Monday, April 22, 2024



  Like we told you IOO he [Al-Sudani] gave orders to have the screens put up.  I don't know how long it's going to take for him to make this announcement to the Iraqi citizens but I just don't see it happening much longer...

 It seems to me the pattern of these bank stories that I've been receiving are changing more in the  direction that'Yeah, we know.  We don't know when.  We don't know what to tell you.  We don't know how much...but yeah we know what's going on. '    

[Al-Sudani Q and A in Washington DC 1 hour 28 minute mark]  Community Member:  The question was asked...Is the government thinking of revaluing the dinar and reinstating the value of the dinar due to the current circumstances in the markets or do you see that it say the same?  

Sudani replies by saying 'This policy is dedicated by the central bank and the governments abide by what the CBI decides.  Right now I believe we are in the best status that we could be in...We started the reforms...this is going to raise the level of the value of the Iraqi dinar.'  He told the whole world...

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