Saturday, July 8, 2023



The Ministry of Communications announced today, Wednesday, the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement with Germany in the postal field.
The ministry’s media said in a statement received by “Baghdad Today” that “the General Postal and Savings Company signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the German Postal Administration regarding the exchange of advanced electronic data, in order to continue work and develop it for the better, and to complete the postal plans in cooperation with postal administrations.” 
The statement added, “The mission is within the regional and international scope, and entering into bilateral cooperation agreements to advance the status of postal services, develop the postal sector, use the latest internationally approved systems, and expand the field of work globally.”
He explained that “this agreement is one of the most important agreements and includes (26) European countries in order to facilitate work and the exchange of consignments with their content at the maximum speed.”
(Does Iraq need this to RV? NO! But it certainly shows us once again just where this country of Iraq is slowly progressing more and more “open to the rest of the world”.)


 Frank26 (KTFA)

I don’t want you to get overly excited about this XRP.  And I don’t want you to miss the value behind this XRP.  This is a de-facto of a de-pegging of the American dollar…XRP is very good for the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar no doubt because…this XRP system is showing the Iraqi dinar pairing with the Digital XRP but also with other currencies…XRP is an excellent tool for international trade.  It’s good for the Iraqi dinar that wants to float…nothing makes sense until we have the new exchange rate.  

Parliamentary efforts to legislate a law that will soon end the disputes between Baghdad and Erbil”.     

The oil and gas law is one of the important laws that falls within the government’s priorities …the law will be presented during the new legislative term.”


FIREFLY: To get the HCL done they will need to know what the new exchange rate is…So next week with the passing of the oil and gas law like they’re telling us it will be very pivotal what is in the budget.  Now this is just the groundwork for the HCL.  This is exciting to know our prime minister is taking care of the budget for the HCL, for us Iraqi citizens…


 WARNING: There were reports of some asking for you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or Zim Bonds to them saying they will exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you have given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you have done so, or if you have given someone Power of Attorney over your affairs. The bottom line: If someone tries to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested.

Global Currency Revaluation:

  • Fri. 7 July MarkZ: Our “window” was wide open and they expected something next week. Parliament said they would announce the new Dinar Rate along with the budget on
  • Wed. 12 July. Redemption Staff were on call this weekend.  
  • Thurs. 6 July Bruce: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set appointments around 6:30 pm Sat. or Sun. evening 8,9 July.
  • Wed. 12 July was a back date given for release of the new Iraqi Dinar Rate using NEER: “RV for Iraqi Dinar Using NEER” by David Harkness – 7.6.23 | Dinar Chronicles
  • On Fri. 30 June the US Inc. Federal Reserve and US Inc. Treasury were asked to hand over all their assets as they were unable to pay back the Global Repository the quadrillions owed.
  • On Sat. 1 July the new Quantum Financial System began interfacing in computers around the World to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022. Also on Sat. 1 July the fiat US Dollar transferred into a gold/asset-backed US Note.
  • On Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST the Dinar Rate on the Forex went public. A live Foreign Currency Converter showed it was fluctuating in value:1,000,000 IQD to USD – Iraqi Dinars to US Dollars Exchange Rate ( Khan Baba: Iraqi Dinar $4.86 International Rate:
  • On Mon. 3 July SOFR, Libor and many nations dumped their US Treasuries.
  • On Tues. 4 July the Quantum Financial System was fully integrated worldwide.


 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 7-6-23   REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   56:00

Welcome everybody to the big call. We finally got it started because I finally got my phone to work properly 25 minutes after the hour, so hopefully you guys have stuck with us and experiencing what we're experiencing. It's Thursday, July 6, and you're listening to the big call finally. And I hope everybody had a wonderful Freedom Day, Fourth of July, and hopefully everybody's safe and have all their fingers and toes. So let's go ahead and pray the call in

I'm gonna recap what I said earlier in the way of Intel. I was I was cut off and I don't know what happened with the phone. It just was not allowing me to call in. Sue figured a way me to 3way me in on the call. And then I just was able to finally call in again and got on - so here we are.

