Thursday, November 23, 2023


 Judy Note: Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, I will not be sending out another Update until Mon. morning 27 Nov. – unless the 800#s come out at which time I will gladly publish anything I can find.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.


  • 113 years ago this week JP Morgan and his Bankster Buddies started a Cartel called the Federal Reserve.
  • Fri. 17 Nov. midnight Green Light turned on for Global Currency Reset.
  • Sun. 19 Nov. at 3pm EST the Global Currency Reset and Global Financial System ISO20022 went live.
  • As of Mon. 20 Nov. US Government Bonds were now worthless, the Federal Reserve literally had no monies, any bank not ISO20022 compliant was out of business and Banks were failing Worldwide.
  • This Thanksgiving Weekend the Bond Market was set to collapse.
  • At some point Project Odin Begins: Starlink EBS Active, X, New Financial System, 10 Day Movie, New Currency Rates effective, Trump Return.
  • Fri. 1 Dec. End of Currency Exchanges, Zim Redemption at Redemption Centers.
  • On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Wed. 22 Nov. Wolverine: “I just came out of meeting and they are confident that everything looks ready for this weekForget about Wednesday and Thursday as it’s festive season for the US. I’m very confident that we should be good to go after those two public holidays. Happy Thanksgiving for all my American friends.” … “Mauricio Castaño the head of the Humanitarian Platform is in the US and meeting all banking protocols to get all the funds released. This is just about ready to go. US banks are ready to go. Whales and South America received their notifications last week and are ready to go. We have to wait another day.”
  • Wed. 22 Nov. The Simpson Prediction: Today? Doubt it. But it is a very peculiar case. The timing of this. The Bond Market Collapse on the weekend . Q’ (Blackout Necessary). The Countdown Intelligence Agencies Reporting potential terror attack in New York. Remember Congress mentioned a blackout would happen on a Friday? Jerome Powell said the Global Markets are controlled by one switch. Then I thought about the Central SWIFT activation for 2023. You know what’s funny? The Comex 589 Rule. Guess what dates equal this? 11/19/2023. The same day ISO-20022 went live. Basically “The Reset.”
  • Wed. 22 Nov. MarkZ: “Expect implosion of Bonds over the Holiday Weekend.”
  • Wed. 22 Nov. TNT: The Three Letter Agencies are still saying the RV could go any minute, but Tony doesn’t think they’ll do it right before Thanksgiving. Tomorrow night Thurs. 23 Nov. would make more sense, so that we can go exchange/redeem onFriday 24 Nov. There are banks that are scheduling some of their clients for Friday 24 Nov. (people who have made contact with their banks to exchange with them instead of at an exchange center). Everyone is still excited, we’re just waiting to go. (Tony got a text in middle of call saying it is supposed to go tonight Wed. 22 Nov.).
  • CaptainMarvelJunior on Telegram: Got intel last Sun. “Everything Everywhere all at Once” Although NO DATE was given, but it is believed to be within a window of 72 hours to 96 hours (to Thurs. 23 Nov).
  • Mon. 20 Nov. TNT: The Three Letter Agencies got the green light, but don’t know when the RV is going to go. The banks were told it will still happen before the end of the month.
  • Tues. 21 Nov. Bruce: “On Tues. 21 Nov. at 11 am EST they made the decision that the Redemption Centers would not be open on Thanksgiving. Notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) to make exchange/ redemption appointments would likely come right after Thanksgiving.”
  • Wed. 22 Nov. Huge Update! The Unstoppable Force of QFS That’s About to Engage 8 Billion People Worldwide! – Gazetteller
  • Wed. 22 Nov. Q Phones and GESARA: Trump’s Vision for the Future of Quantum Phones and the Global Currency Reset, Powered by Stellar Blockchain – American Media Group (

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