Thursday, July 27, 2023


The Difference In The Exchange Rate Economical 2023/07/26 Muhammad Sharif Abu Maysam There is no doubt that the campaign to support the dinar, which was adopted and in which many parties participated with the Central Bank of Iraq, contributed significantly to reducing the dollarization of local markets and strengthening trades and exchanges through the local currency, and thus the relative stability of exchange rates after returning to the Iraqi dinar in the pricing of many Goods and services that were provided in foreign currency. These achieved results did not come without a series of procedures and controls that contributed to accelerating the necessary steps to expand the space for merchants and citizens to enter the electronic platform, with the aim of addressing the problem of low demand resulting from the state of uncertainty with electronic payment transactions, and the reluctance to deal transparently in the procedures for obtaining amounts. Necessary to finance foreign trade and other activities of individuals. However, the exchange rates in the parallel market are still unstable and relatively far from the official exchange rate, which creates a big difference between the dollar exchange rate through the transfer platform to finance foreign trade, and the selling prices of imported goods in the local market based on the exchange rate in the parallel market. This difference contributed and contributes to the ripening of the capital of merchants and exchange offices at the expense of the purchasing power of consumers, and also contributed to the penetration of import operations at the expense of the local product due to the low prices of imported goods and the inability of the local product to compete with the importer, and accordingly and with the start of work with the largest budget witnessed by Iraq on Throughout its history, which will contribute to moving the market and the flow of cash liquidity, it is expected that inflation rates will rise, local demand for commodities will increase, and profits will accumulate in the import-dependent business environment, as capital owners will increasingly tend to import as a quick-profit and low-risk investment, in the face of a local product that suffers from uneven competition. With the importer due to the high costs of energy, manpower and raw materials with the high risks of work in light of the deterioration of electric energy services. On this basis, large proportions of the general budget allocations will go in favor of the importer as he continues his blows to the local product, and national capital will suffer in the work environment from unequal competition with private sector imports, and local markets will be exposed to the risks of price fluctuations in the exchange rate due to the flow of cash into the markets and increased demand. On commodities in light of the decline in domestic production rates, and thus the loss of public funds, the lack of control over the exchange rate and the increase in the possibilities of the return of dollarization to the markets. The Dollar Is Flying High And Confusing Monetary Policy Measures Economical 2023/07/27 Baghdad: Haider Fleeh Al-Rubaie The process of increasing the exchange rate in the parallel market constituted a new shock to the financial and monetary policies, after they made great efforts during the past periods with the aim of aborting the rise of the dollar, whose exchange exceeded yesterday, Wednesday, the limits of 155 thousand dinars per 100 dollars, which was considered by specialists in economic affairs. They stressed the need to take strict measures to limit the flight of the green currency against the dinar, to find quick financial settlements that meet the needs of importers and traders, and to create a tangible balance between dollar supply and demand, with the aim of controlling the prices of goods and materials from the exploitation of the "greedy". Despite the continuous rises in the exchange rate, however, specialists in the economic affairs minimized the risks of these rises on the local market, assuring to "Al-Sabah" that 75% of the materials and commodities in the markets enter Iraq at the official rate set by the Central Bank, and that merchants make their foreign transfers. According to that price, however 25% of Iraqi trade is affected by the parallel exchange rate. The efforts of the fiscal and monetary policies to undermine the dollar were matched by the efforts of the legislative and executive authorities with the aim of limiting the rise in the parallel exchange rate. While the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani, discussed with the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, the measures taken to stabilize the currency in the local market, and discussed the facilities provided by the Central Bank, Which includes allowing small merchants and importing individuals to finance their imports without the need to establish a company. The Parliamentary Finance Committee reviewed with Al-Alaq ways to achieve monetary stability and control prices. In contrast to the "cautious optimism" shown by a number of specialists regarding the effects of the exchange rate rise, others see the possibility of economic indicators, which they described as "painful", represented by entering the local market in the short term in a state of stagnation and high inflation rates. In turn, the researcher in Iraqi and international economic affairs, Dr. Ali Daadush, in an interview he gave to "Al-Sabah", attributed the reasons for the price jumps of the green currency to the shortage in the supply of cash dollars compared to the volume of demand, which led to a rise in the exchange rate in the parallel market that finances trade. Foreign with the penalized countries.

