Thursday, May 16, 2024





What Bruce said about the speech about the speech he doesn’t know – so intel a bit disconcerting at the rally there was an attempt made from a BH Secret Service agent posing – luckily the real SS were able to get him and take him off – this recinded the green light from the military temporarily so now we are back resetting and was supposed to happen late this afternoon or tonight and it might have had to do with the presentation – so we don’t know why that speech hasn’t happened yet. 

 So otherwise we were set to go today before lunch and didn’t happen  - so what is the plan and the latest thing is from the US Space Force and his or her contacts indicated that our window for notifications would be between midnight and tomorrow  - on the 15th. 

  - So maybe tomorrow or CW’s Thursday – but Bruce just keeps mentioning it and it could do  but of course we need those numbers to come in via email and those three green GO Lights and then we can move forward again.

I think that’s really what you all want to know and this came in from Iraq who saw that there was a rate of over 8 and was an in country rate and the Dong is just below rate in country in Iraq and we know the Dinar was not traded on Forex on Sunday  - we found that it didn’t go on Forex but it did go on the CBI platform and showed up there 

  - Sunday President Sudani made two of three announcements and then the third one Monday – now we are waiting on President Trump and might be about the USN and have an asset backed currency.  And yesterday the QFS is now fully connected and not just mirrored.   As of yesterday ALL our accounts are Live with the QFS and it’s very much of interest to us and we are all lined up and we were meant to get notified today and didn’t happen and also was thought that the trigger might have been Trumps speech tonight 

- but the channels Bruce was given he’s not been able to see what has happened to President Trump.   Will we have another call Thursday – we will have to wait and see – we know we are super close and banks all trained down to the tellers and now they just need to throw the switch so that we can make our appointments and hopefully we see this between tonight and tomorrow now-    So let’s see what transpires tomorrow.   Bruce praying out the call 

– please pray with him and keep your own heartfelt and sincere prayers being said until this Heavenly Blessings is fully manifest into ALL our Lives and the Whole of Humanity.   My Love to Each and Every single one of you – pay close attention to tomorrow and pray that is our day.   Lots of Love Gem.

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