Friday, August 30, 2024



[via WiserNow]  

...the QFs system, at least for the redemption centers are connected,  - that’s really good - and now we just need our emails to come into us and we can set appointments to start...

the latest thing I have is that we would receive that by or before Friday. the 30th...if we don't get notified by and start exchanges on Friday,

 then it would go over the weekend...Anything is could actually get into September with the concept of the weekend being a Labor Day weekend... 

So we'll see what happens.


Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866 pin123456#

  • As this afternoon Redemption Center screens were showing 15 different currencies with solid new live rates. There will be new currency rates on 19 different currencies including the USN. It was suspected that all 19 would be solid on the screens tomorrow Wed. 28 Aug. 2024.
  • The screen rates at the Redemption Centers are going to be three times higher on the Dinar and twice as high on the Dong than at a bank.
  • The new Rates are going to be between $4 and $7.
  • The contract rate on the Dinar will be offered.
  • Emails are going out to Redemption Center operatives at around 4:30 tomorrow afternoon Wed. 28 Aug.
  • Bond Holders are expecting their emails Sunday night, with access Mon. or Tues.
  • Tier4b notification and exchanges should start over the weekend, or by Mon. or Tues.
  • We will receive notification in conjunction with the EBS.
  • The EBS will be a cover for Tier4b to do our exchanges.
  • The Admiral’s Group will start Sat, Sun and Mon.
  • Everything will be well underway by Wed. 28 Aug.
  • All debt forgiveness should be done by Sat. 31 Aug.

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