Dadoush pointed out that the reasons that led to the exchange rate rising again are many, but the most prominent of them is the speculation on which most transfer and exchange companies live, as these transfers take two directions, the first is to cover the volume of commodity imports from the punished and banned countries with dollars, which leads to This leads to an increase in the demand for the dollar in the parallel market, while the second lies in the expansion of the phenomenon of speculation and hoarding of the dollar and putting it up later to obtain a larger price difference. The economic researcher believes that solutions in the short term may not be within reach, as most of the reasons that led to the dollar’s rise are external, especially after 14 Iraqi banks were punished by the US Federal Reserve, pointing out that the most effective solutions to confront the “dollar dominance” lie in Activating and operating factories and laboratories to produce goods that are imported from countries banned from the dollar, and directing the government towards activating institutions and companies in the public and private sectors, operating and managing industries and working to increase their production, stressing that these steps will lead to eliminating the gap between the official and parallel prices, as they will produce imported goods that are Cover their dollar amounts cash. The Central Bank Holds "Some Merchants" Responsible For The Dollar's Rise July 26 18:25 Information / Baghdad.. On Wednesday, the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, blamed some merchants for causing a rise in the dollar exchange rate as a result of not organizing their transactions on the electronic platform. Al-Alaq said in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, which was seen by / information / that "the central bank continues to provide the dollar at the official rate and cover all legitimate transactions for the purchase request, including remittances and credits for various imports." He added, "What is being talked about in terms of a rise in the exchange rate does not mean that there is a rise in the official rate, which is still the same. Rather, the rise is occurring in the cash price circulating in the market and is caused by the reluctance of some merchants to enter the electronic platform, which is the official channel for the sale that it requires." The new system. And he continued, “Merchants, in addition to other categories, cannot enter the platform because they do not practice legitimate activities and operations, and our role in the Central Bank is to push everyone who needs to buy dollars to enter the legal and correct path, and the process today is in fact a process of reorganizing the movement of trade and funds, which makes these operations Subject to local and international controls and standards, which leads to an effective implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law No. 39 of 2015. Al-Alaq pointed out, “The process of implementing the new system in reorganizing the movement of trade and funds requires the cooperation of multiple parties, and we expected that the issue would receive support, implementation, and interaction from the official and popular parties to support the Central Bank in achieving the goal of this system to make the movement of funds proceed in legal contexts and correct criteria to avoid any internal or external risks. Ended/25 hالبنك-المركزي-يحمل-بعض-التجار-مسؤولية-ارتفاع-سعر-الدولار Economist: The Statements Of Some Officials Are Behind The Rise In The Price Of The Dollar, And The Solution Is In The Hands Of The Central Bank Economy breaking Central Bank of Iraq The rise in the price of the dollar Officials' statements 2023-07-26 07:49 Shafaq News/ The Kurdish economist, Goran Jabbar, revealed on Wednesday that the statements of some officials led to an increase in the exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, indicating that the Central Bank of Iraq can solve the problem. Jabbar, who is the official spokesman for the currency market in Sulaymaniyah, told Shafaq News agency, "The price of the dollar soared this afternoon to reach its highest levels in the last two months, reaching 158 thousand dinars per 100 dollars, but it has declined this afternoon to 156 thousand dinars per 100 dollars."". Jabbar ruled out that the imposition of sanctions by the US Treasury Department on 14 Iraqi banks was behind the high price of the dollar, noting that "banning these banks does not have a significant impact, as the volume of their transactions in dollars does not exceed 1.29%, and their acquisition of the dollar does not exceed 8%." He explained that "the real reason is the statements of some officials who stated that sanctions are expected to be imposed on the Central Bank of Iraq in the month of November next, and this raised the concerns of citizens, which made them transfer their financial savings to dollars, and thus led to an increase in demand for foreign currency during the period." previous days". Jabbar denied that the United States imposed sanctions on the Central Bank of Iraq, stressing that it is "false, since the bank deals with Iraqi oil imports, and in the event that the Central Bank is banned, this means that Iraq will not export crude, which affects the global economy due to the large volume of Iraqi oil exports daily."".

He pointed out that "some banks have so far been smuggling currency to countries that have US sanctions, and senior officials stand behind these banks, and

if the Central Bank of Iraq does not take real measures towards those banks, the matter may reflect on the local economy because Iraq is a consumer country and imports hard currency."

