Thursday, June 29, 2023

Frank 26 …..6-28-23…..FOREX TO ATFX


Wednesday Night Conference Call

Frank 26 …..6-28-23…..FOREX TO ATFX

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#



 Frank26 (KTFA)

[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]

FIREFLY: Due to a new 6 day holiday EID all stock market trading will be closed until July 3rd.

FRANK: They are trying to talk to you again.  The budget is at 64 trillion.  That is impossible at a program rate.

FIREFLY: The dollar is jumping just like they said it would happen during EID.  It is jumping because of the need of the dollar during these 6 day of the holiday and we don’t have any more auctions they are closed.   So the demand for the dollar is up.  They told us not to worry it will change back after the holidays…......................................................

FRANK: For them to tell you the exchange rate of the dinar will climb after the budget is introduced that’s not a clue that’s the monetary education straight to you. 

FIREFLY: Soon…the projects that are in the budget will start to be funded.

FRANK: Not at a program rate!

FIREFlY: And it’s going to be retro to January 1st 2023.

FRANK: And so will the new exchange rate be retroactive to January 1st.



[via PDK]

Member: Question…what do you feel worst scenario will be with taxes on this?  I still believe there will be no taxes…but be prepared in case I am wrong….  Noone will know for sure until the RV happens.

Nader From The Mid East

An article I read earlier about the exchange rate in Iraq.  They published it today.  They didn’t put how much but the good news there is there is a new exchange rate.  Anybody who hold the Iraqi dinar they’re going to make a little money.  I’d say must be between 13[00] and 1000.  Get ready for it.

MilitiaMan (KTFA)

Iraq ‘s going to be just like Singapore … London, Frankfurt, New York.  Those are the things you don’t get at 1310.  Everybody out there who thinks it can work at 1310…They’re not going live at 1310, 1186, 1470.  They never have done it.  Why?  Because it doesn’t work.

Mountain Goat

I feel we have been in a critical period of the currency reform program since January of this year 2023.  Now we are in a “vital” period since the three-year budget has been passed on Sunday June 11 and now ratified by the president on June 21, as needed to become law. It is now law and needs to be posted in the Gazette but only for records sake.  Anything could now happen and is going to happen. In fact, this week or next could be the pivotal last days for our investment.   The CBI has told me they want to conclude this process of currency reform by July 1.


“The financial advisor to the Prime Minister…confirmed that it will be a place for the activities of selling and trading governmental and private securities, similar to what exists in the world, pointing out that the importance of the financial center in Iraq announced by the Central Bank of Iraq.”

…this is one of these WOW!!! news articles. Do you know what this means? This supports the FACT there is now no turning back. They must now liberate/reinstate the Iraqi dinar to FOREX and other global currency exchanges.


 Global Currency Revaluation:

  • Wed. 28 June MarkZ: Jim Rickards (Economist) released a bombshell today calling for an implosion of the US economy on July 3rd when SOFR, Libor and many nations are planning on dumping their US Treasuries. Even though it was supposed to happen on the first, the first is a Saturday, the third is a Monday and expect banks to be closed on Tues. the fourth, so the implosion is supposed to hit on Mon the 3rd when banks are open here in the US. “I continue to hear great expectations from my sources that it (Tier 4b notification to set redemption appointments) will happen sometime between now and Mon. 3 July.”
  • Tues. 27 June Bruce: Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified either Sat. 1 July, or over the weekend, but not be able to obtain appointments until at least Tues. 4 JulyOn Mon. 26 June  in Japan they used the EBS to announce a Supreme Court decision on the Brunson Case, saying that the 2020 Election was nullified and President Trump would return.
  • It was rumored that the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury were on notice that if they could not pay the Global Repository back the quadrillions owed, they would be handing over all assets, including property and business assets on Fri. June 30 2023.
  • WARNING: Have cash on hand by this weekend. With loss of the SWIFT system and switching to BRICS, the US dollar for the most part, was no longer being traded on international markets. As a result this weekend Central Banks, which have been functioning on fiat monies, were considering calling in loans, filing for bankruptcy and doing bail-ins. In other words, they could try to steal your funds. Although Banks accounts have been mirrored onto the new Quantum Financial System, it may be a few days before you would have access to your monies.
  • On Sat. 1 July International Financial Markets will transform into a new digital asset based economy. The new Quantum Financial System would be completely interfaced in computers around the World in order to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022. …Goldilocks
  • Tues. 27 June Militia Man: The 2023, 24, and 25 Iraqi Budget was done. The implementation will be after the EID holiday. This will pay for all the international contracts, projects and MOU’s they have signed. The EID ends on Saturday 1 July. The international markets and Forex opens on Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST.

