Monday, April 29, 2024

Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq Can Track Money Laundering Crimes Even Abroad, 29 APRIL

 Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq Can Track Money Laundering Crimes Even Abroad

Politics/Security |Today, 16:40 |Baghdad today – Baghdad   The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed today, Sunday (April 28, 2024), that Iraq can track money laundering crimes, through its supervisory bodies, even outside the country.

Committee member Duraid Jamil Ishou told “Baghdad Today” that “Iraq, through its competent oversight bodies in the Integrity Commission as well as its competent security agencies from the Intelligence Service and others, can track all money laundering crimes,” noting that  “Iraq has achieved success in this file during the last period".

Ishua stated, “Some of the movements of these agencies in this file are secret to ensure the success of the tracking operations, and there is coordination with the country in which the money is being moved, in addition to tracking the fleeing corrupt people in coordination and cooperation with the international police,” noting that   “Iraq’s foreign relations are good with all countries.”

 This contributed to achieving success in pursuing the fleeing corrupt people and recovering Iraq’s smuggled money.”

The Integrity Commission had announced that international arrest warrants had reached 19, and the number of requests for legal assistance related to seizing smuggled funds outside Iraq had reached 17 requests, while smuggled funds and their financial transfers amounting to 400,000 US dollars, 22 real estate, 8 shares in companies, 9 bank accounts, and one wheel were followed.

 While the value of corruption funds smuggled outside Iraq amounted to 1,400,500 US dollars, and 10 real estate properties in one investigative case, according to the Integrity Report for 2023 activities.النزاهة-النيابية-العراق-يستطيع-تتبع-جرائم-غسيل-الأموال-حتى-في-الخارج.html   

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