Friday, January 26, 2024



  Article:   "Urgent:  Iraq receives an important message from America.  And the Sudanese are studying it to respond"  Not only did they not tell us what was in the message but they're letting us know that an important one came across...I'm sure it's really serious...We need Iraq to stay stable and secure in order for their economy to grow, in order for outside investors to get involved, in order for them to strengthen their dinar, before we ever see an exchange take place...

 When people say they have to be article VIII compliant, they have to delete the 3-zeros, they make it sound like it's a mandate.  They don't have to delete the 3-zeros.  It's idealistic if they do but they don't have to delete the 3-zeros...No where does it say it's mandated.  

   There is a lot of good news out there for Iraq.   But you can't keep reporting the good news and saying that's the reason why it's going to be reinstated at $3.22.  There's no way they can carry out all these projects because they can't afford to.  That's a lie.  They've already calculated it in their budget the necessary money needed to do these projects.  They did it at the current rate.  Don't fall for that crap. 

I never said it's not going to happen. It absolutely will but it's going to go up in increments IMO.  Is Iraq doing what they need to do to get back on track?  They are.  What are the biggest hurdles?  They need to do something about corruption...Unless these things change we're going to have a hard time getting to where we're trying to...change the exchange rate.

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