Sunday, February 11, 2024

"If the Dollar is No Longer the World’s Reserve Currency" by MIKECRISTO8, 11 FEB

 Natalie F Danelishen


Replying to @WallStreetSilv

Putin is correct. If the dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency those dollars in other countries would flood back into the US …we will see hyperinflation as it would be too much money chasing too few goods. It would be a collapse of our economy.



Replying to @Chesschick01

Well…not exactly. You see the U.S. Treasury created more dollar “reserve assets” held by foreign central banks abroad ($150+ Trillion), both Ponzi Financial assets and dollar reserves for the petrodollar oil trade, than the U.S. Treasury debt and stock market valuations. 

For every dollar that gets repatriated back to the U.S. Treasury asset side, you must remove a corresponding one dollar from the Treasury liability side, which also corresponds to commercial banks liability side because a commercial bank holds Treasury bond collateral. Banks have made more deposits (loans to the investors) that are created than the asset side of a bank’s balance sheet. 

Right now, those dollars being repatriated back to the U.S. Treasury are currently being bought up by BlackRock. Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) which has a balance of roughly $25 Trillion. Again $150 Trillion of financial assets abroad and perhaps another $100 Trillion as central bank *oil reserves. Once BlackRock‘s ESF is drained, and Blackrock goes insolvent, commercial banks will be forced to call in their Dollar loans which are currently parked in the stock market. The stock market will eventually go to zero. Why? Because the world’s gold held by foreign central banks will ALL pledge their gold reserves to back the renminbi as a gold-backed global “reserve asset” in the oil trade payment settlement. 

I believe this renminbi unveiling comes on the heels of the Tucker – Putin interview.

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