As I mentioned earlier, we've got two sources that are saying we should be notified by tomorrow at 6:30pm. Eastern Time, and one source out of Geneva that's giving us a time of 7pm tomorrow, so we have two at 6:30  and  1 at seven and the bondholder contact through the paymasters are saying that the bondholders should receive their emails giving them access to funds, which they actually would gain access to on Saturday - because the bondholders need to get into the banks to get their accounts, have their account set up and to have their quantum cards and all that activated at the bank.   So they're going to need to do that on Saturday.


Now we have a good chance of getting notified tomorrow evening - In the 6:30 to seven o'clock range. And I believe that in each time zone so east would get it and central get it and then mountain time and then Pacific theoretically all get notified at the same time and your time zone and then you call –

Now what I don't know is will we be calling Friday evening to set our appointments with the redemption centers, staff to set our appointments or do we get the numbers and then call in Saturday and get our appointments set and exchange starting Saturdays?

I believe that's a real possibility. Yeah, we actually do it because I've been told the redemption center staff will be there. Not only today, tomorrow, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And whatever day that we start, let's say was Saturday that we actually started our redemption of Zim and our exchange of currencies on Saturday take 15 days from Saturday's date, which is the eighth and go out 15 days.

All redemption centers will be available and open for 15 days. Even if their demographics don't support it- whereas they don't have enough people doing zim or doing other exchanges to stay open for 15 days.

But we’ll see if they change that – but as it is now – all redemption centers will be open for 15 days – from the first day of our exchanges – which it could be tomorrow or it could  be Saturday – or it could even be Sunday -  should probably be Saturday. If everything comes in, we get notified somewhere around 630 or seven o'clock tomorrow night. Okay.

Iraq has done their thing. They put up a new currency on Sunday with new rates and that is continuing to go up and escalate. And I believe that they are on the forex and I don't know if our Forex can see it yet here. They have kept it from us for a long time. It would not surprise me if it's not visible here.

But I know that they are trading and our USN currency did go live on the Forex either Saturday or Monday. Excuse me Sunday or Monday, last Sunday evening, usually around six o'clock is when Iraq went on that I think our USN currency is on I will say that the in South America and Central America - the GESARA announcement was made.

I'm trying to remember which day it was made but it was made - I think it was on Saturday or Sunday or Saturday. It was made for South America and they were announced and it started in a sense they're now


 I don't think exchanges started in South America yet.  I've heard a rumor to that effect. But I think they were they announced what was going to happen with GESARA - also other countries it was announced in Japan it was announced in in India. It was announced in Columbia, South America and Brazil we know and probably some other countries that I can’t think of right now.

Be on the lookout for political change to take place. I don't want to go into the depths of it. But I think we'll see a change at the helm of our ship so to speak. And that could happen any day now. But it should happen within 10 days of today. When I say a change of leadership, you know what I'm referring to.

Otherwise, guys, I think we just need to stay tuned to our  emails  - see when they come in – and be aware they could utilize  the Emergency Broadcast System EBS and or emergency alert system.

Both they may use both and they may end up doing this through mainstream media that some stations or some networks, they have to add a little help from our military to put out the correct and true information for once because we haven't had that in years, many years.

So who knows what the true disclosure of true events will look like and when it will actually start, but I believe it could start at the time of this weekend. If that's when we get started with our exchanges.

 So we're hoping the information that I received today is accurate. And then we are going forward. And we're getting these numbers tomorrow by 6:30 or 7pm. And then we're off and running, setting our appointments and exchanges. That's what I had to say tonight. That's what I'd like to say and Thank you Sue.

Thank you, big call universe for tuning in for 12 years, and listening to what we've had to tell you. And thank you, everybody behind the scenes - Let's go ahead and pray the call out.

