Monday, August 26, 2024


Iraq Summons UK Charge d'Affaires Over Ambassador's Remarks

On August 18, 2024, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry summoned Britain's chargĂ© d'affaires in Baghdad to protest comments made by the British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hitchen.  According to a statement issued by the ministry, Hitchen's remarks portrayed a bleak image of Iraq's security and political situation, reflecting negatively on the country's government and its diverse communities. 

During a talk show broadcast by the Kurdish media outlet Rudaw, Hitchen spoke about Iraq's political and security challenges, stating that it would be difficult to encourage tourism to Iraq amid security chaos and uncontrolled weapons. He emphasized that the challenge for the Iraqi government is how to deal with the militias.   Hitchen also mentioned that he had received threats personally, attributing them to certain militias that "do not like us". 

UK Embassy Response

The British embassy in Iraq responded to the situation, stating that the ambassador's comments had been misunderstood out of context. An embassy official told The National, "Our relationship with the Iraqi state is a deep and longstanding one, built today on a modern, forward-looking partnership". 

Iraq's Accusations

Iraq considered Hitchen's remarks as interference in Iraq's internal affairs and a departure from the diplomatic duties assigned to the ambassador. The ministry did not provide specifics about which comments it was referring to, but local media reports indicated that Hitchen discussed problems arising from incorporating militias into the Iraqi government's military institutions. 

Impact on Relations

The incident has raised tensions between Iraq and the UK, with the Iraqi government expressing its disapproval of the comments and calling for respect for its sovereignty. The UK embassy's clarification has attempted to smooth over the situation, emphasizing the importance of the bilateral relationship. 

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