Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Hi Everyone,

I have some VERY AMAZING news for you today to share. WOW! WOW! WOW! I can hardly wait to review all this news with you. But first things first….

Once again, the Project to Delete the Zeros raises its head up.

 Yes, two more articles on it this period. Why? But there is much, much more to this as many do not yet understand. 

There are other articles today related to the topic that help us understand and tell us they know what they have to do and its just a matter of time how and when they do it. The clock it ticking… tic, toc, tic, toc.

Then there are two, not one, but two articles also on the analysis of pegging the IQD to price of oil instead of the US dollar. If this were the case Iraq would have sell oil also in the dinar and it would become the “petro-dinar” instead of the petro-dollar. Was this part of Dr Shabibi’s plan all along? Join me as we review all these issues and talk about what my CBI contact has to say about all this.

When they do liberate the dinar, it will include two main steps in the process. Please go to my blog to read all about these upcoming steps. They CAN NOT and WILL NOT just jump to reinstate without first following a process of the Project to Delete the Zeros. I have explained this process many times already to you. You can read it and follow it HERE. But today’s news is also about deciding whether they will peg the Iraqi dinar to a petro-dinar instead of petro-dollar? Yes, you heard right. Didn’t I talk about this months ago? Didn’t I tell you my CBI source told me they were considering this? How risky is it? Is this really Dr. Shabibi’s plan? Let’ talk about it in more detail.  

As you might remember each month, I started compiling a list of the newest events we have witnessed during a period of time. I wanted to continue this effort also for the month of August. So, below is part of this list of major achievements for Iraq in the Pillars of Financial Reform as in the White Paper and regaining their nation sovereignty.  

So, today we chalk up yet another 58 more major events just for this period of late July into August so far. What fifty-eight? Yes, there has been so much going on in Iraq to combat corruption. Are you listening? Are you taking note? Things may have looked like they were being temporarily stalled but this is not the case, as we can see.

I listed only the highlighted ones today dealing with mainly with cleaning up the corruption and instituting more of the banking reforms, but there are many more events. Please take a look at all fifty-eight of them HERE.

It’s right in our faces now and has been since 2023. We read today about another strategy, the petro-dinar peg, fixed or flexible? But will they actually move in that direction? Please take some time to read and study about this concept through the Latest Newsletter.


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