Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Coffee with Zester

Coffee with Zester

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Tuesday ….we are still here!!!

Member: Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.

Member: This looks like it could be a very exciting week ahead.

Zester: Email was blowing up with well wishes for pops (MarkZ) . He is feeling much better this morning. He is still a bit sore from all the needles and all the poking….(Mark is having stem cell treatments to try to arrest the progress of muscular disease) 

Zester He was very tired from all the anesthesia…..but otherwise he optimistic and feeling great. And ready for more treatments today. We are happy his body is not having any negative reactions. 

Member: It’s a long process that takes time. It will get better day by day for the next year.

Zester: I do have an update directly from pops this morning. I will read off what he sent.

Zester: From MarkZ:  Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. Yesterday was tough but went well. Today should be much easier on me. I am hearing a lot of hopeful bond talk for later today. (There is supposed to be a large announcement come out sometime around midday in regards to bonds) I also have multiple reports that currencies are not paying out yet. But, more confirmations on farm claims which is very important. Farm claims kick off the fines and penalties….so that is a clear indicator that things are happening.  Look past the crazy optics and focus on what we can see. A prayer or two won’t hurt either. 

Zester: So we have been hearing –in regards to farm claims that people have actually been getting paid. This is a expected part of the process. Currency is not currently being paid out….and we should have something to talk about in regards to bonds this evening. 

Zester: In regards to the farm claims- this information is coming from someone on the ground in Reno. 

Zester : If I hear something really big – and it comes out at a weird time – we will post on all our different channels to be sure you get this information. Look for it on X And I will jump in for a quick video. 

Member: what are farm claims

Member: Mark has posted this before:  Video on PP’s and Farm claims: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAL0exvL45Y

Member: Zester- What is your take on XRP partnering with the IMF? Could this be a breakout moment? 

Zester: I do think its very interesting to see ripple as a company has been positioning itself in regards to central banks. A lot of different 3 and 4 letter agencies on international and national levels for building a central bank digital currency platform for countries and banks……I suspect the thing that the IMF is interested in is the research and development and technology that ripple has done for central bank digital currencies.  

Member: I thought we did not want a CBDC….its the bad guys thing to control the world?

Member: Unless the Treasury has one that is gold/asset backed….you are right. 

Member: Anyone else losing confidence in this? How are you all keeping it together? Any tricks?

Member: The system will crash…….the big question is…..will the cabal and the Great reset win….or will the QFS and the world win????  That’s my fear. 

Member: Celebrate the wins, mourn the losses. Sometimes the most heroic thing we can do is not give up. 

Member: It will happen “Suddenly” and after all of the misinformation everywhere…..we probably will have a hard time believing it…lol

Member: Zester…you and the mods are doing an outstanding job for Mark. Praying Mark gets lots of help from the new TCells.


Member: Prayers for everyone here no matter what you are going through may God be with you and help, and uphold you.

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