Friday, January 12, 2024



 You'll notice as they have finished those elections, they're now hitting the ground running.  The ball's rolling and everything is now starting to move forward to prepare for the revaluation ...That is why you are seeing the aggressive forward movement that you are.

The elections are the linchpin to all their remaining economic steps and movements including the rate change...These elections were a reform step, which is exactly what the rate change has been waiting on throughout this entire year.

The reforms are absolutely waiting on the rate change to implement.  They can't implement the reforms without changing the rate.  They're telling you the rate change itself is very clearly waiting and has been waiting this  entire year on these [provincial] elections...

 Since October of last year [Iraq's Federal elections] they have been setting the economic stage for the rate change... They're done setting the economic stage. They don't have any more economic steps to do.  That's why they're finishing the very last step of removing and cleaning up corruption at the second half of the government - The provincial level. 

 Today on Monday Iraq is holding their elections.   What does this mean to us?  According to Iraq's Central Bank removing corruption is the absolute minimum requirement for Iraq to be eligible to revalue their currency..

.These are the provincial level elections.  It's the second half of the government.  They already completed and held all their federal elections in October of last year...These elections are critical to the country to move it forward...

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