Saturday, June 22, 2024

Iraq announces the overthrow of the ‘most important terrorist detachment” in Salah al-Din and carries out two raids on ISIS dens, 23 JUNE

Iraq announces the overthrow of the ‘most important terrorist detachment” in Salah al-Din and carries out two raids on ISIS dens

Shafaq News / The Joint Operations Command announced, on Saturday, the overthrow of the “most important terrorist detachment” in Salah al-Din, citing the implementation of two raids on ISIS dens in the province.

A leadership statement in response to Shafaq News said, “The Iraqi National Intelligence Service in conjunction with the Counter-Terrorism Agency carried out a qualitative operation that was based on accurate information and activated the intelligence effort with the targeting cell of the Joint Operations Command in the Balkan Mountains in the Toz Khurmatu district within the eastern Salah al-Din operations boycotter.”

The statement continued, “The heroes in these two devices began monitoring and follow-up operations for the terrorists in the above region and besieging the most important terrorist detachment within this sector, and in coordination with the brave air hawks, two air strikes were carried out by F_16 aircraft that dracked this tunnel as well as the rest of the ocars, which led to the killing of all members of the terrorist detachment, the number of whose members is estimated according to preliminary information, 7 terrorists, including a dangerous commander.”أمـن/العراق-يعلن-ال-طاحة-بـ-هم-مفرزة-رهابية-في-صلاح-الدين-وينفذ-غارتين-على-وكار-لداعش

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