Thursday, July 20, 2023



Today, Monday (July 17, 2023), the Watcher Guru magazine, concerned with economic affairs, revealed “accelerated steps” by the BRICS economic alliance led by China and Russia to end the “dollar domination” of the international economy, stressing that the world is now awaiting a “decision from Baghdad.”
The magazine stated, according to its report, which was translated by (Baghdad Today), that “the BRICS alliance is now trying to persuade the largest oil countries, the most important of which are” Kuwait, Iran, the UAE and Saudi Arabia “to enter the BRICS alliance instead of the SWIFT system currently used and which is dominated by the US dollar, stressing that” in If Baghdad agrees to use the BRICS system, the rest of the oil-producing countries will follow in its footsteps,” according to its description.


Iraqi analyst Haitham Al-Khuzaie referred to the interventions of the US ambassador in Iraq’s internal and external affairs, stressing that the presence of the US Treasury representative in the Commercial Bank of Iraq is a violation of Iraq’s sovereignty and is rejected by every honorable Iraqi citizen.
The prominent Iraqi analyst said in an interview with Fars News Agency in this regard: How can a country build its internal and international political experience while the representative of the United Nations and the American ambassador are still interfering in its internal and external affairs, stressing that the interventions of the American ambassador and the representative of the United Nations must be limited by official means and binding them to the contexts of diplomatic action.
The media office of the President of the Republic stated in a statement received by Alsumaria News, that “Rashid instructed the need to work hard to implement Article (140) of the Constitution and end outstanding issues regarding it in a manner that preserves the rights of all,” stressing “the importance of following up on the implementation of the decisions of the Supreme Committee for the implementation of Article (140). Constitutional by holding meetings and meetings with the relevant authorities and giving priority to this file, which affects the lives of a wide segment of the components of Iraqi society.
Today, Sunday, Member of Parliament Suhaila Al-Sultani attributed the delay in launching the general budget to the government’s appeal against some articles and paragraphs at the Federal Court.
Al-Sultani said in an interview with the information agency, “One of the reasons for not releasing the salaries of new appointees in the current budget is due to the appeals submitted to the Federal Court,” noting that “the coming period will witness the release of salaries for all job grades that were added during this period.

"The 6 Best Startups You Can Buy on Wefunder Right Now", BY Stavros Georgiadis, 20 JULY

 According to its website, “Wefunder is a new kind of stock market.” It focuses solely on startups and small businesses. The equity crowdfunding platform informs investors about the potential risks of investing in startups on its main webpage. Kudos is given to the management for this high level of transparency.

Among the top risks mentioned are overall higher riskiness, the odds of either winning big or losing all, and realistic expectations to invest for the long-term. There are positive aspects mentioned like building the future, getting several perks, and helping the companies succeed in their visions and goals.

Here are six of the best startups you can invest in on Wefunder now:

InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

  • EnGen Bio

  • TheWMarketplace, Inc.

  • Parknav

  • Earth Rides

  • Untapped Global

  • Josh Terry BitVault LLC

Best Startups: EnGen Bio

A nurse cleans a patients are with a cotton ball after administering a flu shot.

What if one vaccine was enough to get lifetime protection from flu pandemics? EnGen Bio has developed such a vaccine and therapy to save thousands of lives per year and also to stop flu symptoms. More specifically, this is a global protection against the flu and all flu pandemics variations with a universal seasonal flu vaccine, requiring one or two shots at the most.

While many believe such a universal vaccine is impossible, EnGen Bio has managed a significant milestone to identify the influenza virus’ Achilles heel. Other than the human influenza vaccine, EnGen Bio is working on two other products: a human therapeutic antibody and a veterinary influenza vaccine.

The global economic cost of influenza is huge. In the U.S. market alone, it is estimated to exceed $11 billion. EnGen Bio has already issued eight flu vaccine patents in major markets and estimates there is a potential for sales of $2.6 billion in the U.S. market alone.

You can invest in EnGen Bio on Wefunder with a minimum investment of $100.


