Thursday, July 13, 2023


 Judy Note: Thurs. 13 July 2023 was said to be a pivotal day in US History.

  • Germany to create a subsidiary BRICS Alliance System in 2028.

WARNING: There were reports of some asking for you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or Zim Bonds to them saying they will exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you have given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you have done so, or if you have given someone Power of Attorney over your affairs. The bottom line: If someone tries to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested.


Quantum Financial System’s Global Currency Revaluation

  • Judy Note: On Sun. 9 July the Gold Standard for World currencies was announced at the BRICS Summit. According the Head of the Global Redemption Committee, Dr. Charlie Ward, we were just waiting for Reno and Iraq to complete the Global Currency Reset, while the Iraqi Parliament said they would soon announce the new Iraqi Dinar Rate.
  • Tues. 11 July Bruce: Tier4b notifications could come out Thurs. 13 July morningand at the same time, a political change would be announced.
  • On Fri. 30 June the US Inc. Federal Reserve, unable to pay back to the Global Repository the quadrillions owed, handed over all their assets. The next day on Sat. 1 July the new Quantum Financial System began interfacing in computers around the World for the purpose of coordinating currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022. Also on Sat. 1 July the fiat US Dollar transferred into a gold/asset-backed US Note. On Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST the Dinar Rate went live on the Forex, with live Foreign Currency Converters showing it was fluctuating in value:1,000,000 IQD to USD – Iraqi Dinars to US Dollars Exchange Rate ( ByMon. 3 July SOFR, Libor and many nations dumped their US Treasuries, while the Quantum Financial System was fully integrated worldwide by Tues. 4 July. 
  • New BRICS Members Set To Crush the Dollar: 
  • Earlier this year President Biden signed the death warrant for AmericaExecutive Order 14067 will essentially cancel your money. You see Biden and the Fed have teamed up to create a controllable, traceable, programmable digital currency to replace the dollar. Giving ‘them’ full control to: Legally spy on how you spend every penny of your money. Take control of your bank account and your purchases. Silence any political opponents. It’s already all underway. The first phase launches by the end of this year with what they are calling “Fed Now” where they will start to track all of our payments.
  • Wed. 5 July Jared’s Conference Call: The current banking system cannot hold on for much longer. They do not have liquidity and really are just bankrupt! This includes all the illuminati Central Banking System, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), World Bank etc. Jared, says they cannot last, the QFS will need to be kicked on, and is ready. There are rumors that they are buying up gold and silver, and it is just NOT true. They do NOT have the money. The illuminati created this central banking system, just to steal and take “The People’s Money” They could steal the money anytime they wanted.
  • Gold Standard is Back. BRICS Launching Gold Backed Currency, Diminishing US Dollar:
  • BRICS+ has finally overtaken G7 in Global GDP. BRICS+ is dominating the economic plane. The current BRICS currently accounts for 31.5% of global GDP, while the G7 contributes 30%.
  • CEO of Miles Franklin Precious Metals Andy Schectman discusses the progress that the BRICS nations have made with their move towards a gold-backed currency and what that means for the geopolitical landscape and the gold price in the years ahead.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 07/12/2023

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening Everyone

Member: Are we ready for the "event" as they are calling it now???

Member: Rumor is all the codes for the RV were entered at the banks and will release this evening. . 

Member: What's the word on Wells Fargo and the codes?

MZ: I reached out to my WF contacts and can find nobody to confirm that amongst the contacts I have there. .. I wish it was true though. 

Member: I heard the banks weren’t receiving codes, they were sending them and that bank in Iraq was made to do it correctly

MZ: I know there are a lot of rumors that Wells Fargo received codes….I cannot find any confirmation of that.  I will continue to dig on that though. They are doing their best to cloud the timing. 

MZ: Not much news out of Iraq today.   Articles out today of deals being made in Iraq. Like the 27 Billion Total gas deal…..Businesses don’t invest billions of dollars without being sure of a ROI. If all of these companies are investing – they are pretty dang sure of the outcome.  They are pretty sure they will make a good return on their money. 

MZ: They cannot do that unless Iraq makes a move with currency and stability. Some of the biggest companies are banking on the fact that Iraq is going soon and quickly. 

Member: Is it 1:1 time?… asking for a friend 

Member: At this point-1 to 1 looks pretty good. Someone needs to just do something. 

Member: All I know for sure is that I don't know anything for sure...

Member: I wonder  could the rv even occur before BRICS conference in late August?

Member: I still believe there will be an RV. Just hope its soon. 

Member: waiting for the RV reminds me of the last few days before having my first child....I wonder if I eat more spicy foods that I can get this RV baby born

Member: i have mad respect for you Mark. You've held strong. Thanks for being there 

Member: Thank you to all the mods as well. 



 Patriot Rod Steel

UPDATE: Clarification-All 3 Zero Notes AFTER Sadam H WILL BE ACCEPTED. Lower Denoms won’t release till rate change. HSBC/BoA not Ready.