Coffee with MarkZ, MilitiaMan News, and Bob Lock. 06/29/2023

Note From PDK: I will be traveling for the next week or so. I may or may not be able to transcribe Marks Podcasts or they may be later than usual….Be sure to listen to his daily calls for all of his intel and opinions……..Thank you 

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MarkZ, MilitiaMan News, and Bob Lock. 06/29/2023

Member: Good morning Mark, Militiaman, and everyone else. Happy Thursday!

Member: The Fourth of July is going to be awesome I feel it in my bones!

Member: Dr Pruitt says next week is the week

Member: Good Morning Libor going to SOFR is the key this weekend for liquidity. Buckle up everyone we are close as close can get. Have a great Independence Day family!

Member: Remember-The rest of the world is not closed on the 4th???!!!

MZ: Lot of international stuff happening in Iraq- Which doesn’t make much sense for a country without an international currency. 

MZ: Article came out- “ATFX Launches operations in Iraq with Asure bank”  They certainly act like they are international. 

MM: They launched that yesterday and its kind of a big deal. The fascinating part to me is they have a great deal to do with currency pairing. I am fairly certain when Iraq starts to rebuild out their country they are going to have a article 8 compliant currency that will hopefully be strong and will need to be paired with all the countries around the world. 

MM: That is really good news.

MZ: It is clearly showing us where they are at and progress. 

MM: Something to talk about is they are focusing in on using only the dinar internally and commercially. So they are enforcing the law that is on the books now. 46 people were arrested in one day for using other currencies……this is really big news too. 

MM: Basically Alaq is working on achieving stability in Iraq and implemening the 2023, 24, 25 investment budget wihin the next few days. Disbursement of funds will come from that to get started on projects around the country. Also paying the people who have contracts in Iraq. Sudani is being shown around the country showcasing work that is being done and will be done starting soon. 

MM: They are also talking about new mobile phone services in country. Right now they are in a holiday Eid Al Adha started on the 27th…until July 2….I think it’s possible they can use text messaging to all the people of Iraq now. 

MM: The budget also has the HydroCarbon law …which means Iraq citizens will have money coming to them. So they can now get notified of that through their cell phones. This was also in the news yesterday. 

MM: Also for the first time ever- in the news-Barzani from the Kurdistan Region …reached out to all of Iraq to congratulate them on their holiday and bringing Iraq and Erbil together. And in Erbil they had a technology exposition for all the youth because of the digital transformation they are going through. Things are happening fast and furious. 

MM: Everyone seems happy and we will be on pins and needles…hopefully between now and the third they will showcase this country. 

MZ: I did not catch the phone article….basically it will act like our EBS….They will now be able to inform them on pretty much everything. Maybe …Have a nice holiday or hey- your currency has a new value? 

Member: So whats the major hold up? Or is it just the process playing out?

MM:  I think it’s just the process playing out. This is one of the biggest things I have ever seen in my lifetime...all coming together. All the electronic platforms like Ayuscuda, Buna, Taxes and Tarriffs on the borders…..the new Iso2022 system….the new ATFX ready to go for forex currency trading and pairing…….Its now 2023 and Iraq has a 3 year budget for the first time ever….

MM: Taif Sami is the first woman finance minister and the first 3 year budget ever….Ali Alaq came back from the AMF (Arab Monetary Fund?)  to get this RV off the ground because the guy before him didn’t get it done. 

MM: This is all coming to an end. There is no hold up- just the process coming to an end. Hopefully we are all right about this. 

Member: Can you clarify what Libor going to Sofr means?

MZ: We will see if Mr. Cottrell can talk about that tomorrow.  

MM: They have been working on that for quite a few years. Also the Fed Now system…This all could be inter-related. They are also stress testing banks in the US this weekend. We are seeing some pretty powerful stuff happening. 

Member: Does a contract rate make sense when it is time to exchange …or do you think its just going to be an international rate?

MM: I have heard lots of different things on that…..personally I think we are going to see one exchange rate that’s going to be managed by the CCBI and central banks in the region. I’m not studied on a contract rate so will stick with we will see on the forex. . 

MZ: Thanks for joining us this morning……You can find MilitiaMan and Crew on Yourtube and Patreon ect….please support him and his videos. 

MZ: De-Dollization continues to be the theme in many publications. “ Central banks favor the euro in the short term and the yuan long term as they push to de-dollarize the reserves”  

Member: under Saddam the value of the Iraqi dinar was $3.48 to one Us dollar….

Member: Hope the rate is at least that when it finally happens. 

Member: is it true we only have 30 days to do the exchange?

Member: Mark has always said 10 days to set appointments and 30 days or so to do our exchanges….if it changes…he will let us know. 

Please listen to the replay for the full MilitiaMan interview and Bob Lock talking about trusts…… 

Member: TY Militia Man for coming on today. Appreciate you.

Member: Mark and as always a huge thanks for all the latest news & updates and of course all the guests on this show



  😊Another article today on establishing a sovereign fund   but this time it is more seriously addressed and more aggressively and not just...