TheWMarketplace is a community and e-commerce platform for women-owned services and products. The need to create a platform for female entrepreneurs, specifically targeting women shoppers so that women-owned companies get to keep 100% of their revenue, were among the top reasons for creating this platform.

Each day in the U.S market, women start more than 1,800 businesses. What is more impressive is that when it comes to purchasing decisions, women dominate by a staggering 83% over men.

Women can use the HER-Commerce™ program to make their digital stores and sell goods and services on a nationwide level. It is also cheaper than creating an individual e-commerce website from scratch. Lower development and marketing costs along with huge web traffic and the ability to form valuable partnerships are among the top features of TheWMarketplace.

The firm makes revenue projections that reach $30 million in less than 5 years. The vision is to “close the economic gender gap and change the world.”

You can invest in TheWMarketplace on Wefunder with a minimum investment of $250.

Best Startups: Parknav

Driving in a city can already be stressful because of traffic. But then what about finding parking without getting frustrated? Not finding a parking spot easily can lead to money and time loss.

Parknav has developed a real-time parking solution with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). It provides either free metered parking spots by using patented technology that is trusted by large and reputable companies such as BMW  (OTCMKTS:BMWYY), Deutsche Telekom, and Siemens (OTCMKTS:SIEGY).

The use of AI is effective in finding on-street parking and navigating to it. It allows the integration of live data and other cars, is available via mobile apps, and has a very high quality in the range of 85% to 95% when other parking solutions do not even reveal their figures.

Parknav can make cities better places to live by reducing carbon emissions and increasing quality of life for their citizens.

You can invest in Parknav on Wefunder with a minimum investment of $505.

Earth Rides

In business, there are no limits to how broad or strict opportunities may be. Earth Rides is a company in the rideshare space that uses only electric vehicles, specifically made by Tesla(NASDAQ:TSLA), to offer an experience based on premium electric car mobility. It is affordable, safe, and carbon-free transportation that is available to everyone everywhere.

The traction is already noticeable with more than 50,000 rides during the first year of operations and 25,100 new users and 65,000 riders added from July to December 2021.

Earth Rides has the advantage of building its brand name by being the first all-electric rideshare company. On top of that, it has a highly scalable business plan. Its core features are diversity, quality, reliability, and safety.

There is also promise to avoid surge pricing and an important partnership with Patagonia Nashville for on-demand delivery of their products. The food delivery expansion has continued with Eat Placemat firm, located in Nashville, which could be a pillar for additional delivery partners.

You can invest in Earth Rides on Wefunder with a minimum amount of $250.

Best Startups: Untapped Global

The concept of diversification is very important in the investment industry. Untapped Global provides support and investing in small businesses in emerging markets.

Companies in Africa, for example, may have a lot of potential, but might lack capital sources. Untapped Global has developed a digital platform named Smart Asset Financing that helps entrepreneurs finance their equipment needs to provide clean water, energy, and mobility to their communities.

Investors can search and connect with entrepreneurs based on criteria like industries, geography, and even currencies. The technology used addresses key factors, such as easy and rewarding investments, by focusing on transparency to investors about revenue generation and return of the investment. This happens in real-time and more than 500 companies worldwide have gained access to capital that probably would not be feasible under other business conditions.

The firm has already generated $1 million in revenue run rate and is growing extremely fast at 40% month-to-month.

You can invest in Untapped Global on Wefunder with a minimum amount of $250.

Josh Terry BitVault LLC

If you love the cryptocurrency market or think about investing in it, you could consider investing in a Bitcoin (BTC-USD) mining company.

The idea of investing directly in a bitcoin mining company addresses many problems. To start, Bitcoin mining is expensive. It needs a lot of technical know-how. You must deal with problems like heat, maintenance, and power. Additionally, there are considerable costs for repairs needed and for paying the miners.

Josh Terry BitVault LLC simplifies the whole bitcoin mining investing process by having a formula that lets you diversify your crypto holdings. Moreover, it promotes sustainable energy by running Bitcoin miners on wind power.