And we should be good to go. If for some reason we are not received numbers. We would have a call next Tuesday. But as it is now we think that they're coming up sometime late tomorrow evening. All right. So let's pray the call out.  Good night everybody  have a great weekend - 

Evening News with MarkZ 07/07/2023

Note From PDK: I will be traveling for the next week or so. I may or may not be able to transcribe Marks Podcasts or they may be later than usual….Be sure to listen to his daily calls for all of his intel and opinions……..Thank you 

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Friday Evening …Lots of tension in the air today......things are happening?

Member: Welcome to the weekend everyone . 

Member:  It's past time they flipped the switch. 

MZ: A lot of chatter out of Iraq.  Take it for what it is. I will treat it as rumors but one of the sources sharing it is one of my best in Iraq. The chatter amongst the government circles there is they plan to release the new rate when they release all the funds from the budget on the 12th.

MZ: I am still looking for some supporting information ….before I feel warm and fuzzy about it but, it is certainly the conversation over there now. 

Member: If one country goes alone, like Iraq, wouldn't they have a big advantage until other countries revalue?

Member: I think it would light a fire under the other countries butts…….make them all hurry up!!

Member: I think the Iraq gov is still hiding rate

Member: I heard about the Uganda schilling revaluation

MZ: My redemption center folks are on call this weekend but not scheduled to work. When I asked them earlier –around Wednesday they were convinced they would be working this weekend…now they are just on call.  We will see what happens 

MZ: They certainly have everything in place to pull the trigger. 

MZ: There are some other interesting things pointing to Nesara/Gesara. Little candy drops or bread crumbs along the way.  

MZ: “Philippines writes off $1 billion in farmer debts to boost food production”  They need farmers at 100% capacity…and burdened or struggling with debt. I think this one is pretty important. 

Member: Why would Nesara start in the Phillipines….thats odd?

MZ: The Philippines is where a lot of the gold was aggregatated for this thing (reset?) comes out of the Phillipines.  A lot of Marco gold ect……This doesn’t surprise me …

Member: Maybe “Farm claims” are a global thing? 

MZ: “BRICS bank CFO rules out near-term move towards common currency”  They says its coming. They are still establishing the basket of 22 commodities with gold in the lead. 

Member: Our government in the Netherlands just fell. 

MZ: 18 months in for the new government and they imploded today…..the people are done.

Member: the King and Queen of Netherlands being charged with crimes against the people. 

Member: Sounds like a “Let them eat cake” scenario!

Member: From Isaac : Hello just finished my cc the only thing I can say is we are close , Tuesday I will give more news so keep the faith .

Member: I read on Militia Man possible dinar at $7.87 per Al Sudani. Not sure if this is a negotiated deal yet.

Member: Sometime ago I remember someone saying that the dinar RV rate would be 10% of oil price...does mean $7.00?

Member: Has anyone seen the video of the recent video of the remodeled wells Fargo bank in California? The manager said he knew about QFS and GCR and got rid of the tellers.

Member: Hope its true 

Member: Prayers for all here who are sick, in pain, struggling..

Member: White hats if ur watching, listening and reading We The People need HELP! Pls, pls pull the trigger…people are dying, homeless and discouraged!

Member: Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.

Friday, July 7, 2023


 I got news for you, Saddam Hussien traded in the Iraq dinar ONLY not the dollar. So just like I said, if you go long enough on the dollar the countries will get used to it and won’t want to go back to their own national currency. It has been way too long already. We now see this happening. But I think this deal will have to work out or else. 

This is GREAT news. We heard about this plan almost 6 months ago. Haven’t they done it already? Sanctions make trade illegal in the dollar anyway but how was Iraq supposed to trade if not with dollars or the dinar in the past? So thus the corruption of stealing the dollars from Iraq or….did Iraq just let them steal them using these dollars covertly to pay their bills to Iran using the backdoor behind the sanctions.


