Wednesday, February 7, 2024


 Militia Man 

  Article quote:  "Iraq is better off now ever than it's in its financial history."  

Even at a program rate, even at where we've been and what we've seen the central bank has probably done the job that they said they were going to do... Bottom line is Iraq has natural resources found, probably proven or probably...That is huge.

 The Iraqi Central Bank is not going to come out and say, 'by the way you guys, tomorrow we're going to come out and drop the three zeros and guess what it's going to be at X [rate].'  They're not going to do that.  Nor is the...Finance Minister going to say, 'Hey by the way, I'm going to order the Central Bank of Iraq to what they got to to to change the value of the currency.'  Nor is the US Treasury, US Federal Reserve, World Bank, IMF or Bank of International Settlements...

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