By not having to worry about the real worries of mining yourself, you participate in all the advantages of a larger facility run by experts.

You can invest in Josh Terry BitVault on Wefunder with a minimum investment of $100.


Coffee with MarkZ 07/20/2023

MarkZ  Thursday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Marvelous Morning all of you wonderful Team peeps

Member:  Good morning y’all I hope that today is a very special day!!!

Member: The rumor is the RV would happen on a Thursday. It is Thursday so you may proceed. God bless you.

Member: Just like the kids in the backseat on a trip... ARE WE THERE YET?

Member: What is the good word for today?

MZ:I keep hearing rumors that whales have money. I have great whale contacts- phenomenal whale contacts in Reno, Miami , Shanghai and Hong Kong and Zurich. And I cannot find a single one that has spendable dollars. Quite a few of them talk about having money in their accounts but they can’t get to it. Its on hold. 

MZ: But are they very hopeful they will soon see a release of it- yes. But they just hae not seen it yet. 

MZ: I continue to hear everything is ready and prepared and they just need to decide when to pull the trigger. 

Member: they must be tired of looking at that non spendable money for last year !!!

Member:  I don't believe we will hear anyone has spendable money until we have all gone!!

Member: A shotgun start. It's the only way they can control the chatter from getting ahead of them.

MZ: From Iraq: “ US bans 14 Iraqi banks in crackdown of Iran dollar trade”  this is actually a good thing. The US is working with the Iraq gov. and the CBI to make certain there are no terrorist funds going where they are not supposed to. This is more on the effort to make sure everything is above board. The world needs to have confidence in Iraq and support the rate that they decide on for their currency. This is another sign of the progress Iraq is making. . 

Member: (From Dinar Guru)  Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  Bank friends says the key to everything that we're looking for is within the oil and gas because we all know here in Iraq that when they present to us the oil and gas law it will be with a new rate because how are you gonna decide to divide up what everybody gets if you don't know what the rate is?    FRANK:   The key to everything is in that HCL, that's in the budget, that is waiting for the new exchange rate...

MZ: We have heard the HCL is a big key piece and they are acting like its already done over there. 

Member: Do we know if the rial is included in the RV?

MZ: We do not for sure if it will go at the same time as the dinar. They would like to. Iran is going to go at some point…there is no doubt.

MZ: “Venezuela strengthens financial ties with Russia through interbank connections and Mir card integration”  This is more of the world getting around the hegemony of the US dollar and the sanctions coming out of the west right now. They are now set up to use the Russian Mir system and not the Swift system.  

Member: Any idea about how many people in the US have currency to exchange?

Member: I don’t know how anyone can even guess….many of us have gifted currency to friends and family 

Member: Dr Young had some great info . I watched his podcast the other day. I believe from. what he Said its all done. we are just waiting for the trigger

Member:  XRP is the new Nesara gold backed assets ! Digital trading worldwide same as all 209 signed on countries

Member: I just read on restored republic this morning Iraq can't RV until on BRICS. Same with Vietnam.

Member: So we have, Goldie Locks, Militia Man, Wolverine, Nadar, Mark, and multiple others, all telling us something different, and contradicting one another. And the only constant is that the can gets kicked

Member: I believe they are all reporting what their contacts are telling them. Its up to us to stay calm and hope some of it is true. 

Member: So much conflicting guru Intel. Yes float no float. RV or RI alone. Now it's we have to be on BRICS or a metal revalue has to happen first.

Member:  The RV is like doing the Hokey Pokey at a wedding with intoxicated participants!

Member: How come the people of Iraq are not forming riots? They were told a month ago they would have new money in ATMs

Member: If you see celebrations in Iraq and the Middle East tomorrow, understand that Friday is Hijri. Hijri is Islamic New Year.

Member: I fear that the powers that be are squandering the momentum. Admittedly, I was much more excited about my projects last year. Pull the trigger, already!