Iraq seems to be at a pause as far as the revaluation of the dinar.
Again it seems the US is holding it back for some reason.
Why? Let’s explore that today, okay?
We are not seeing it on FOREX as the CBI told us would happen.
So, what is going on here?
Could the US Treasury be holding off on the reinstatement until some events are resolved?
Will they ever give us the reinstatement?
S o, the really good news today is to fold.
I am presenting two articles on proposals to establish an alternative economic system to the dollar when dealing in trade with Iran.
Did the Oil and GAS law get passed and why is this still very important.
So, first Baghdad submitted a proposal to the Iranian authorities to establish an alternative economic system to the dollar using the dinar.
Then came the Iranian response and it was very positive.
The Iranian trade advisor added back: “I suggest Iraq that all our financial dealings be with Iraq in dinars, even Turkish shops buy and sell in dinars in this country.
In view of the sanctions, this issue is in Iran’s interest.”
WOW. Just what we need to hear! 🙂
I believe this trade with Iran in dinars is going to happen.
We read past articles about using the IQD in all trade with all middle eastern countries so now they are really going to do it, at least it looks that way.
How will the US respond to this idea?
We know that Iraq needs about 200 million US dollars to pay for imports under the sanctions of currency auctions.
Even with the new US Treasury currency auction platform still about 250-275 million per day are authorized.
This is better than the over 500 million being spent previously but still money is being stolen and these dollars show up on the black market and effect the selling prices of the dinar.
With trade in dinars only this will greatly effect everything and possibly even eliminate the currency auctions or cut them so low they will be a trivial matter.
This will take these black market dollars out of circulation and the IQD dinar could rise enormously in-country.
There is a real potential then to get the dinar up to $1 and even over.
I showed you the math on how we calculate the in-country rate.
So using this rate they need to go from 1320 to at least 1000 or less.
Clearly the US should like this idea if it legitimately is trying to help Iraq go forward.
Let’s see what happens… 😊 😊 😊.
So, the second event, as you may guess, is the passing of the Oil and Gas law in the new parliament session which to begin next week July 13th.
I quote from the article today – “the oil and gas law will be put forward during the next legislative term, considering its passage as a solution to all disputes between Baghdad and Erbil”.
But when I looked at parliament’s schedule it didn’t even have this on the agenda so I guess they are still working on the dispute then and these articles are not fully correct.
We know the news media tends to be overly optimistic in Iraq.
There is not much more we can do but relax and let the reinstatement come to us.
Like I said many times already I am scared that we have not heard even an update on the project to delete the zeros.
Normally Ali Al-Alaq is real good at giving periodic updates on this event.
He has been back in the seat of CBI governor now for almost 6 months and still no word.
I am told by my CBI contact that they are still working on it and plan to do it very soon.

Dinar: Dr. Shabibi answering revaluation and redenomination questions by Awake-in-3D


IQD History: CBI Governor Speaks Publicly About Currency RV/RD in 2011

On July 6, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

The year 2011 was truly and exciting time in Dinar-Land. The possibility of an RV of the IQD went hyperbolic when Dr. Shabibi, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq addressed direct questions on the possibilities of an RD/RV of the Dinar. 

He appeared optimistic yet never actually answered the questions. Little did we all know back then that we would still be here waiting for an RD/RV in 2023. 

Does anyone here recall how all of the IQD currency dealers of the time would sell “Reserves” allowing one to put IQD on hold. It was like putting gifts on “layaway” at Walmart. Those were the Wild West days of the IQD RV.


During a discussion held at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, in April 2011, Dr. Shabibi, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) at that time, was questioned about the potential revaluation and redenomination of the Iraqi Dinar (IQD). However, Dr. Shabibi’s responses were notably vague and diplomatic, leaving much to be discerned from his answers.

When asked about the possibility of a revaluation, Dr. Shabibi avoided giving a direct response. He emphasized the importance of controlling inflation and maintaining price stability, noting that the current inflation rate in Iraq was around 5%. He mentioned that various factors, including trade, exports, imports, and balance of payments, influenced currency movement. Dr. Shabibi’s response revolved around the need to track inflation development and other relevant factors before determining any exchange rate movement or potential revaluation.

