Sunday, May 26, 2024

Government breakdown of 2024 budget schedules: Spending will contribute to reducing the deficit, 26 MAY

 Government breakdown of 2024 budget schedules: Spending will contribute to reducing the deficit

5/25/2024 Baghdad

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Saturday, that the variables of the financial tables conform to the constants of the tripartite budget, while indicating that the spending pattern will contribute to reducing the deficit.

Saleh said, “The announcement of the financial schedule variables for the year 2024 was in accordance with the constants adopted by Law No. 13 of 2023, the Federal (Tripartite) General Budget Law, especially with regard to the hypothetical deficit, which amounts to approximately 64 trillion dinars.”
He explained: “There are important trends in the management of the public budget, whether in addition to public expenditures, as the spending ceiling reached 211 trillion dinars, or revenues and deficits.”

He pointed out that "oil prices are still higher than their estimates in the tripartite budget of $70 per barrel, with a positive change rate of more than 16 percent above the approved price, and we are approaching the middle of the fiscal year while maintaining the export rates approved in the budget and managing oil production efficiently and accurately." “In accordance with international agreements with OPEC regarding control over production quotas.”

He added: "There is high discipline in maximizing non-oil revenues, especially tax and customs revenues, specifically after adopting automation, modern methods and information technology in tax and customs assessment, estimation and collection." 

He pointed to "striving to impose discipline on operational expenditures and keep spending on them within acceptable minimum limits, in addition to ensuring that the efficiency of investment spending and the operation of all approved projects is increased, in order to ensure a high growth rate in the gross domestic product at a rate exceeding twice the rate of population growth, by launching the project movement." New without delay or stop.

He stressed that “the pattern of public spending, in accordance with the schedules announced, is characterized by accuracy, objectivity, and self-savings, which contributes to reducing the resort to financing the actual deficit, even when needed, through internal borrowing and within limits that ultimately do not exceed the accepted international standard percentage for financing the deficit, which amounts to 3 percent.” of the country's total gross domestic product. LINK

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