Member: Sure need something real to happen….something we can all see……that would really restore our faith in the RV

Member: I think we are tired of the same information everyday that gets us excited and then never happens! Been doing this since 2006 and it is hard to swallow being told it’s happening for years & doesn’t!

Member: I pray we will cross this finish line before the end of July…….

Member: Lord grant us the strength and wisdom to make it through these times

Member: Mark, huge thanks as always for bringing all the latest news & updates.


"3 Machine Learning Stocks for Getting Rich in 2023" by ALEX SIROIS VIA INVESTOR PLACE OF NASDAQ, 20 JULY

Artificial Intelligence (AI) exploded in 2023 as generative AI programs, including ChatGPT and Bard, entered the mainstream. Therefore, the machine learning stocks that allow computers to learn without being explicitly programmed are receiving renewed attention. Machine learning is a subfield of AI and isn’t analogous to the broader field of AI but rather a part thereof.

In any case, publicly-traded firms specializing in machine learning are booming as AI booms. That growth presents an opportunity for investors. We’re generally talking about AI stocks when we talk about machine learning stocks, but there are some key differences. Let’s consider those firms and their stocks.

Nvidia (NVDA)

Nvidia’s (NASDAQ:NVDA) stock has risen dramatically in 2023, primarily due to its AI chips. Its GPU chipsets are the most powerful available, and as AI has taken off, the competition to secure those chips has made Nvidia the hottest firm there is.

Nvidia chips also power complex large language models used to train machine learning models based on technical subfields, including neural networks. Those chips are in high demand in data centers and automotive sectors, where machine learning is utilized at higher rates.

Nvidia’s software platforms are used by developers who iterate their machine-learning applications toward more optimized states. Nvidia RAPIDS and CUDA allow data scientists to accelerate machine learning through the company’s GPUs.

All of this simply suggests that Nvidia will continue to move from strength to strength this year, even as valuation concerns plague its shares. I don’t think those fears are valid or justified. Nvidia remains the clear dominant force in AI and machine learning to this point.

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD) is the primary challenger to Nvidia’s dominance in AI and machine learning.

It’s entirely reasonable to believe that AMD could attract Nvidia investor capital on overvaluation fears. That’s one reason investors should consider AMD.

However, the more salient reason is simply that AMD is not that far behind Nvidia. MosiacML recently pegged AMD’s high-end chip speed as about 80% as fast as those from Nvidia. Here’s the good news regarding machine learning: AMD has done very well on the software side, according to MosaicML, which notes that software has been the “Achilles heel” for most machine learning firms.

The suggestion is that AMD can continue to close the gap between it and Nvidia due to its software prowess. Nvidia’s machine-learning drivers are considered superior and are subject to more frequent updates. Those advantages favor Nvidia. However, AMD is not that far behind, and it can certainly help investors get rich, as 2023 has already shown.

Palantir (PLTR)

Palantir Technologies (NYSE:PLTR) stock has boomed in 2023 due to AI and machine learning. It didn’t catch the early wave of AI adoption that benefited Microsoft(NASDAQ:MSFT), AMD, Nvidia, and others — instead getting hot in recent months.

Its Gotham and Foundry platforms have found a following in private firms and, more prominently, with public firms and government organizations. Adoption across the defense sector has been particularly important in helping Palantir take advantage of AI stock growth. The company has long been associated with the defense industry and has developed a deep connection by applying silicon-valley-style tech to government entities.

That relationship, paired with Palantir’s AI strengths, promises to propel Palantir much higher. The company is profitable now, so that hurdle has been passed. It has a huge opportunity ahead, especially as the defense industry is likely to spend heavily on AI due to high-stakes geopolitics that makes the Department of Defense highly probable to loosen its purse strings moving forward. Palantir has already benefited in 2023, but it can absolutely run higher.



After The US Sanctions.. The Dollar Is Flying In The Iraqi Markets

Economy | 11:13 - 07/20/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News The exchange rates of the dollar increased against the Iraqi dinar, on Thursday, in the Iraqi markets.  The selling price of 100 dollars was recorded at 151,250 dinars. While the purchase price was recorded at 149,250 dinars.  This comes one day after the United States of America imposed sanctions on 14 Iraqi banks.

