Sunday, December 17, 2023


 Militia Man

  We had some problems with the embassy recently...They put the army out from the 12th, a couple days back, through the 20th.  So you kind of go, wow.  They're really focusing in on the 20th.  Again, they are telling us a story.   Whether that is an indicator or not it's going to be determined. Don't think that we're telling you it's going down on the 20th because that's not what we said and that's not what I'm telling you.  But it's fascinating stuff...

  Romanowski  [US Ambassador to Iraq]  had her G7 meeting...She's taken photo op with the G7 supporting the reforms of Iraq.  That's powerful stuff.  

Article quote:  "...during the coming year the Iraq economic contact group will further cooperation to support the development of the economic and financial sector in Iraq including prime minister Al-Sudani's policies to enhance the value of the dinar...This is a clear announcement of the new policies regarding the dinar during the transitional period..."  That's a drop the mic you guys.  Phenomenal...In other words if you're going to enhance the value of the dinar something is going to change.

Article  "STATEMENT OF THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE G7, EUROPEAN UNION AND WORLD BANK"  This is the road map they have been using to show the world their intentions.

 They have every intention to see Iraq succeed and get back into the international arena and into her rightful place in the international financial system! We can see by the evidence over the last few months that support they are getting down to the wire...

 Iraq is presenting that they're going international and they have been talking about it for a long period of time.

  They've actually doing it for a long period of time and they're coming to fruition to where they've publicly told us they were going to start spending money and that could be as soon as around the 20th.  Then you have the end of the year dinar only.  They have the taxation in dinar on the same time frame.   These little bits and pieces they feed us, their time frames, we put it together...and we'll see how they roll out in the coming days.  It's a phenomenal process...

The dollar is going away between now and the 20th for commercial purposes.  It will not be used as of the same data for taxation in the country... Will they still be able to buy dollars to travel. ..?  Yes.  Will they be able to use the dollar for transactions in country for commercial purposes?  Answer, No.  Will they be able to use any other currency other than the dinar for commercial purposes within the country as of January 1, 2024 ...the answer is no...  Standby for this to get really exciting because everything we're seeing is telling me that we've never been here before...

  Article:   "Samsung: Iraq represents the most prominent market in the Middle East"  The Iraqi markets are going to explode. Samsung is going to be there all along the way. They will not be alone be sure. Having an early start is a big deal...Iraq's private sector is going to be on fire.

Al Sudani has established  a "Unique private sector development council..." ...Giving credibility to the private sector is getting ready to explode.  It's going to be phenomenal.  

 If the Finance Minister needs to work to the end of the year to make sure that everything's sorted and ready to go and do it right and do it properly so the Iraqi citizens get what they deserve which is purchasing power.  I think it's a phenomenal situation.  I think everybody can clearly see...they're doing it and it's coming to fruition...

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  Clare    Article: ”Imposing a curfew in all Iraqi governorates on November 20 and 21" Quote: " The Iraqi  government decided...t...