Regarding the appropriate measures to address the crisis, Jabbar believed that the central bank should take "strict measures against those banks, as it did four months ago when the value of the dollar reached 167 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, until it declined after that to settle at 148 thousand dinars." 

He concluded by saying, "The Central Bank of Iraq must grant loans to small projects, and the process of granting foreign currency to merchants and those who wish to travel through financial dealing companies (money changers) must be facilitated and expanded."

Earlier today, the deputy head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ahmed Mazhar, told Shafaq News agency,

"The Central Bank took a wrong decision when it allowed exchange companies to sell dollars directly to citizens wishing to travel outside Iraq."  

Mazhar asked, "We do not know how the central bank administration made such a decision?", indicating that  "this decision may collide with the policy of the US Treasury, and new sanctions may be issued that may affect the central bank if the situation continues as it is now."

Yesterday, Monday, the Central Bank of Iraq decided, according to Shafaq News Agency, to "facilitate cash sales in US dollars for travelers.

It was decided to allow exchange companies of categories (A and B) wishing to open accounts with this bank in both dinar and dollar currencies for the purpose of participating in a sale window and buying foreign currency.اقتصـاد/خبير-اقتصادي-تصريحات-بعض-المس-ولين-ورا-ارتفاع-سعر-الدولار-والحل-بيد-البنك-المركزي 

 The Central Bank Excludes The Inclusion Of New Banks In The Sanctions

   July 26 18:27  Information / Baghdad..  The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, ruled out, on Wednesday, the inclusion of new Iraqi banks in US sanctions.

Al-Alaq said in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, which I viewed / the information /:

“Currently there is no indication or indication from the American side of including new banks within the sanctions,” noting,

“The Central Bank will follow up on the issue of banks that have been subject to deprivation of the dollar and will enter into a process review, audit and verify them.  He revealed,

"There are a number of proposals being developed to set up the trade process with the Iranian side and the payment mechanism within its framework, and work to provide means of payment through the Iraqi currency and prepare special cards for this issue." Ended/25 hالبنك-المركزي-يستبعد-إدراج-مصارف-جديدة-ضمن-العقوبات

The Central Bank Of Iraq Denies Withdrawing The Capital Of Private Banks

July 26, 2023  The Central Bank of Iraq denied the withdrawal of the capital of private banks and their deposit.

The Central Bank of Iraq stressed that the news reported by some media and social media about the existence of a decision to withdraw the capital of private banks and deposit them in its accounts are incorrect.

    The Central Bank of Iraq renewed its call to various media outlets to be careful and communicate with the Central Bank to obtain accurate information, rather than relying on unofficial sources to spread rumors and influence the work of monetary policy and the banking sector.

    The central bank is working hard to enhance confidence in the banking sector by providing support to it and enhancing economic development.

The Central Bank of Iraq    information Office    26 - July – 2023


 Nader From The Mid East

Article Quote:
The Harith Exchange in Baghdad, said, at 11:00 a.m., an exchange rate of IQD 155,200 per [100] US dollar…Dozens of angry protesters are gathered in front of the Central Bank of Iraq building in the middle of Baghdad to protest against the dollar’s exchange rate…demanding quick action to reduce the continuing rise of exchange rates.


[via PDK]

The people have seen the steps the people were told had to be done before they got their rate change and prosperity. The people are growing impatient…The IQD is losing value against the dollar right now. This is costing Iraqi’s dearly. They are upset. They had been promised a change in rate…Iraq is doing everything it can to get from under America’s thumb. It’s a battle and I believe Iraq is winning. Maybe not as quick as we want them to win though. 

Now there is more pressure and the people are taking to the streets and insisting they fulfill those political promises.  This is a good thing for us. Even them talking about how it’s the US holding things up is a good thing for us. They have a short window…This will erase the debt problems in the Us when they let Iraq finally RV their currency…I believe Iraqis taking to the streets is forcing it…It’s time.

Mountain Goat

Well the RV has not yet happened in Iraq nor has the reinstatement of the dinar. As far as the banks are concerned there is still the US Treasury OFAC sanctions in place on the Iraqi dinar. This is not just my opinion but FACT…I was told by my CBI contact to expect the new rate on FOREX, however it did not occur, as stated. So…I inquired on my weekly call to Iraq and asked what happened. 

