Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 💢 More from Tony, for those who are interested. 6.24.24 


Tony stated that he’s just as frustrated as everyone else is, especially after the high level of anticipation going into last weekend. 

Bankers and the 3 letter agencies are also frustrated, but they had nothing to share, as to why it didn’t occur. 

Tony hasn’t been given a new time frame as of yet, with the exception of being told “sometime this week.” 

The Banks had briefings late on Friday night, and were told that this is “their last meeting prior to us going in.”

Iraq was supposed to release money from the budget to all of the Providences across the region yesterday, but Tony was unable to find any articles today confirming that it had occurred. 

June 30th is the end of the 2nd financial quarter in Iraq. 

In Tony’s personal 

opinion, he believes that the countywide celebration scheduled for June 30th isn’t about celebrating “media day,” as he’s “never heard of such a thing before.”

That event is being attended by Ambassadors, Dignitaries, other heads of state, and finance ministers, from not only the region, but from around the world. 😉🥳

That’s it for the highlights, have an amazing day, and let’s hope that this is FINALLY our week. 🥳

Much love and  blessings to everyone. 🤗❤️🙏

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