Monday, July 1, 2024



 Article:  "Customs complete the first phase of the automation project and reveals its revenues within 5 months"  They've been kept in the dark ages for a long time.  Everybody was doing everything by paper and pencil and it was kept that way for a reason...Banking and other institutions are seeing their companies change with this new technology are going to be excited. 

 It's going to make their work a lot more's only going to get better for Iraq.  This is one of those way they can generate revenue other than from oil.  This is exactly what they need to diversify.  Quote "revenue rate will raise by the end of this year to 200% from what it was in 2022."  That's a hell of an's going to boom over there..


I'm going to tell you the truth.  Here's the truth, Iraq has taken major strides and getting their crap together.  Is the Iraqi dinar going to go up in value?  Yes it will.  Is it going to happen tomorrow?  Is is happening over in Europe?  Is it happening over in Brazil or China?   No, no it's not.  There is no in-county/out-country rate.  No one group of people has had dinar exchanged.  Nobody's got their blessing...


Article:   "Expert likely to keep exchange rates within their current rates"   It's not going to happen that quickly.  There's so many more hurdles for Iraq to jump through. 


I challenge any content creators out that's making videos about the debate...Bring  your receipts.  Bring your proof that I'm wrong and I'll bring my proof why I say I'm right.  That's all you have to do.  It's not  that hard...Remember that I challenged people out there...I would give them $5,000 if they could...have a debate with me and prove me wrong about anything that I'm saying...How many people showed up?  


When you hear somebody tell you that, 'Hey in one country you cannot move forward and rebuild with huge projects with an exchange rate of 1,320 of your currencies for $1' just say, 'Oh yeah? 

 Look at Vietnam who has 26,000 of their currencies for every $1 and they continue to move forward.'

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 JUDY NOTES Thurs. 4 July 2024 Texas Snake:  No guarantees but the latest from the banker is the scuttlebutt from above him is certain bond ...