Thursday, June 6, 2024


 ..What else is in the news?

I want to clarify some news floating around dinar-land about this budget issue. Appears that the parliament voted on the budget tables on Monday

So the cabinet (finance committee) forwarded this year’s budget tables for the allocations to the districts to parliament for a vote. It passed. There is a huge deficit in this budget.

 Many of these idiot intel gurus are telling you lies by using this deficit as their excuse to make, once again, a mountain of intel out of a bit of news. 

They tell their listeners that once the budget is passed in parliament it will trigger the RV and the RV will reduce the deficit because the dinar will be worth more. Really? I have a bridge for sale in NYC too if you are interested? LOL.. LOL..

Trust me when I say this in that any RV is not going to happen to shrink the deficit. How silly and stupid thinking is this. Oh… but of course these intel gurus will tell you anything to get your attention. RV, RV, RV everything is about the RV.

Yes, the deficit is NOT going to trigger the RV or the project to delete the zeros. Get it? Do we all have to get on the roller coaster ride again, only to enjoy the ride but to be disappointed once again when its over? To shrink the deficit parliament can do one of many things: 

1. Change the allocation schedule and allow more revenues to come it to pay for the projects not yet funded thus delay the project or 

2. Simply amend the budget to shrink it or 

3. Ask for a loan from the IMF to pay for it. More than likely they will choose #1 and/or #2 as they already told us they do not want to borrow again from the IMF.

4.Change the rate of the dinar greater than the dollar thus it will purchase more, thus reduce the deficit. 

I will also add that these intel gurus out there do not have proof of what they say and it is all just speculation and once again is more guessing. For them its just a guessing game, get it? Especially, this cigar smoking, half brained idiot from TNT. For all you TNT puppeteers did you listen to the TNT call from your slave master on Friday May 31st ? Today is Monday and so where is the RV? The vote is taken already. This is just more bullshit, yet another event to watch that amounted to, once again, absolutely nothing…

I have told everyone over and over again the real issues to watch are the banking reforms and what the CBI and Finance Committee are doing in this respect. 

Please go review again the steps in the DR Shabibi plan that will get to the reinstatement. To date it appears they may have finally found a way to control the parallel market rate but I was told by my CBI contact that they still need more time to watch it before they claim any real stability.

 I can see that issuing the dollars to these 24,000 pilgrims could have a substantial impact as they released more dollars but did it hopefully in a safe way that can’t be stolen and abused. I am still not sure how all this is working and don’t want to speculate. Just give it time and we will eventually see why the CBI decided to do this the way they did.

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