Like WF BoA Caught Creating FAKE ACCTS-Rafidian Bank n Iraq had 300 Dir.s/personnel REMOVED 4 Smuggling $ $80 Oil-Target👍CHASE-LEAD BANK-Rod S


 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 7-11-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:20:00

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - It is Tuesday July the 11th just had to think for a minute - And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for listening and tuning in all over the globe. Well, let's put it this way. We this way we know we were getting out to 90 Different countries tonight. So we're getting to 90 different countries. And we're happy for that and happy that that is being handled, and they're getting the big call in their own language. Within 1.2 seconds of the time I say it - very very fast translation, almost simultaneous translation. So thank you everybody for tuning in all over the globe. And we're excited that you're here - And we had some technical difficulties on my end because of the Starlink satellite system Thursday's call and we pray we don't have anything like that - We have a really clean clear call tonight. Let's talk about the Intel and see where we are and see where we're going on this journey to everywhere. All right, the let's start first of all with what the redemption center staff was doing starting Saturday at 9am in the morning. We know from the redemption center staff that we have contact with, they were in there, inputting the codes for the 23 currencies that are going up in value. And I believe these were inputted along with the USN - our currency, our new dollar, the USN in currency pairs in the sense of trading pairs that are used on the Forex, so all of those currencies needed to be entered with the proper inputted data for each bank. And we know people that entered the currencies for Wells Fargo and we know the people that entered the currencies for Chase Bank in conjunction with Rafidain bank, a bank that there's a partnership with Chase or it used to be a 5050 partnership. Now I think it may have changed but there's a there's an alliance between Chase and Rafidain bank in Iraq. And that was happening Saturday starting at 9am. full day, Sunday morning, full day, yesterday full day, and we expected that to be done by six or 6:30pm yesterday, Monday evening. Well, guess what. Had that happened we should have been notified today and started tomorrow with exchanges. Well, that didn't happen because there was a problem and the problem was with Rafidain bank in Iraq - the information that was being sent over was on the US N and there were quite a few over 800 bankers in Rafidain -and in their affiliate exchange, let's call them depots centers throughout the country, that we're still exchanging and trying to work out deals with our fiat currency, the USD -and that was verboten that was not something that should have been doing - okay. And so those 830 were arrested, and then after that they had to start over this morning at 11 o'clock, with Rafidain and putting all that data back in place, or that bank with our proper USN designation, and so on, and have that good to go - and our understanding was they wrapped that up sometime mid to late this afternoon. And the theory is that from what we've heard is that the Rafidain information is old news. So, when you say something is old news, typically means it's been handled – it’s Done. Now, we transition now from that directly to Iraq and say okay, what is happening over there that we need to be aware of ? many of you guys have been on this ride for a long time - I've been on it for 19 years. I remember 15 years ago, or so - we talked about the oil and gas law, the hydrocarbon law, the HCL which took the percentage of the oil and gas revenue and it was revenue sharing with the country of Iraq by region. Some the percentage would go to Kurdistan, some percentage would stay and Baghdad and so on and so forth. Well, there's a there was a meeting that started yesterday morning in Iraq. Remember Iraq is I think is seven hours ahead of us when we're on daylight savings time. So they're way ahead of us and what they did was they have a meeting that is continuing through today and tomorrow till approximately noon. Iraq's time or Baghdad time let's call it - where all these final decisions are coming to an end - the oil and gas law we understand is finally done and passed and should be announced tomorrow, and it should find its way I believe, into the Gazette a printed version of their official record tomorrow, Wednesday - In Iraq right after first morning prayer. Now if it comes out, it's supposed to come out with wait for it. The new Iraqi dinar rate - this would be an in country rate for the country of Iraq - and it may have international implications as well. When people see that right, should contain that should contain a go ahead on the HCL. And Iraq has been talking about their membership in the World Trade Organization, the WTO which are a member of I believe they're a member Pro Tem or they're a member waiting for an official rate to be released. Now they have released rates in past weeks. We know that but to make this international new rate out, I think that seals their membership in the World Trade Organization, which is something they've been looking forward to for a long time. All right, so what else is going on? Iraq’s got the new rate coming out tomorrow - should be printed -should be in the new Gazette - and we should have it here in the United States and on our bank screens at 11 o'clock, Eastern Daylight Time tomorrow. Now it won't be the same rate. It'll be our rate - quite a bit higher, roughly know what those rates are but as you guys know, I'm not really supposed to put that out - it's not good, but they're very high and very favorable especially for us that are in this country. Now, in addition to that, we know that that needs to happen Before we get our notifications, but our notifications should come out as early as, sometime tomorrow afternoon. And if not tomorrow afternoon slash evening. They would come out Thursday morning. In either case, we would set our appointments start on Thursday with our appointments. Well, that's a very positive thing for us moving forward. That is what we're hearing from multiple sources that are in the know about the timing of all this. There are some other things that should occur as well, which would involve a political change, which I've referenced in the past on the big call. that should take place either tomorrow, or Thursday. And I believe that announcement of that political change should reflect the release of the emails with