I was told it was stopped due to the US Treasury audits of many of the major banks in Iraq

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

“The committee members…”

That’s a group of people other than Alaq, ask a number of question regarding the reason for rising exchange rates…” …What they’re asking is what type of solutions do you have…

“The central bank is working with the importance of developing radical solutions to the crisis.”

What’s a radical solution?  Going from 1460 to 1310 wasn’t a radical solution.  Going from 1310 to 1132 which is seriously not a radical solution.  What they’re really talking about…a ‘radical solution’…going back to a ‘previous era’…


 Frank26 (KTFA)

“Economic warning of Iraq’s return to Chapter VII”


[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: We are seeing 8 more banks hit with sanctions. They are saying the dollar will reach 1700.

FIREFLY: The CBI is doing a major campaign.  They’re telling us on television the CBI says this major campaign is to enhance Iraqi dinar.  Saying all payments, transactions, anything we do in our country will be in dinars and they’re telling all banks that are not certified that they must deal in dinars.  This is a big campaign of the monetary reform going on right now about the Iraqi dinar.  This is our education. They are saying the CBI has taken steps to enhance the dinar against foreign currencies.

FRANK: Darn right!  It’s coming!


 Judy Note:

Global Currency Revaluation:

  • On Tues. 25 July The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) would begin to be implemented at midnight Tues. 25 July and complete at midnight Wed. night 26 July. …Bruce
  • At the Wed. 26 July FOMC meeting the Stock Market will go into correction. …Goldilocks
  • On Thurs. 27 July Basel 3 Compliance will be implemented in the banks, with banks closed that cannot prove gold/asset-backed assets. Along with the previous day’s Stock Market correction, bank closures would create shocks and adjustments in our markets and payment systems as they moved into a real value.
  • Thurs. 27 July was also slated as the day to activate NESARA/GESARA. This last week of July US citizens expected to receive restoration allowances that paid them back illegal interest given to the Cabal, plus their SS payments would increase. INTEL – July 27th ‘Restart of Planet Earth’ & The GESARA / NESARA Announcement – Schedule of Events (
  • Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) could receive notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments and Bond Holders could receive access to their funds onThurs. 27 July.
  • If so, Tier 4b exchanges and redemptions would possibly begin.       
  • on Fri. 28 July. …Bruce
  • NESARA would be announced to the US general public on Sun. 30 July, or Mon. 31 July. …Bruce
  • The General Public Tier 5 could exchange currency at the new rates at a bank beginning on Thurs. 3 Aug. …Bruce
  • On Wed. 23 August the new gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System would be made public.
  • Charlie Ward stated that the RV will happen after a Global Financial crisis.

Global Financial Crisis:

  • The major banks of JP Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman Sacs, Wells Fargo and Chase were collapsing. The FDIC has tried to hide everything.
  • JPMorgan Chase will close 21 First Republic branches by the end of this year, a bank spokesperson told Reuters on Thursday. Roughly 100 employees affected by the closures will be offered six-month transition assignments. After that, they’ll be eligible to apply of other roles at JPMorgan. The wire service reported on Jun 1, 2023 that Chase Bank was closing all of it’s branches nationwide. People were reporting closure of their accounts with no reason given, while others were refused requests to open accounts.
  • Sobering Statistics: The global fiat system is dying. It took 1-month for US Debt to go from $31T to $32T.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Frank26…….7-26-23……WELL…..THERE YOU GO

Evening News with MarkZ 07/26/2023

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening everyone….sure seems like it was an eventful day. 

Member: Good evening MarkZ! Tell us something awesome that you heard today!

MZ: Lets get into Iraqi news….”Bank owners and citizens protest the deterioration of the Iraqi dinar following Us ban on  Iraqi banks.”  The chatter in Iraq is that the pressure is huge on Al Sadr and Sudani to force this thing to come to fruition. The pressure on the US has now gotten extreme as the US is losing its influence in Iraq. 

Member: The Iraqi people are pissed, they feel lied to

Member: We have all been lied to…constantly and repeatedly

MZ: I am being told there is a great push on right now. Tremendous pressure to go now….like within 48 hours…but I don’t know…we have heard that before. 

