Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Understanding the Requirements for Iraq's "Petro Dinar" in 2024 BY DINAR REVALUATION , 20 AUGUST

Understanding the Requirements for Iraq's "Petro Dinar" in 2024

In the dynamic world of international finance, the concept of a "petro currency" has long been a focal point, particularly with the historical dominance of the US dollar as the global petrocurrency. However, in 2024, Iraq is exploring the feasibility of adopting the Iraqi dinar as its petro currency, a move referred to as the "petro dinar". . This shift requires careful consideration of several critical factors, including the necessity of a robust stock of foreign currencies and gold. .

The Role of Foreign Reserve Currencies and Gold

The adoption of the dinar in pricing oil, or the concept of a "petro dinar," hinges on the availability of foreign reserve currencies and gold. According to Mazhar Muhammad Salih, the Prime Minister's advisor for financial affairs, these reserves must be present and managed efficiently to ensure the stability of the exchange rate linked to oil. . The stability of the petro dinar is paramount to hedge against oil price fluctuations and maintain its value in global markets.

Historical Precedent: Russia's Gold-Backed Ruble

Drawing from Russia's experience, where oil was purchased with gold-backed rubles, Salih highlights the critical role of gold in supporting a currency's stability. . This move by Russia, while facing its own set of challenges, demonstrates the potential for gold to act as a stabilizing force in a currency's value, especially when linked to a commodity as vital as oil.

Challenges and Implications

The adoption of the petro dinar is not without its challenges. Economic expert Mustafa Hantoush has warned that Iraq is currently undergoing a phase of near-total collapse in monetary policies.  . He emphasizes that the current thinking about changing monetary policies, regardless of leadership, may not be sufficient. The policy of protecting the local currency against foreign currencies, among other monetary policies, is critical for the success of the petro dinar.

The Implications of Issuing a New Currency

The discussion has also revived around the project of removing zeros from the Iraqi dinar and potentially issuing a new currency. . Such a move has been implemented by other countries, including Turkey in 2005 and Venezuela, as a response to hyperinflation. The implications and challenges of this process are significant and require careful planning and execution.


The transition to a petro dinar for Iraq in 2024 is a complex endeavor that necessitates a strong foundation of foreign reserve currencies and gold. The success of this move will depend on the efficient management of these reserves and the stability of the exchange rate, which is crucial for hedging against oil price fluctuations. As Iraq considers this shift, it must also address the broader challenges in its monetary policies to ensure the petro dinar's viability in the international market.


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