Friday, June 14, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Mike Bara. 06/13/2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Mike Bara. 06/13/2024

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: A very happy Thursday Night to everybody.

MZ: We have a guest tonight that has information that will get you darn right excited and giddy. At least it did me. Here’s Mike Bara- who got some very interesting news today. 

MB: Happy to be here and I want to say that this is not a rumor. I am not passing on a rumor. 

MB: I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy. And the guy that I know that knows the guy that knows the other guy  he said  he  got a call from a High corporate banking official from a major bank. And he said “You know that thing you have been bugging me about for the last 10 years?” ( and we all know what it is – it’s the RV) And the banker said “Well congratulations  buddy- your dreams are about to come true!” 

MB: The contact said ”Well, what do you mean?” And the banker said “We just got a memo today , a letter from headquarters informing us to Get Ready Right Now because the Iraqi dinar is revaluating extremely soon. Boom. 

MZ: Revaluating? I thought this was important so I told Mike I had sat down with some bankers who wanted to run through scenarios with me and my currency and train some people. And that was the exact term they used in banking then.

MZ:  It is going to revaluate;;…Its revaluating. That is the terms the banks use. They do not say RV or that it’s going to revalue. Its revaluating. 

MB: Right – that’s a technical term . And I will tell you this, The contact I have – well he knows people that you all in Dinarland have heard of. He is not making this up and he did have this conversation with his friend at a major bank who has a high position in that bank…. That was This morning.. We are working on trying to get a copy of the actual memo. I don’t think we will be able to….but I told him he could redact parts or we would do it for him …we just want the essence of the communication. Just to show you that this isn’t made up. 

MB: I don’t know how to evaluate the term “really soon” except to say I think it means in the next 2 or 3 days .We don’t know but, that’s what I think it means. 

MB: Over in rumble my partner on my show “Real News live with Mike and Jen” Without knowing this story  …she got in her jentel meditations today “ The next 2 or 3 days is the plan” 

Member: Mike From your lips to the bankers ears!

MB: We don’t need Iraq to have a public rate to go…We have talked about that. And yet we might get one at the same time as we go. 

MB: Jen also got today that they are monitoring suspicious business in Reno …They are also watching rates move on screens …Best estimate is today or tomorrow, but later if Reno has a problem…..But currencies are flowing from exchange centers into Reno. . . then sent back to the countries of origin. That’s what she says. 

MB After I told her the bank story today. Jen says it’s happening right now. Money is flowing. I am about as excited as I have ever been. I have to tell you again that my source is not lying about this…..He is not making it up. He got this phone all today. 

MZ: Over the last 4-5 days I have received so many calls from people in banking  who told me “You are right- they are telling us it is imminent and any moment. We should be seeing it soon- get yourself prepared“

MB: It sounds like the same types of memos are going out all over. 

Member: Does this means Iraq is going sola?

MZ: I don’t believe that is what it means. too many banking contacts are talking about the zim , 2 other currencies we hold and the bolivar. 

MB: I cannot really elaborate on this now…but I hope you have some. 

Member:  Mike Bara with the “Home run”. Thank you Sir!

Member: I have a contact in Missouri that has been contacted by a private banker with a Tier 1 bank. They told him to get prepared for the upcoming event. 

MZ: So many of you guys who are unrelated…Don’t talk to each other and live in different areas are getting the same notices. And its very exciting when you share them with us. 

Member: Mark, you said yesterday Zim is being aggregated by groups…what does that mean? Does that affect the Zim going with the dinar? 

MZ: Different sellers and groups have put their Zim together and is being negotiated by a paymaster. It has nothing to do with it going the same time….or the timing. 

Member: Does anyone have the Gov document about no taxes for the Iraqi Dinar?

MZ: Go to section 6 Financial Sector:  The last sentence says “There are no taxes or subsidies on purchases or sales of foreign exchange.”

Member: I wouldn't even care if I was taxed if it meant the RV was coming. I'm grateful either way

Member: Thanks Mark and Mike……Awesome news tonight……thanks you so much. 

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