30 09:46
The US ambassador in Baghdad announces the success of her mediation between the Iraqi Central Bank and the US TreasuryShafaq News/ The US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romansky, announced that the US Treasury will not impose sanctions on Iraqi banks due to money laundering fears.
“Yesterday, I participated in a call between the Treasury Department and the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) about the recent US measures to restrict 14 Iraqi banks from dollar services after money laundering concerns,” the ambassador wrote in a tweet on Twitter.
She added, “CBI took appropriate and prompt measures. No sanctions were imposed on any Iraqi banks. We will continue our work to improve compliance with AML/CFT regulations and digitize the Iraqi economy with our CBI partners.”
On Wednesday, July 19, the US Treasury imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks in a crackdown on Iran’s dollar transactions.
Without siding with the region… Political efforts to legislate the oil and gas law
Without siding with the region... Political efforts to legislate the oil and gas lawInformation / Bagdad …
Today, Thursday, a member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ali Al-Zubaidi, confirmed the existence of political movements and endeavors to legislate the oil and gas law and ensure fair distribution of oil revenues and wealth without siding with the region in this file.
Al-Zubaidi told Al-Maalouma, “There are vigorous moves to pass the oil and gas law in a fair manner for all, so that it regulates the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil and the distribution of wealth is fair, provided that the central government distributes the revenues coming to it, whether from Erbil or elsewhere.”
He added, “The oil of the areas under the control of the terrorist ISIS in the past period was sold to the region, in addition to the region’s smuggling of oil extracted from the fields of Kirkuk, and therefore the need has become urgent to pass the oil and gas law.”
And that “the legislation of the aforementioned law will make the oil wealth in the interest of Iraq as a whole and not only in the interest of the region, but it will legalize the oil file.”
Al-Zubaidi indicated that “resolving the law may take more time before it is legislated within the House of Representatives.”
Expectations of the issuance of a package of changes affecting general managers in the Central Bank
Expectations of the issuance of a package of changes affecting general managers in the Central BankToday, Sunday, political writer Halim Salman expected the issuance of a package of changes affecting two general managers in the Central Bank of Iraq, after the significant rise in dollar exchange rates.
Salman said in an interview with “ Jarida” , that “in light of the current data, and the failure of those in charge of drawing and implementing monetary policy, formal and informal discussions are taking place in this regard, the outcome of which is changing a number of relevant departments in the central bank.”
Salman expected that “a package will be issued to change a number of general managers, especially the supervisors of the currency auction, and under the guidance of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani during the next few days.”


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...