Thursday, February 29, 2024




So, having said all this the third article backs up what I just said about the second article about how important electronic payments is to reducing the monetary mass, thus making the project to delete the zeros possible which contradicts what is said in the second article.

I quote from the article – “The Director of the Operations and Settlements Department at the Department of Information Technology and Payments, Zaid Humaid Rashid, said in a statement followed by the “Economy News” agency, that “electronic payment” will reduce the printing of paper currency as well as the strategic benefits of the country in general and the citizen in particular.”

They call the large three zeros notes “fiat currency” since it was expected to only be a temporary currency to help prevent hyper- inflation (which it did) as a result of the ten year embargo and wars. But it was not expected to continue this long, which we can see now that this is causing many of Iraq’s problems either directly or indirectly and it is time to end it.

In the second article by former MP, Ahmed Hama Rashid, he disputes the claims of why today is said not to be appropriate for conducting the project to delete the zeros. I just wanted to tie all these articles together for you, to analyze them and connect them to the news we heard earlier about ending the electronic platform thus the currency auctions. Folks, something is up and it is really BIG and is going to happen SOON. It is brewing and it is going to smack us all at once in a series of events, like announcing the full accession to the WTO, then the Project to Delete the zeros and then we will see the new rate pop out on FOREX. Wammo! Then what? 

Let’s not also lose sight of some really major political events that are about to happen that will turn around and change the nation from this disgusting madness we have seen in the last three years in America. It too is all coming to a head and these political events in America will coincide with the events in Iraq. Just watch and let them all play out. But most importantly PRAY, PRAY and PRAY! The Glory of God is going to bring the long-awaited Abundance and Prosperity to the world.

Think, think and think some more! How can there be this much chatter about these important topics, important to us, unless they are now working diligently on it and getting ready to do it. These events are what we have been waiting so long for. Get it? These are signs or benchmarks for us to map back to the Dr Shabibi 2011 plan that gives us reassurance the plan is being executed and where they are in the plan. I have to tell you we are nearing the end of the plan very quickly now.

This reminds me when I was in the intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army. We learned to intercept the enemy communications. To know the enemy’s plans allows you to adjust your thinking and to make your own plans accordingly. For our investment this is the time to get ready for this event. There is a wise saying in the military – “Better to be ready than to have to get ready” and scramble later. For those of you with large investments, are you actually ready? Do you have a plan written down, step by step of what to do once you leave the bank?

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