Regarding the redenomination of the currency, Dr. Shabibi also provided a diplomatic and passive answer. He downplayed the significance of removing three zeros from the currency, stating that it was primarily a measure to facilitate payments and ease counting. He highlighted the historical context of adding three zeros in the 1980s due to high inflation and mentioned that the current situation was different, with inflation under control and the exchange rate managed by the Central Bank. However, he acknowledged that implementing the redenomination required careful planning, including propaganda campaigns and education efforts, with the cooperation of the government and security forces.

It is worth noting that this event took place 12 years ago, and as of 2023, Iraq is still grappling with some of the key issues that Dr. Shabibi spoke about way back then. Yet much progress has certainly been made since then in regards to Iraq’s political, banking and economic reforms. But still, Iraq has yet to redenominate and/or revalue its currency. 

See my previous post: Iraqi Finance Deputy: Iraq Not Ready for Currency RD/RV 

Dr. Shabibi’s diplomatic and cautious approach to the questions may reflect the complexities and challenges surrounding these monetary decisions. The passage of time underscores the ongoing nature of the issues and the difficulties faced by Iraq in addressing them.

Key points and statistics mentioned by Dr. Shabibi:

IQD Currency Revaluation

Revaluation depends on controlling inflation and maintaining price stability.

The Central Bank closely monitors inflation, which has risen to around 5%.

Factors affecting currency movement include trade, exports, imports, balance of payments, and development-related aspects.

The government focuses more on its budget, while the Central Bank emphasizes inflation control.

Exchange rate movement will be determined by tracking inflation development and other relevant factors.

IQD Currency Redenomination

Redenomination aims to facilitate payments and ease counting, particularly for large figures.

The decision to add three zeros in the 1980’s was driven by high inflation.

Current conditions have changed, with inflation under control and the exchange rate managed by the Central Bank.

Removing the three zeros requires careful implementation, including a propaganda campaign and extensive education efforts.

Cooperation from the government and security forces is essential for successful redenomination.

My Simple Transcript of the Event (watch the video to get the full details)

Date: April 19, 2011

Location: US Chamber of Commerce, Washington, DC

Participant: With respect to the ongoing need for stability in Iraq and its exchange rate, we understand that there is a potential need for a revaluation of the currency to attract domestic and foreign investment. How far do you believe we are from a potential revaluation of the Iraqi currency?

Dr. Shabibi: The answer depends on various factors, particularly the extent to which we can continue controlling inflation. Maintaining price stability is our primary goal, and while there is currently a small inflation rate of around 5%, we are monitoring it closely. If inflation continues, we may need to reconsider the exchange rate and potential revaluation. Other factors that influence currency movement include trade, exports and imports, balance of payments, and other development-related aspects of the economy. However, the question of maintaining price stability is crucial, as it is not a major concern for other entities in the economy. We will track inflation development and other relevant factors to determine the appropriate exchange rate movement.

Participant: I’ve heard a report that Iraq is planning to cut three zeros off the currency, referred to as “redenomination.” Could you provide more information on this?

Dr. Shabibi: The cutting of three zeros should not be exaggerated. Redenomination aims to facilitate payments and ease of counting, especially when dealing with large figures. This decision was not made by a government decree, but rather due to the economic conditions in the 1980s, characterized by high inflation. However, the situation has changed significantly now, with inflation under control and the exchange rate managed by the Central Bank. The presence of zeros creates difficulties in managing the currency. Our plan is to remove the three zeros, but it requires careful implementation, including a propaganda campaign and extensive education efforts. The cooperation of the government and security forces is crucial in this process. We are committed to bringing about the redenomination, taking into consideration the monitoring of the exchange rate and other necessary measures.

Here’s the actual recorded event for you to hear what was said for yourself.


  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...