Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Minister of Oil announces the imminent start of experimental operation of the Halfaya gas field, 10 APRIL

 The Minister of Oil announces the imminent start of experimental operation of the Halfaya gas field

Oil Priest Hayan Abdul Ghani reported today, Tuesday, the impending beginning of preliminary activity of the Halfaya gas field.

Abdul Ghani told the authority organization and his devotee, “, that “gas is viewed as the energy that can be depended upon later on before very long,” showing that “the Service has made extraordinary strides in the issue of putting resources into gas to lessen its consuming from different fields.”

He added, “Large numbers of the ventures that have been marked and enacted incorporate the Basra (NGL) project, which is (NGL1) and (NGL2), which is carried out by the Basra Gas Organization and is in association among Shell and the South Gas Organization,” highlighting “the marking of an agreement with the French organization All out.” ” This is viewed as one of the Service’s significant agreements for gas speculation with a limit of 600 million cubic feet, notwithstanding the utilization of sun based energy to produce electrical energy, as well as the utilization of seawater for repository infusion purposes, which will give 5,000,000 barrels of stream water for horticultural inspirations, which is viewed as one of the harmless to the ecosystem projects second to none.”

He focused on that “there are undertakings to put gas in the Halfaya field in Maysan with a limit of 300 million cubic feet, which has arrived at the last phases of preliminary activity,” bringing up that “this venture will be worked inside a few months and the gas will be coordinated to the public lattice to work the power stations.”

That’s what he expressed “there is one more task in Nasiriyah with a limit of 200 million cubic feet of gas, which is being executed by an American organization, Dough puncher Hughes,” making sense of that “this undertaking has arrived at a fruition pace of 65% and will be worked during the second from last quarter of this current year at halfway limit.” It surpasses 60 million cubic feet, as gas will be contributed from the Nasiriyah and Gharraf fields.

As to processing plants record, Abdul Ghani made sense of, “We have a Heavenly Karbala treatment facility project with a limit of 140,000 barrels each day, and it is viewed as one of the cutting edge and harmless to the ecosystem treatment facilities second to none.”

He affirmed, “The fruition and activity of the fourth unit in the southern processing plants notwithstanding the northern treatment facilities (Bayji) with a limit of 150 thousand barrels each day,” bringing up that “these treatment facilities were obliterated during the fights with ISIS, yet with the endeavors of the extra men in the Northern Treatment facilities Organization, they were restarted.”

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