Saturday, April 13, 2024


 Militia Man

  The Iraq stage is clearly set for Al-Sudani to come to the USA...His achievements to date are phenomenal in totality!  The DFI funds / funding having been the legal basis for depositing oil revenues in the new "IRAQ2" account with the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, "is the expiration of EO 13303", which granted Iraq the ability for her funds to be deposited in an account to be protected with legal authority, and to be where they are now. 

  Bottom line is Iraq has about $16 to $17 trillion worth of product in the ground that they know of and they're going to go after it...

 Remember when you say Iraq was paying for all of their major construction at 1310 you'll see...payments were able to disperse out of the DFI fund..

.Food, currency exchange programs, electricity, oil infrastructure programs, equipment for Iraqis, equipment for security forces, civil services, salaries, Ministry of budget operations - that's a broad spectrum...They had a lot of things that they could tap into that oil money revenue stream dollars [DFI}.  It wasn't in dinars.  Things have changed now...They have a time crunch...Since the DFI has gone into the Iraqi2 Fund you're going to see big changes I'm excited to see...

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