Sunday, August 11, 2024


 💢Important information provided by active duty military.

 ➡️ Topic: IF the Redemption Center you go to is located on a Military Base/Post then this info will be necessary.⬅️✅ Part 1/2

· Am I saying that you WILL be going to a Mil Base for your redemption appointment? NO I Am Not. I said - IF. Some mil installations might be used to host RC due to heightened security. But, yes, you could also very well be going to a major bank's Private Client office. That's also plausible. Now that THAT'S out of the way, please check out Plato's insight IF YOU LIVE somewhat close to a mil installation as this MIGHT APPLY TO YOU. ⬇️ Thank you Plato, Liberty Lounger extraordinaire 😁⬇️

💢 First, Plato explains strange changes he's been observing in his base. This led him to believe something is up and to pay attention to base activity! 👀

💢Plato: Take this with a massive grain of salt. I've been at my current base for almost 10 yrs. I was given the full we don’t-know-you-search today. (My car has been searched twice in 10 yrs.) 

That could mean they are gearing up to bring in outsiders. I will provide instructions today. This is the procedure to get into a base when it is locked down tight (FPCON D). They are training and getting proficient to ensure there will be no issues. 💥👀💥

💢As promised, hours later on 11.17.23, Plato delivered: ⬇️

💢Plato: Instructions for military base access IF you have to go to a base for an RV appointment. ⬇️

1) Ask for access procedures before you end the call with the appointment scheduler. Write them down and repeat them back. Ask if you don’t understand something.

2) Base directions: military bases are situated in out of the way locations for a reason. Get turn by turn directions to get to the base. Know which gate you need to use (they are named) and ask how you will be directed once on base (GPS navigation doesn’t work on many military bases).

After you hang up, breathe cuz this is really happening.

Documents for appointment and base access (separate requirements) ziplock bags are excellent for holding documents; use two different ones (label them base access and appointment)

3)Gate Security: military bases are treated like castles and the king (base CDR) sets the rules for access. Generally access is easy. Go to the pass office present DL, registration and proof of insurance. Not sure how they will handle things because it depends on the expected traffic.

 I will prep you for the most secure base access experience called FPCON D, full lockdown, 100% vehicle and ID checks.

- Vehicle preparation: wash it, vacuum it, clean it out, this is called sanitizing your vehicle and will make a vehicle search easier and quick. Have nothing in your vehicle or on your person other than what you must have for Base access and to attend you appointment.

 You will be opening every possible place anything could hide (practice it) a sequence that I used-everyone exits the vehicle, turn off car, driver opens glove box, trunk, engine hood, ect. Then driver only open all doors, trunk, hood ect. Any passengers need to know what to expect. 

Weapons of any kind - Example - your 2nd amendment doesn’t exist on a base if you aren’t a cleared person. Leave them at home. 

Before you leave for the base (breathe) I still get nervous after 30 yrs and base lockdown security is no joke.

Base arrival: Follow the directions of the MPs to the letter, follow any special signage also. 

Present only what you are asked to present and you will get thru quicker.

Base conduct: posted speed limits, traffic rules, are enforced (don’t speed, complete stops, don’t run a light) act like a temporary guest in a foreign land and you will be fine.

Special conditions: if you have medical or any special conditions address with your scheduler and don’t be shy if you have any issues during your base visit.

Final note: Be polite but assertive if you have a concern throughout the process. The only way you get treated as an individual is if you communicate early and as needed.

This preps you for the most stringent security you could face. ~ Plato

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