MZ: There is a rumor going around telegram that I said all of tier 3 had their funds. This is untrue. They may be able to see it in their accounts…but they cannot spend it. Until they can spend it…imo they don’t have it.

MZ: We have a great bank story today out of North Carolina from a Regional Bank. A person goes in their local branch…There is a new office in there. ….In it is a currency exchange room with pictures of mostly European currencies on them.  The person asked what this was about?....

MZ: It was explained to them that they would be handling a lot of currencies. The person said “ I have a lot of foreign currencies….The bank branch manager asked “which ones”   He replied “Vietnamese dong, “ The branch manager said “That’s great”  The person asked “What do you think the rate is going to be?  

MZ:Z The bank manager said “Around $3 is what we are hearing. They then explained they do not have the machine to verify there but,  they can visually verify the currency here but have to send it off to be verified before you get credit for it in your account. He explained that they were not taking it yet.  The person did not mention any other currencies….So thank you for sharing your experience. It gives us all a little hope. Hearing the rate may be $3.00 really made my day. 

Member: I don’t want to sound greedy but oh boy how I wish that would happen with VND.

Member: my Hancock bank branch is moving across the street and is now calling itself a financial center instead of bank!!! hum...

MZ: In Indonisia: “Shell sells interest in Indonesian gas project to Petronas PT Pertimina Hulu Energy for $650 million”  I think this is important as Indonisia has discoved and is producing gas off-shore. This will contribute to Indonisias very undervalued currency is they now have large amounts of natural gas available. 

MZ: Still very quiet on the bond and group sides. They have done a great job keeping things quiet and controlling leaks. . 

Member: will someone please explain what the CBDC is and how is it different from the QFS.


Member: cbdc is government controlled and qfs is more of a ledger and accountability program…that’s my simple version

Member: CBDC stands for Central Bank Digital Currency and QFS is the new Quantum Financial Banking System 

MZ: How many of us have heard long ago that we would see Alien disclosure right before the RV?  We were told we would see crazy disclosures coming out of the government , UFO hoopla, …and then the RV. Its crazy how this is playing out. 

Member: Good night…..sleep well…..hoping for even bigger news in the AM 


Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-25-23  RREPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:17:00

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - it is Tuesday, July 25th and thank you for tuning in and listening to the big call.

Now our reach was 96 countries on Thursday. So hopefully we're still in that same range tonight. So wherever you're getting the call, hopefully you're getting it either in English or in a language that you understand. So thank you for that.

This is interesting because, you know, some of our sources aren't really responding back to text, the emails, the phone calls, they really, really kind of go under gone under, in some cases, a fourth NDA, a fourth NDA - so it's like okay, we're not going to be able to get information there in some cases.

A few sources had one of those phones called ??  those temporary phones, it's that you can call on - So they have burner phones that are no longer operative, or they have they took their burner phones away.

Now, primarily this would be at banks or redemption centers, that's found out or knew, they have burner phones, and they confiscated their burner phones

This is what we're dealing with. This is the level of secrecy that they want to continue to have. Fortunately, we have enough sources that we still are able to find out what we need to find out as far as the information

Alright, so as far as we can tell, and we can tell this by the fact that we know the Iraqi dinar is trading up. We know the rates that are on the redemption center screens, front screens we know that they're substantial and very high. And I'm not talking about a contract rate. That's a separate animal. We've talked about that before. This is the front screen rate that will be offered to us.

We also know that dong has been pulling up the rear and going up in value as well. And it's now at a significant point where it is and it's pushing. It's pushing a number. Just like the dinar is pushing a number. And they're right they're up against it. And those rates are actually from yesterday. So today, I would think that they still could be climbing upward when it's interesting. and we'd love to know that we’d love to see that

As far as the timing for this. Here's where we are.

The USN is coming out and should be I don't know if it's going to be announced announced or just useable and out  - alright let's go back and fill in the blanks here.

The new financial system, which would include the quantum financial system, in conjunction with our new currency – the USN in conjunction with the Starlink  System - the CIP system and the FinTech -  all the technical aspects of it are all lined up ready to come online and be fully integrated and implemented starting at midnight tonight.

And I've had I've had a timezone of 24 hours between the start or the integration of the new financial system At midnight tonight Eastern. it's not that far away, But an hour and a half away and through midnight, Wednesday night.