State Of Law Confirms That Iraq Is Unable To Distribute With The US Dollar

Policy   2023/07/20  Number of readings: 216   Baghdad - Iraq today:  The Deputy of the State of Law Coalition, Hussein Al-Battat, affirmed that Iraq is not a great economic power and cannot dispense with the dollar in its dealings in order to bypass US sanctions and its decisions in this regard.

Al-Battat said in a press statement, "The independence of the financial decision of Iraq and any other country is linked to the government's decisions and its courage in implementing them in addition to international support," noting that "America, through its power, imposes its influence on the international community in implementing its economic policies.

He added, "Iraq is not a great economic power and cannot dispense with the dollar in its economic dealings with countries, and therefore America's decisions regarding the sanctions it imposes on countries and so on are difficult to pass."

He explained, "When the country becomes a major economic power, it can bypass some interventions that are not consistent with its policies and aspirations in establishing balanced economic relations with all countries."

He pointed out, "Some countries, such as Russia and China, have been able to bypass the American influence on their economy and dealings, being an economic power that has an alternative." LINK

Expert: US Sanctions Will Have Repercussions On The Iraqi Economy 

Economy   2023/07/20  the number of readings: 189  Baghdad-Iraq Today:  Economic expert Munqith Dagher said that the US sanctions that affected Iraqi banks will have repercussions on the Iraqi economy, criticizing the Central Bank.

And Dagher wrote in his tweet on the social networking site Twitter, "A painful blow to the Iraqi banking sector, by penalizing 14 banks by the US Treasury Department for not adhering to the sanctions and dealing in US dollars with Iran. 1. This proves What I said here in more than one tweet about smuggling dollars abroad.

” This increases the demand for it and raises its price

2. The apple of the eye of the Central Bank, which sleeps with its feet in the sun, as these sanctions must They have aftershocks on the banking sector, the price of the dollar and the Iraqi economy. LINK

After Imposing Sanctions On 14 Banks, Dollar Prices Are "Flaming" In Baghdad And The Provinces

Economy  |Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Thursday (July 20, 2023), the exchange rates of the dollar recorded a significant increase in the stock exchange and exchange rates in the capital, Baghdad, and the provinces.

According to the "Baghdad Today" correspondent, "the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad recorded an increase in the exchange rate, and transactions in the exchanges and markets of northern Iraq were more than their counterparts in the capital, Baghdad, and central Iraq, and came as follows:

In Baghdad:   the selling price of a dollar is 150,000 per 100 dollars,  the buying price of a dollar is 148,000 per 100 dollars

in the north:   the selling price of a dollar is 150,500 per 100 dollars, the buying price of a dollar  is 148,500 per 100 dollars

in the south:   the selling price of a dollar is 150,000 per 100 dollars,  the buying price of a dollar is 148,000 per 100 dollar      LINK

America: We Continue To Implement All Our Sanctions Against Iran.. And We Support Iraq's Efforts In The Field Of Energy

International  2023-07-20 | 1,683 views  Alsumaria News - International

The US State Department confirmed that the United States issued a new exemption, the twentieth of its kind, to allow Iraq to pay the value of electricity imports to Iranian accounts registered in the Trade Bank of Iraq.

"The only thing different about this waiver is that this latest package expands the waiver to allow funds to be transferred from those restricted accounts in Iraq to restricted accounts and selected offshore banks," she said.   State Department  Matthew Miller.

  "The other terms of this transaction are the same as previous transactions, which is that these funds will remain in accounts that can only be used for non-sanctionable activity and each transaction must be approved by the Treasury Department," he added.

On the other hand, Miller said that the US  State Department Continues to review the oil-gas exchange agreement between Iraq and Iran and its compatibility with the current sanctions.