the toll free numbers contain there in. So in other words, that information could come out tomorrow in which case our releases should come out tomorrow. If the information that we're looking for politically on Thursday, we should get the notifications on Thursday and still start exchanges on Thursday. Once the appointments are set, the theory is that we will start first appointments three hours after we're notified. First deployments are available to start three hours after we are notified. Now if we're notified tomorrow on Wednesday, in the afternoon. We’re probably not going to go until Thursday - we're going to set our appointments for Thursday or Friday or Saturday and go right on through. So based on that you can set your appointment at a convenient time and day for you, and follow through that way. So as far as the timing, this is looking very good from many different sources. It's lining up very nicely. I do not have anything that goes beyond Thursday - I can tell you that. That's what we have so far. So you know how this thing changes. It changed this week. It changed with the idea that everything was going to be okay. And Rafidain bank was not going to be an issue and everything was going to be golden and we would get notified today and start tomorrow. BOOM – it didn't happen. And the reason it didn't happen was we had a bank that was not doing the right thing of all places in Iraq - And so they had to swoop in, do the arrest. so we talked about Now it's been cleared up the information has been reset, and everything should be golden. But that kind of stuff happens - didn't expect that at all - but that's what happened. So beware that information that you're getting now is accurate as of, just prior to the big call tonight. And we hope it holds up. We pray it holds up and that we get this party started and we get our exchanges underway. Remember we're going to be doing a presentation as well as getting your currency exchanged - your account set up - You'll have a quantum financial system card I call it the Q card or the quantum card that you'll have the money from your exchanges -all of it, put into and then you can move at the Wells Fargo redemption center oversight of the redemption center – you will be able to move up to 1% of your total exchange into your I call it primary Wells Fargo account on day one - and have access to it on day one. So that has to last you for 60 days, Two months, 60 days. And then on the 61st day you are supposed to have access to all of your exchange, depending on how much you have, what our total looks like. Even 1% is going to be a lot of money. And for some of us it will be a whole lot of money and you'll be able to do what you need to do with it starting from day one. Beyond that you guys - You guys know there's a certain individual out there that doesn't believe in the 800 numbers. As long as he's been in this. He doesn't have a freaking clue. Okay, now we know that the 800 numbers are coming in an email from Wells Fargo to all of us that they have emails for. And they used me as a vehicle to get out the emails to people they may not have an email for but we're gonna get the word out to the emails, subscribers that have subscribed to big call They'll get the 800 number from us. And also we're on our landing page in the website. So it'll be there for people to see that way and get that way. So, bottom line, this has been a wonderful ride. We believe the ride is going to be over. I cannot officially call it all I'm giving you guys is what I'm hearing from various sources - Redemption center staff and banks, people that are directly involved with this. And I'm looking forward to it just like you guys. It's been 19 years for me 12 years on the big call. When you're before that on another call. And so I'm excited to say that this is I believe about to be over. So everybody stay in faith for it - and we're not planning to have any more, so called Live Calls like we're doing right now, provided of course we get the numbers as we expect. and then if we do something else, as a podcast, we would send you that podcast in the form of an email, which would have a link on it you would click on Like you do anything now to listen to. We won't do video. We'll probably just do an email audio link. Kind of like a replay for the big calll. All right. So that's what I wanted to get out to you guys tonight. I'm really happy that we had a large audience tonight 90 countries and thank you everybody for being faithful and listening to us. Thank you, Sue, and Bob, and everybody behind the scenes like GCK and Pastor Scott and Jeanne and everybody that's helped to support the big call everybody in the way of intel sources, and especially those that have really helped to get the call out to many, many countries using very special sophisticated software, which allows them to click on and listen to the call in their own language. It's been wonderful to be able to have that opportunity. So thanks so much to those that have made that happen. And let's go ahead and pray the call out and then we'll be in touch by email after this goes - Good night everybody and lets just wait and see how this goes.



 An economist who explains the mechanisms of supporting the Iraqi dinar and reducing the demand for the dollar

An economist who explains the mechanisms of supporting the Iraqi dinar and reducing the demand for the dollarInformation / Baghdad…
Today, Tuesday, the economic expert, Safwan Qusay, explained the mechanisms of supporting the Iraqi dinar and reducing the demand for dollars in the parallel market.
Qusay told Al-Maalouma, “The government can support the Iraqi dinar through industry and agriculture, in addition to the possibility of selling oil to certain countries in Iraqi dinars with the knowledge of the US treasury.”
He added, “The approach to this mechanism would allow Iraqi merchants to import from these countries in dinars, and this opens the way for importing foodstuffs, soft drinks, cigarettes, medicines and other commodities, especially to countries that are allowed to sell oil in dinars, such as Jordan and Egypt. In return, merchants direct to import commodities from them in dinars.”
And he indicated that “the aforementioned measures would reduce pressure on the demand for the dollar in the parallel market, as confidence must return to the dinar, in addition to that the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank have to work jointly.”
Qusai pointed out that “some public spending measures are not commensurate with the central bank’s policy, and vice versa.”




  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...