So a 24 hour period of full integration into the new quantum financial system.  So that's good.

Now what goes with that?

Do we get something about the new USN - our asset backed currency? We have heard they weren't gonna say we were back on the gold standard. I don't know really, why not. but I don't think you can look for that. but our new currency is asset backed.

Now let's stop and pause for a second. and say, wait a minute. what about the new money? What about us going into the redemption centers? If we want some of our new cash? The word is we're supposed to get up to $8,500 if we want, you don't take it if you're not a cash person, you don't want to take a nickel of it.

But if you like having a little bit of cash, don't go crazy. Maybe 2500 – or 5 grand whatever you're comfortable with.

But here's the interesting thing. Just yesterday, we have contacts that are at the redemption centers that literally were moving boxes that were 18 inches wide by 18 inches tall. That's a cube 18 inch each direction.

And four boxes. One box was hundreds, one box and 50s. One was 20s and one was tens.

So those four denominations that are called right  denominations  of those bills are USN - United States Treasury notes are full. Those boxes were slammed full and heavy.

But they were being moved into a redemption center.

I just think that's interesting timing. Most of the redemption centers I know had the USN’s already.

Most of the banks have USN in the vault - maybe in drawers in the vault.

But bottom line is they are going to be ready for us at the redemption centers with the new USN currency, our money.

Now that you know about the timing of that and you know about the new financial system, bondholders had been told that they will get access to funds I believe it's going to be Wednesday or Thursday. That's tomorrow or Thursday. My gut is it will be Thursday for the bondholders to get their 1%  

So where are we left? Well, I was told by a redemption center person that we would receive our notifications either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

Today's Tuesday, okay, it’s gone now we're looking at Wednesday or Thursday Okay. And just maybe, maybe if it's tomorrow that we get notified which another source believes that is going to be the case. And Thursday looks really good fot the  start of exchanges.

Alright, let's throw another piece into the puzzle here.

We have a contact that's tight with Citibank in a different state. And he was able to say that the Citibank banker who he has a relationship with says that Citibank was going to be able to start exchanges On Friday, the 28th.

So I'm looking at that going, Okay. I wonder if that's when we'll start or could we start sooner than the bank would start?

We’re also hearing  We've been talking a lot about tier 4 or tier 4B for the internet group . What about the general public tier 5?

The tier 5, we're understanding what it started around the second or third of August. Okay. And they would be using obviously - they would be using regular banks  - they wouldn't be setting appointments like we are. We're setting appointments using the toll free number, and we get that and putting that out and then you call it set your appointment that way.

All right. So let's see if we can make this a little bit more. not confusing, but a little simpler.

So we know we're getting notified today, write that off today's gone - could have come overnight, and wake up to it. Yeah, that's possible. It's very possible, but it looks like Wednesday. or Thursday, for notifications  and it looks like the start of exchanges will be Thursday, Maybe Friday, based on the Citibank report, But remember that’s not dealing with the redemption center, that's just a regular bonafide CitiBank branch.  don't read too much into that.

We have also heard from one of our bond holder paymasters that we're looking at the USN coming out Wednesday. The NESARA  and GESARA on the 27th which is Thursday. And the implementation  of that for the rollout of NESARA for us possibly on the 30th  - three days later of this month of July. Now remember July’s got 31 days right so it's it could have could come out on the 30th or 31st.

My belief is that most of the NESARA that directly affects us is going to be in August and we didn't get the Social Security increase that we thought we might get in July. And we did not get restitution or reclamation allowance yet.

Since it didn't happen already, since it didn't happen already. In July. I'm writing it off until maybe August. Maybe that's when it comes out. It's not going to matter for us anyway, but it's nice to know for other people that don't have currency.  Nice to know because it's going to be substantial.

So we've been looking for this type of political change. I've mentioned it on the big call several times. And I think that it's it has direct impact on us and our start.

So let's see if there's anything else that comes to mind.

Okay, thank you Sue - So the latest input we had on the med bed start was to be August 3, for the start of appointments for the med beds. Now. I contend that date has been pushed back and moved based on the RV and exchanges being pushed back and moved. So that is the most recent date we have.

And then that sounds like that'll hopefully that will hold up and we can get started on our exchanges this week.  Okay, so that's what I wanted to bring to you for the night.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...