He said, "We continue to implement all our sanctions against him Iran... and we strongly support the efforts of the Iraqi government, which seeks self-sufficiency in the field of energy, to improve the basic services it provides to the Iraqi people."

 Reuters was the first to report that the  United States  had moved to allow Iraq to pay the cost of Iranian electricity through non-Iraqi banks, in a move Washington hopes will prevent Iran from imposing blackouts in Iraq as temperatures intensify during the summer.

The agency quoted a US official, who requested anonymity, as saying that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken signed a new exemption related to national security and extends for 120 days, allowing Iraq, which depends heavily on Iranian electricity, to deposit payments in non-Iraqi banks in other countries instead of depositing them in other countries. Accounts restricted in Iraq.

However, funds in non-Iraqi accounts would be restricted, as would those in Iraqi banks, and Iran would need permission from the United States to access those funds, which can only be used for humanitarian needs.

And Tehran had previously pressured Baghdad to obtain permission from the United States to spend that money, by stopping Iranian natural gas exports to Iraq, which reduced its ability to generate electricity and forced it to cut off the electricity supply.

The US State Department expanded the scope of the latest exemption, at the request of the Iraqi government, to allow funds to be deposited with banks outsideIraqIt seems that some of the Iranian pressure will be transferred to other countries.   LINK

An Arab Currency Stronger Than The US Dollar.. "Forbes" Monitors The 10 Weakest Monetary Currencies In The World

2023-07-18 Shafaq News/ The American "Forbes" magazine discussed the 10 weakest currencies in the world, of which the Iranian riyal is the weakest, as well as the Lebanese pound, at a time when the Kuwaiti dinar is actually the strongest currency, even against the US dollar, which remains among the strongest currencies in the world.

The American report, translated by Shafaq News agency, pointed out that the US dollar is seen as the strongest currency in the world and is the most traded, at a certain level, but it is actually not the strongest currency, but rather the Kuwaiti dinar.

 Currency pricing

 The report reviewed how foreign currencies are priced, explaining that foreign currencies are traded in pairs, for example, the purchase price of the US dollar is using the pound sterling, and as a result, the currency is always priced in relation to another currency, which is known as the "exchange rate".

 The report indicated that most currencies are "floating", which means that their value fluctuates according to supply and demand, but some currencies are "pegged", which means that their value relative to another currency (such as the US dollar) is fixed at an agreed upon price.

 The report pointed out that exchange rates affect the cost of goods and services in a foreign currency. For example, if the pound sterling rose against the dollar, vacation expenses in the United States would be less expensive in terms of the pound sterling.

He added that exchange rate movements provide an opportunity for investors seeking to make profits through trading foreign currencies.

 Then the report reviewed the ten most vulnerable currencies in the year, according to an assessment based on the number of foreign currency units that are obtained for one US dollar.

Iranian Riyal

 The report considered that the Iranian riyal is the weakest currency in the world, as one riyal buys only 0.000024 US dollars (meaning that one dollar equals 42,273 Iranian riyals).

He pointed out that the Iranian rial was introduced for the first time in the late 18th century, and was later linked to the pound sterling, and then to the US dollar.

He added that although the currency is now floating, it has remained at around 42,000 riyals to the dollar over the past few years.

 Despite Iran's leadership in oil and gas, economic sanctions have put pressure on the Iranian currency, in addition to political unrest and high inflation.

Vietnamese Dong

 The report stated that the Vietnamese dong is considered the second weakest currency in the world, as one dong buys 0.000042 US dollars (or one dollar equals 23,711 Vietnamese dong), a process that began trading in 1978.

He added that services represent the largest proportion of the gross domestic product, followed by industries such as electronics, energy and textiles, but the currency has been affected by restrictions on foreign investment and the recent slowdown in exports, along with high interest rates in the United States.

 Laotian Cape

 The report pointed out that the Laotian kip is the third weakest currency, as one kip buys $0.000052 (or $1 equals 19,072 Laotian kip), a currency introduced in the fifties of the last century, and it is a floating currency.

