Tuesday, June 18, 2024



 If there's an exchange process all banks that are dealing in currency exchanges will be involved.  All you have to do is find your local bank that buys and sells foreign currency and just wait for the restrictions to be removed off the Iraqi dinar and once they change the exchange rate you can just walk your butt right on in there.  There is no special 800 number for that.  You can just go to your local bank and find out where the nearest bank is that deals with foreign currencies.


Article:  "Oil slides to four-month lows as OPEC+ deepens bearish sentiment  If oil prices continue to fall, where is the incentive for Iraq to increase their exchange rate?

 When a currency does a re-denomination and they remove the zeros and they release new bank notes, guess what? The old bank notes are no longer any good.  I've been preaching about that when it comes to ZIM dollars and if it happens to the Iraqi dinars.

[Reaction to Iraq Update Video below] 


Pay attention, this is the youth of Iraq.  They're very very hopeful.  Like I said before,  even if they delete the zeros that doesn't mean all is lost. 

 If you really believe Iraq's currency is going to be the strongest in the world, if you believe they're going to have one of the best economies in the world then just hold on to the currency.  These are people who live over there.  

They're telling you for the next 20 years Iraq is going to be booming.  And I'm not talking about conflict, I'm talking about the economy.


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