Friday, May 3, 2024


 KTFA FRANK26: "GOTCHA!!!"...............F26

UN expert: We will soon announce the results of the investigation into the Speicher crime and who planned and carried it out



 The international expert, Kanga Tiburi, who is responsible for investigating the Speicher crime in the international investigation team {Unitad}, revealed that the investigations into the 2014 Speicher crime in Salah al-Din Governorate have reached “very advanced” stages and will be announced soon.

Tibori said in her speech at the workshop held by the Alamein Institute for Postgraduate Studies and the UNITAD team, on cooperation between Iraq and the United Nations in criminal accountability, on Tuesday, that “the Speicher attack had ideological motives behind it and reflected the anti-Shiite ideologies in this crime of genocide and crime against humanity, even though they "Lay down your weapons and wear civilian clothes."
He stated, "The investigation included searching for who planned the Tikrit crime, who carried it out, who issued the orders, the number of participants in the crime, and the number of victims."
On November 29, 2023, the head of Baghdad/Al-Rusafa Criminal Courts, Judge Dhiyaa Al-Kinani, revealed that more than 3,000 students were martyred at the hands of ISIS for no fault other than that they were students who did not carry out their duties as members of the security forces.
He pointed out, “Most of the perpetrators of the crime were punished.” Among them are according to the law, in addition to the fact that all of these rulings have become final, and the remainder of these terrorists are being prosecuted locally and internationally, in addition to the issuance of judicial decisions seizing their movable and real estate assets, circulating arrest warrants against them throughout Iraq and the International Interpol, and preventing their travel.”


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