Thursday, June 13, 2024



You kind of need the IMF article VIII compliance and that's what we're waiting for which is a real effective exchange rate.  I think these guys are about ready to expose that.  I think al-Sudani...Alaq from the Central Bank of Iraq all of them have this in their eyes to see this come to fruition and very quickly...

Anybody going with Sudani is going against the mafias and going against those that are going to have their dollar auctions dry up.  

They're going..FOR READ MORE:

Anybody going with Sudani is going against the mafias and going against those that are going to have their dollar auctions dry up.  
They're going to have lots of different little things happen to them that are going to be painful.   Anybody that's holding the dollar when they change the exchange rate...those exchange companies, 197 banks that got tagged by the central bank...
they're going to have a painful experience because if you're no...FOR READ MORE:


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