 Laos relies heavily on exports such as copper, gold and timber, but the economy has been hit by slowing economic growth, high external debt and inflation, which put pressure on the national currency.

 Sierra Leone

 As for the fourth weakest currency in the world, it is the Sierra Leonean leone, where one leone buys 0.000057 dollars (or the dollar equals 17665 Sierra Leonean leone), and it was introduced in 1964, and is fully floating.

 He added that the main exports of Sierra Leone include timber and minerals such as diamonds, gold and industrial minerals, and the value of the leone currency has declined due to inflation that exceeded 40%, in addition to large debts, slow economic growth and the economic effects of the Ebola virus outbreak.

 Indonesian Rupiah

 The Indonesian rupiah is considered the fifth weakest currency in the world, as 1 rupee buys 0.000067 US dollars (or 1 dollar equals 14,993 Indonesian rupiahs), and was introduced in 1946 and was initially pegged to the US dollar before moving to a free float.

 The report described Indonesia as the largest country in Southeast Asia in terms of gross domestic product, thanks to the services sector.

 Lebanese Pound

 According to the report, the Lebanese pound is considered the sixth weakest currency in the world, as one pound buys 0.000067 US dollars (or the dollar equals about 90,000 Lebanese pounds). The lira was introduced for the first time in the 1930s and is linked to the US dollar.

He pointed out that Lebanon has an economy based on services, but it also exports precious stones, minerals, chemical products, food and beverages.

He added that the lira fell to a record level against the US dollar in early 2021 due to the severe economic recession, high inflation, unemployment, the banking crisis and political unrest.

 Som Uzbekistan

 The report stated that the Uzbekistani som is the seventh weakest currency in the world, as 1 som buys 0.000087 dollars (or 1 dollar equals 11.516 Uzbekistani som), a currency introduced in 1993 and fully floating.

 Uzbekistan is considered one of the leading countries in the export of cotton and has large reserves of minerals, oil and gas. It is implementing economic reforms, but it still suffers from low economic growth, high inflation, unemployment and corruption.

 Guinea Franc

As for the eighth weakest currency, it is the Guinean franc, where one franc buys 0.000116 dollars (or 1 dollar equals 8583 Guinean francs). The currency was introduced in 1959 and is fully floating.

 Although Guinea has an abundance of natural resources such as gold and diamonds, it has suffered from increasing rates of inflation, military unrest and the influx of refugees from neighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone.

 Paraguayan Guaraní

And the Paraguayan guarani comes in ninth place, where 1 guarani buys 0.000138 dollars (or 1 dollar equals 7249 Paraguayan guarani), and it was introduced in 1952 and is fully floating.

 Although Paraguay is a major producer of soybeans, stevia (a sugar substitute) and beef, as well as exports of corn and sugarcane, it has been pressured by soaring inflation, corruption and counterfeiting of currency.

 Ugandan Shilling

 The Ugandan shilling is considered the tenth weakest currency in the world, as the Ugandan shilling buys 0.000273 dollars (or the dollar equals 3669 Ugandan shillings), and it was introduced in the year 1966, and it is floating freely.

 Although the country is rich in commodities such as oil, gold and coffee, its economy suffers from unstable growth, high debt and political turmoil.   LINK.



 Patriot Rod Steel


Busy Day-Whales Reported Liquid but Unverified. Iraqi Independence/Heat Holidays thru Fri. ALL Regions Rec.d Budget Tues BUT Undistributed-ALL Countries Connected to Transfer Satellite w/Distributions Done-Final Approval Late Tues Aft.🙏#PatriotRodSteel
@PPN1776----RV UPDATE: 
Tap Pic to Open-Iraqi Bank Mtgs over Wkend/Sudani/CBI-System Updated-UN provided Satellite Time Slots to Last 2 Countries This AM-All $ Distributed&Ready-Iraq says Start Releasing $ to Prgrms at 1320 Tues 7/18/23.IMF-GO, US TREAS-Any Min,FED RES-$Delivered/READY-ROD S


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...