Sunday, February 4, 2024


 Militia Man 

 When we say non-oil economy - Iraq's currency back in the day during Saddam Hussein was $3.22...I think everybody can agree with's public information.  That was on oil only.  You didn't add in gas...hydrogen... lithium...taxes and tariffs at the borders...Everybody that is invested in the Iraqi dinar...should know...these things to be evident and true...

  We all know the progress is amazing ... Article quote:  "Central Bank Governor says, we prevented banks and companies from obtaining the dollar and the work on the electronic platform will end during the current year."  He didn't say at the end of the year.  He said it's going to end during the currency year ...The electronic platform is where you get the dollar that goes to the parallel market which is smuggled out of the country... He's going to cease that.  Could that come any time?  That very well could come at any time because tomorrow is during the current year...I believe Alaq is on a mission.

  You're not going to LOP your currency.  You're just not going to do that to your currency...Elementary school math will not allow Iraq's budget at 1310 to do any of this [Investments, reforms, reconstruction projects etc.]

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