Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Mon. 22 July 2024 Wolverine (This Tues. 23 July):

  • “It is Tuesday afternoon here, and it is very cold. I am letting you know the Precatorios has started today from 3 o’clock onward and will actually be releasing their opera. They sent a note saying, “Tomorrow we will have a wonderful complete opera concert.”
  • “They will send me their opera so their people can celebrate. Finally a huge platform is going to be releasing funds to many people with billions of dollars involved. A lot of people will be astronomically blessed.
  • “Reno and Zurich are moving. Some whales are flying to Zurich, one huge Whale is now purchasing his airline ticket to fly down there.
  • “We are waiting to hear more news from bond holders. Waiting to get the miracle call this week.
  • “Nothing for 4B group – this is a letdown. I was told that some 4A groups have received payments, but not liquid money yet.  It is a start. Hopefully, those accounts will become liquid this week. 
  • “That is about it. The big news is that the Precatorios have started. I talked to the owner and he said “Wolvie, I am at the bank at the moment.” They have their green light and they will be released by tomorrow.
  • “I am waiting to receive the call so I can fly out. When that happens Carpathia and Shelby will be looking after the channel. I hope to have better news for all of you tomorrow.   
  • “Story about a couple I just received: This couple was just about to hand over their house as they could not afford the mortgage, and that same day they saw the figures for their mortgage and they had zero balance. Their account has actually been cleared, so maybe Nesara is working and people are getting their accounts cleared. This was the same day they were to lose their home and this miracle occurred.   
  • “I received a call this morning. Funds will be released tomorrow Tues. 23 July (later he changed it to Wed.) They will be liquid. I received an email saying the RV was imminent and about to commence. It’s official. Keep an eye on your emails.”


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