Monday, October 23, 2023



 There's a lot of confusion about whether these banks in Iraq are on sanction and how it is affecting the exchange rate.  Article:  "The Reality of US 'Sanctions' on Iraqi Banks" ...

I've seen articles where they say these banks are under sanctions but if you go to the official website they're not listed there so it's like a gray area.  They're under sanctions but they're not officially under sanctions.  It's like putting them in a 'time-out' is what it is.  

The beginning of January there will be no more use of the US dollar, that should be a major plus for the Iraqi dinar. 

 It shouldn't take very long after that and we should start seeing some increases in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate.

 Humanitarian projects...800#s, numbers on the back screens, somebody with magical codes, redemption centers, all that is bull shit...I'm not saying I don't want to do one [humanitarian project]

 but I'm saying it's not a prerequisite to exchange your dinars...I encourage people to do humanitarian projects...You don't have to do a humanitarian project...but there's going to be an overwhelming feeling to want to do humanitarian projects as soon as it happens..

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